T1, objective is down a block and across the street. First pod:
Everyone is just across the street to the SE, I overwatch and see if they will come to me. IBT no movement, so I start moving to bypass them.
T2 I use the grapple with lewwyn:
Nasty bunch connected to the same building as lew and above the objective. I will try and grenade the floor under them (spoiler alert, I don't). I move up for now, no engagement. No movement from either pod IBT, going to try and hack before I even activate anything.
T3 Check the hack, jowy has 100% chance to control a random enemy, should be useful.
T4, look at this:
This goddam streetlight is making it impossible for jowy to get to the objective safely, but I don't want to hack it because that will break concealment (due to the temp MC). Looks like I will activate after all. Dreylin long-watches the second squad, jowy and Sareln overwatch, and I use face-off with venom rounds on 4 targets:

(there is another 3 damage that pops up soon on the other muton)
Nice shooting, one of the clones is dead although the camera glitched so you can't see, but the long watch was wasted as the back pod did not move at all. WK throws a mimic and Lewwyn takes out a muton:
Gets a promo and moves back with implacable. IBT Dreylin goes insane!
I hadn't realised that long watch would keep going, how stupid of me. Only the shieldbearer, a half-health flaming archon, and a mostly-dead codex left:
That codex had teleported to full cover that flanked the whole squad, but of course they moved to the place of uselessness they currently reside. Start out the turn with Jowy's 100% hack:
Got enough to get the other option, but it is crap without psi troops. Found the rest of the map's troops:
-1 officer it seems. I shoot the archon with my pistol, then lightning-hands them, then hit him a third time, but unfortunately there were 2 dodges, so the burning effect might not kill them. Lewwyn axes the codex but destroys a wall in the process:
Jowy could skullmine the shieldbearer, but I value exp more than intel, so WK gets a go instead. He fails his 40% crit, dreylin uses lightning hands to finish the archon, and I have a change of heart and skullmine instead:
Dammit, he takes 3 damage, knew I shouldn't have gone for it. Sareln can either heal jowy or hack the objective, I heal since if the objective is a + hack stat one I want it on the dedicated hacker. I hadn't noticed, but somehow the mec got hacked as well:
Officer takes 6 damage from shieldbearer.
T5 I notice reinforcements coming in right in the middle of the formation, so I prepare with overwatch, although before I realise this I accidently dashed jowy trying to get him in sight of the objective, so unfortunately no guardian. Dreylin hits the shieldbearer in the distance for one less than lethal after mec microrockets, so the officer over there grenades themselves and the mec. Removes all armour from the mec, which was the intended purpose. Everyone overwatches, and I hit end turn:
What the hell is this advent squad comp. Dreylin pops one of the two remaining troopers, and I shadowfall the last one in the back of the head:
Jowy hacks the objective:
I take the money. The mission ends! (but I can't find the screenshot) I thought it would, given that the controlled enemies counted as my troops (except for the purposes of picking up the shieldbearer's loot, but can't have everything) but still nice. They apparently counted as wounded soldiers too!
I can deal with these stats
Nice promos. TIL 3 damage = gravely wounded. Why.
It isn't a bad ability, just a strange target. I want guardian, the other options is trash. Lewwyn has untouchable or deep cover, lean untouchable. Dreylin has aim or steady hands, I like steady hands. Get advanced scope and superior speed PCS! We should definitely consider whose head we jam that one into. Archon autopsy opens up, from the description it sounds like it unlocks T3 melee.