Time to move out. Lewwyn scouts out the map since she's the only one in concealment (rescues a civilian enroute). The rest of the squad takes cover. We have 3 pods and a faceless to deal with, hopefully we can deal with the pods before we find the faceless (as long as the pods are down, we won't need to be pressured about the artificial timer).
T1 - Alien
WK shows that she's ready for business, killing a trooper with an overwatch shot:
1 Sectoid left in this pod, which takes cover. We also learn of a pod further NE:
Situation pre-turn:
I know as long as none of the dudes can be flanked, the Sectoid will reanimate the trooper. It's also only in low cover so I can afford to just fire at it and hope for the best.
Jowy 71% - miss...

WK 51% - miss...
Dreylin 59% -
Max damage crit! Sectoid is down. 2 more pods and a faceless to go.
Lewwyn meanwhile rescues 2 more civilians on his journey to locate the next pod. Don't want to break concealment yet.
T2 - Alien
The next pod ends turn in a very convenient spot for us:
OK pic is bad, but they are very close to Lewwyn and miraculously not in range of any other troops so it doesn't trigger. We aren't in a great position to take advantage of it but we have to before they inevitably get triggered.
Dreylin 73% Squadsight snipe -
Pod triggers of course, but the officer chooses to move right next to Lewwyn. This breaks her concealment, but it does allow this:
We get the crit, and the officer is down. It drops loot, which we pick up immediately.
Since we're missing shots left and right, I burn a WK grenade and a Combat Protocol to guarantee the kill on the remaining trooper. 1 pod to go!
T3 - Alien
Last pod is revealed to be even further NE.
We regroup and start heading to the last pod. We rescue 1 more civilian enroute.
T4 - Alien
Another civilian dies. The game takes a minute to load Bradford telling us something about losing civilians left and right, which steals a minute of my life I'll never get back.
Keep moving NE. Not much pics here because nothing is happening. I have plenty of time (having killed 2/3 pods in 2/7 "turns") so the slow move and overwatch approach is the strategy I'm adopting.
T5 - Alien
Jowy triggers an overwatch shot, but misses again despite the bolt caster apparently being a more accurate weapon...
It's another trooper and a sectoid. They take cover (and I apparently forget to take a pic of their positioning). Still no faceless though, if we can kill the last pod without triggering it it'll come running straight to us and we'll have the distance to gun it down before it reaches us.
As with the 1st pod, my main target is the trooper. The sectoid will reanimate a dead body before attacking, and with the last pod activated the artificial timer in gone.
WK 56% - miss
Jowy 70% -
Finally get a kill with the bolt caster.
Here's the situation:
Lewwyn still has a grenade, so I plan to remove its cover with that and plan to finish off the flanked Sectoid with Dreylin. However, the sectoid disappears from my field of vision after blowing up the cover, for some inexplicable reason. I know it'll only reanimate, so I just put Dreylin in overwatch.
T6 - Alien
Oh crap, we got ambushed by the faceless. Strangely enough, I didn't move any units in that direction this turn so I'm confused why it didn't trigger last turn. But no time for hypothetical scenarios, it's in range of Dreylin and Jowy! Dreylin does get an overwatch shot in, but it's not enough to stop it.
It misses Jowy, thank god. But Dreylin almost dies from the hit.
Thankfully the sectoid reanimates a corpse as predicted. Another shot would've been brutal.
Cleanup is actually rather trivial after a disasterous turn. Jowy has a 100% to kill the faceless with the bolt caster. As for the sectoid:
Mission complete. (I never did end up using the axe even on the last sectoid, although if we has blademaster I'll admit it would've been an awesome choice. Dunno if that would still be as good as phantom though...)
So close to a flawless mission, alas... Retaliation missions are meant to be tough so I'll take it in stride. Shame we've lost our best sniper for quite some time, but Jowy dodged the attack so it could've been a lot worse.