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Holy Warriors - Civilization 5 (BNW) Succession Game

Sorry for triple posting, but I'm afraid that people will miss edit in my posts.

Taking a look at the save, what about buying the deer tile in Devotion? Not sure if we'll use the gold for something better, but we'd get a 3/1 tile to work in place of the 2/0 grassland and we could improve it to a 6 yield tile soon. If we wait for the city to acquire it, it'll be end game already.

3 Roman cities already have 1 Druidism follower, including Neapolis, which is only 2 pop. How many followers do we need in a city until it converts?

What do you guys think about building a work boat to explore in Divinity? I guess it's too risky with barbs around (especially since there's a barb camp retty close, in a one tile island).

What do you guys think about buying a scout with faith and using it to clear that barb camp Timmy found? 3 city states want it cleared, including religious Jerusalem. Some turns of friendly relations will pay back the faith we spent to buy the scout, I think. If we are going to this, perhaps we should pledge to protect those 3 city states (Jerusalem, Mombasa and Singapore).

Amphitheaters are bad builds overall, I think, but our UB requires them, so perhaps we want them built. The Celtic UB gives +3 happiness, which seems pretty good. So, perhaps we could build one before the barracks in Devotion.

I used to know about that city tile fix but forgot it from lack of use, since it means reclicking every single citizen to manual control. But yeah good at small sizes.

Yes, shrines should come as soon as we get the Piety opener. I agree with pushing faith to a prophet to squelch Islam and Protestantism. It's gotta be fast though (before we buy any units), before Islam converts any nearby cities, or else they will just re-pressure the holy city back.

Barracks applies to cash buys, so assume it does for faith buys.

Don't buy deer in Devotion because it will piss off Rome. We don't want them mad yet.

You generally need half a city's population as followers to convert, although it's not quite as simple as 1/2, it deals with pressure as fractions behind the scenes. Actually Ravenna should convert first because it's smallest.

Work boats are poor explorers because any owned coastal territory blocks them, they can't really go find another direction to go like a land unit can.

One scout can't clear a barb camp. We need at least a Gallic Warrior and maybe also an archer/comp bow. And it's easier to reach the nearby camp that Monaco wants cleared.

Didn't realize that amphitheater was UB prereq, good call, sounds as good as anything else in Devotion.

See it, will play tonight or tomorrow at the latest. Good turns!

(June 18th, 2015, 23:49)T-hawk Wrote: One scout can't clear a barb camp. We need at least a Gallic Warrior and maybe also an archer/comp bow. And it's easier to reach the nearby camp that Monaco wants cleared.

I was thinking that the wounded barb would just stay fortifying the barb camp forever, so even a scout could capture it. Probably not worth it even if it happened, though, because it probably delays our second GPro, which I think is the best play anyway.

Not sure we can beat Morroco, though. They have Stonehenge and they are running Piety. They probably going to surpass us in faith pretty soon.

Got it. Do we want Amphitheatres in all cities? Piety is finishing a Library in 5 turns, and options for the next build will be Colosseum or Amphitheatre. Divinity will also finish its Circus during my turns. We don't need Colosseums yet - or do we? On the other hand, our UB is a Theatre replacement, unlocked at Acoustics - that's miles away

The Monaco trade route will expire during my turnset, any plans for that Caravan once it happens? Don't think we discussed it

Do we want Writers' Guild somewhere? I don't think it's important for us at all, but maybe I'm missing something?

I think we build Shrines first, since piety opener will be avaiable in 4 turns.

Temples come after shrines. Don't forget those. Temples just aren't on the list now because the shrine is a prereq.

Trade route... I'd suggest rehoming it to Devotion in order to send food or production to Faith. Faith building wonders is our most critical piece for the next few turn sets.

Oh right somehow Piety opener didn't connect with Shrines in cities other than capital in my head. Shrines it is
We can't send production yet, the originating city needs a Workshop for that (unlocked at Metal Casting). Food from Devotion to Faith sounds reasonable

Late to the party...very nice set Thawk.

Agree on general shrine/temple plan once Oracle done (and capital Oracle>Shrine>NC)

Future stuff past Yuri's sets
Theology wonders: Wouldn't we want Great Mosque before Borobudur, so we get stronger missionaries? Or would having the missionaries sooner offset them having one less spread?

Should we consider Hagia in Devotion, just to spread out the wonder load and not have the capital build everything?

I think we should prepare ourselves for not being able to shut down Islam with a great prophet. Ours is just too far away I think, even accounting for faith about to get stronger with the Piety shrines and Temples. We'll see of course but I bet it (and Hiwatha's protestant) get spread a bit before next prophet. Also yuris please check tech costs if any other AI's hit medieval, see if they did it through Theo. (unlikely since it seems we are still only ones with Philo)...good to know how much contest we have for those wonders.

Maybe the writer's guild would be useful? The "whatever they call it" writer-bulb produces 8 turns of culture and the first great writer is pretty cheap. And the culture from the writers itself looks significant now that the culture from other buildings is so much lower. I don't see the speed of the remaining Piety polices being absolutely crucial but might be nice. Probably not in capital though, we will be keeping the capital busy on wonders so won't want to do specialists there.

Ampitheatres...pretty blah. Building an amp (in preparation for our UB) means we are spending 300 hammers and 2 gold/turn for 3 happy and 2 culture. Maybe we will need the happy eventually but that's worse than Colosseums. I definitely wouldn't want to frontload the costs by building the ampitheatres anytime soon. Also don't really see Acoustics being a priority tech,
think that in the Renaissance we will be focusing on the bottom of the tree where the units are.

Cathy has CS (OB available) which may be worth paying for to get the scout through.

Perhaps we ask Maria for DoFriendship? It's available again.

Inherited turn: bought embassy from Maria. Asked for DoF but she declined. Switched Devotion to Amphitheatre
IBT: Dogpile happens! Russia, Morocco, Rome, and Sweden all declare war on Iroquois
OK I didn't actually play a single turn yet, but I'd like opinions please. Do we need to react to this change in diplomacy in any way? I don't think it affects us, but I may be wrong?

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