Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[PB25 Spoiler] General Flauros leads the Creole Calabim

Sorry to hear that Joey, I hope things improve for you.

(June 27th, 2015, 02:36)Krill Wrote:
(June 26th, 2015, 21:39)GermanJoey Wrote: HAK sent me a PM, saying he was waiting for input from the lurkers... alright, that's reasonable. I'm depressed this week because of the job thing (had to come in to work to train my replacement, XD), so I have to remember that my first reaction to anything will be an over-reaction. (compared to normal I mean) shakehead

Wut? You got fired?

Yeah, company-wide layoffs, the new CEO has another round every few months... thousands got hit this time. And thx, TBS.

(June 27th, 2015, 00:56)Qgqqqqq Wrote:
(June 26th, 2015, 20:32)GermanJoey Wrote:

Discussion text at the top.

Also, that sucks Jojo. I hope things improve.

Oh yeah, I think I was just shit talking with john some (THAT'S JUST HOW WE DO AT BADGAME.NET shades), as he's subbing for borsche.

Jesus mate, that fucking sucks. You feeling OK?

Good luck in the job hunt.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Thanks for the concern and well wishes, I'm feelin' really miserable actually... havin' a hard time keeping together IRL (believe or not, I'm actually not a rage guy IRL, actually quite even-keeled and cheery even!) so of course I'm becoming even more unhinged than usual online...

and, on that note, Commodore appears to have invaded my island this turn with about a half a dozen Knights via 5 galleys, and none of my forces are in a position to defend it. An obvious move for him, although I was hoping it would not happen quite so soon. "But Joey," you say, "Old Harry said that Commodore wasn't your neighbor! He even used the weed smiley smoke to show how fucking retarded he thought you were for even implying it. How then, if Commodore is nowhere near your civ, could he invade you?" Actually, good lurker, Commodore's size 18 capital is just 13 tiles away from my own and we've actually shared a border for over 50 turns! It turns out we really were neighbors after all, how about that! smoke

I'll lose Black Seminoles, already lost one of the cities I took from Elkad, and will likely lose the other two once those troops get cut off from reinforcements. I had a few longbows en-route, if only he had hit next turn instead of this one... arrgh, and maybe I could theoretically stop him at Uptown Warriors with the influx of troops from HAK's land... but now I'm not even sure if that's worth it. I'd also need peace with Elkad to safely ship troops over after the first wave but Elkad played after Com did and then demanded those same three cities for peace. Like, what are you thinking dude, I wouldn't even be allowed to give those to you now if I wanted to now that Com invaded.

Well, this is the result of my very slow conquest of Elkad I think. Part of that was the turn-timer thing, but then part of that too was that I did not expect Elkad to put up so much resistance with the way he had been playing, and so I am unprepared for the inevitable... why go balls to the wall defending after you get invaded instead of just building some troops to begin with? He gave an easy peace to Donovan, I'm not sure why he refused me every time. Well, I knew this invasion was a risk, but one I felt like I had no option but to take. And, with HAK acting like he's been, this was all Com needed to do to completely seal up victory.

So, the game is over. I throw in my hat for concession, as no matter what kind of tech lead I can achieve (I think I'm ahead in total beakers now, for whatever nothing that's worth) I can't compete against 25 cities with just 10 9 (I forgot that I'll lose the city I traded with HAK too plub). I'll try to defend the best I can but for the love of fuck, if I can get peace treaties somehow, can someone out there please take over for me after that, this horrible game is completely killing my love for Civ4 MP completely.

I think maybe switching into caste at all was a mistake, even for just 5 turns... I coulda longbows in place already on the island. Well, live and learn I guess. *jumps off cliff*

Better luck IRL, Joey. alright

I'm sorry to hear that about your job. Said CEO is likely going to earn a lot of money through stocks by slashing payroll and when his/her time to get fired arrives it will be with a golden parachute. Workers never matter, just the damned shareholders. rant

You'll be back on your feet soon. alright

(June 28th, 2015, 09:57)Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote: I'm sorry to hear that about your job. Said CEO is likely going to earn a lot of money through stocks by slashing payroll and when his/her time to get fired arrives it will be with a golden parachute. Workers never matter, just the damned shareholders. rant

That's not very PHB of you; surrender your avatar immediately! shhh

On a serious note, that sucks Joey. I'm in Oil and we've been having layoffs all year- and not in big chunks but in the slow paranoia-inducing trickle that kills morale. I've been fortunate so far, but have seen a lot of good people go and seen their challenges, so I hope things go well for you from now. alright

Zed, Boldly, Dreylin - thank you.

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