Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Wow. Simply WOW.

I just had the most thrilling game of Civ 4 (prince difficulty). I also now make any renounciation of any claims that I am anything other than a cruel, evil heartless bastard. I was playing as the Incans, and grabbed Hinduism first. Ghandi, to my north grabbed the other two early religions. I had a lot of land that needed grabbing, so I bent my will around securing as much of the continent as I could. I also found Egypt had started on the same continent.

To cut a long story short, I managed to grab around 50% of the continent, with Ghandi grabbing around 40% and the Egyptions getting a meager 10%. I was absolutely broke paying maintanance costs. Trying to reach currency I had to spend probably 10-20 turns without any science at all to break even (too many cities really hurts!). I built way more cottages than normal, particularly around rivers (which gives the bonus +1 gold for financial civs straight away).

Meanwhile Ghandi built nearly every wonder in the game. I kid you not, he built more wonders and generated more leaders than all the rest of the AI and me put together. He also maintained a tech lead on me throughout the entire game of a minimum of 3-4 techs (well until right at the end). Never was I in any position to threaten him militarily. However, I kept him a close ally throughout the game, and by the end he had around +15 relations with me. I wanted to attack Ghandi as soon as I got tanks, but the moment I had the tech for tanks, he had mech inf in every city [Image: cry.gif]. The game went right to the wire. He built the UN and neither of us could win the vote (we were 1 and 2). With about 3 parts left for his ship, I decided that it was time to get some spies into his land.

The next turn 2 parts finished. The stasis chamber was all Ghandi had left to build. And he was nearly done. I was still missing genetics. This was going to be close. I saved my pennies and risked a sabotage. Success! I also managed to get genetics. I investigated his city. 6 turns until completion. I started the stasis chamber in my best city (my only part left to build). 7 turns. I microed to get every single sheild I could out of the city and still it came to 7 turns. [Image: mad.gif] [Image: cry.gif] I was not going to be beaten by 1 turn if it killed me!. I saved my pennies again and risked a second sabotage attempt...

Success!! The spies had saved my game. I'm glad I built them, they were worth every sheild, and gold I spent on them. Sometimes it truly is better to be both lucky and good smile. If the spy had have failed I would have had 1 more shot at the sabotage, and if that failed I was going to have to try and disable the city with bombers in the one turn I had left to play before he built the part. In 1973 I built the stasis chamber and flew off into the stars. So like I said, I'm a cheating backstabbing bastard smile.


Down to the last turn to decide the game! You can't get it any closer than that. smile

Got to love those tightly contested games. thumbsup

Here's hoping you experience more of them! eek

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Ha! I think I'm making a habbit of the close endings. This was my third full game. My first full game I won by culture with the rival AI having one part to complete the spaceship. They had the tech for at least 5 turns before my cultural victory.

So two games coming down to the wire out of three so far.

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