Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Discussion of ideas for more games

I would be interested in another OSG. I would prefer something not too extreme in difficulty -- still struggling to get better at impossible, with as many failures as victories. But I would be up for giving something harder a try if that is what more people are interested in doing.

I'd also be up for another OSG. Does the save editor also allow to switch races? If yes, maybe we could do a beginner-OSG with the Klackons and an expert-OSG with the Mrrshans on the same map?

The ancient OREO editor does, and I assume that more modern methods do as well. I'm not sure that we have enough interest to do a double succession game, but I would be happy to support a more "beginner" game. Let's roll something and see how it plays out? Or wait and see what Ref puts up in the next 48 hours? Either way is fine with me, but I definitely want to play something!

Please don't wait on me; I plan/hope to get a map posted for Imperium 43 on Monday, but that shouldn't stop you from getting the ball rolling on another OSG! If you don't want to duplicate race/variant/whatever, I can post some basic vitals on the Imperium I'm planning, or just warn you if something you're considering comes close to it.

Cool, sounds like we have four players; as Ianus says, not enough for double game, but a good number for a single.

I suggest Klackons, medium, Impossible, vanilla and see how it goes. There's no guarantee that they map will give as much space (and as nice planets) as the last couple of games, so there's potential for challenge.

Unless there are any objections, I'll roll a map and try to get us started over the next couple of days.
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

Sounds good to me, shallow_thought. thumbsup If we are not going to be too similar to RefSteel's plans for the next Imperium (which I will hopefully actually complete on time, assuming no more car wrecks messing up my life please) then getting us started would be great.

Sounds great! I'll lurk with interest and answer questions as I'm able, and to the extent others don't beat me to it! My plan for Imperium 43 is quite different from the set-up you described, so no worries on that front!

I might be interested in playing a round in the OSG.

(July 23rd, 2017, 13:16)Psillycyber Wrote: I might be interested in playing a round in the OSG.

Cool. Unlikely to be as challenging as the pouncing, bit hopefully fun. I'm starting a new thread.
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

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