August 13th, 2018, 01:59
(This post was last modified: August 13th, 2018, 02:00 by Charriu.)
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The turn started with very good news on the international stage. Superdeath declared war on Shallow. That's great. Even better Shallow just settled his city from last turn near the gems, so there will be further tension between those players. Hopefully that is not just a little border dispute between scouts. But even then the tension across the gems will lead to war between those two. I will give my full opinion about this war if they both stay in war during the next turns, but to give a little summary. I think Superdeath may has the advantage now because he has enough units to capture all those barb cities, but in the long run Shallow will be on top, because those barb cities that Superdeath took are way of his core land, have poor terrain for now and won't get that much support for now.
Cha Carmen went on north and did not find any signs of Coeurva's borders under the fog. If the barb's have founded their city on the cow I would have seen their borders by now, so Coeurva must have found north of the cows. Propably on the desert hill 1NW of the cows. It's also one of his latter cities because the borders did not expand by now. So far I would say it is safe to found the rice city first and the gold city after that in T75 with enough roadwork. There's also the matter of RFS' warrior walking around the rice area. I was thinking about not killing the warrior. This should give RFS a false feeling of peace between us. He will propably move towards the east for further exploration. This should trap him behind my culture so he will have to move north-east towards Superdeath. That way he will fog bust that area for me and the warrior will be very far away from home, when I start my conquest.
You can also see Superdeath core city borders under the fog to the north-east. Which 100% confirms that he is my north-eastern neighbor.
Another barb showed up near Siren. Nothing to be afraid of. I moved Archer Anna to the ivory. The barb will likely die at her hands.
I also prepared another map of the explored area for anybody to mess with. It's in spoilers because of the size:
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I've been thinking about giving Shallow a crab for crab deal or later even a copper for copper deal, should his war with Superdeath continues? What's your opinion about that.
August 13th, 2018, 03:02
(This post was last modified: August 14th, 2018, 01:09 by Charriu.)
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As promised I give you my updated dotmap. First of all the gold and rice city did not change, so let's talk about the new dots:
Blue: The main purpose of this city is defense towards Shallow. It also denies Shallow the grasland hill south of it. This city will share the cow from Karlabos in the beginning, but will need more farms eventually with Civil Service. I plan to build Karlabos up as a Great People city with lot's of food, so it should be no problem to irregate more tiles towards Blue city. With these farms it can grow to a nice production city. This will propably be my next city settled after the gold. About that gems the only way to get it is a city 1S 1SW of the gems, but then I would be in a three-way fight with Superdeath and Shallow for the gems. I would rather have those two fight for the gems, while I can grow in peace. I would be late for the party anyway.
Red: At first I had this city planned 1E, but this should be the better defensive position towards Superdeath and that will be the main focus of this city. It won't be a great city, but should it eventually take the plain, wine and plain hill tile from Superdeath it could become a good production city.
Dark Green: This is just a filler city, which could or could not be settled later. If need be it could be another defensive position towards Superdeath, but I would rather wait how the situation with Shallow and Superdeath develops. Maybe there will be a better spot later.
Violet: This is RFS Lighthouse city. Which is awesome. We want it enough said.
Orange: This can be a nice city in RFS area, but I don't want to put much planning into it, because of the high uncertainties of the conquest with RFS and where he will settles his cities.
Mint Green: The desert city from last time. We have enough time to settle this later.
I think I would settle those spots in this order:
Rice->Gold->Blue->War with RFS->Red->Dark Green
Blue will be a decent city for defense and I would rather have a defensive in that area than Shallow to have one. I want to try to settle the blue city while I'm preparing for war with RFS. Red won't be that urgent. I don't expect Superdeath to settle so soon in that area, because he first needs to support his new former barb cities and he may go to real war with Shallow, which delays any settling plans from his side I assume.
EDIT: Something went wrong with the Dropbox upload. No the dotmap is correct.
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RFS just whipped in 2 of his 3 cities and he also just whipped in T66. One of the whips was a double whip. Seeing that Lighthouse had 4 pop he likely double whipped something there.
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Oh and RFS just PMed me informing me that we should have a turn split, I have the first half.
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Oh I really hope he declares war. That is the exact opposite of what he should be doing here. We're Tokugawa! Just bide your time and wait for him to take a shot, I guess. He's got axes so we want ... chariots? Axes? I guess it depends on his army composition.
Finally, I don't think we need to give shallow_thought any overt support at this point. If we can attack him and take something opportunistically, that seems like a better play.
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RFS did not declare war on me. This can only mean 2 things. Either he wanted the turn split because of his warrior in that area or we are in a settler race. I kept my chariot on watch just in case I something coming through somewhere.
Nothing from RFS anywhere in the hills around the rice, but what is that. A forest has grown during the interturn and just on the one tile I needed to pass with my settler. ![banghead banghead]( I think I found my archenemy in this game: Nature. First it killed my scout and first warrior, now it's messing with my settler movement. Curse you nature.
I moved both workers, the settler and the archer to the new forest. The workers will road it for the other units behind them. Unfortunately the settling of the rice city will be delayed by 1 turn. So back to RFS, if he's really in a settler race with me, he will likely settle somewhere around the gold or rice area, why else would he call a turn split for that. First of all I find settling the gold a rather stupid move by him, but I will elaborate more about it should it happen. More important if I wanted to settle my gold spot I will need 3 turns (T72). I will move to the plain hill 1NW of my settler next turn. From there I can still deceide if I want to settle the rice or the gold first. Should RFS really show up with a lightly defended settler, I may attack him with my chariot. I don't want him to settle in a stupid spot, which would deny me the gold. In the case of an attack I would likely kill the warrior, too. We'll see what he brings up next. Anything that comes through those hills SW of the gold will have to move slowly.
RFS Lighthouse city also shrinked to 2 pop, but I did not see any new buildings in it. Could it be that he whipped another settler? Well that's about time to start settling. Also as you can see from the screenshot above the war between Superdeath and Shallow was just a small border dispute. But the tension between those will remain high I presume. Speaking of Superdeath, what is he up to.
That's a scary impi you have there, Superdeath. I expect him to kill my warrior during the next turn.
Well the ivory barb city was better then I expected. That's another rice for it and Superdeath other cities are closer than I thought, so he will be able to support ivory town better. The only good thing is that the rice has a jungle tile on it. Also why is his worker just sitting there. Does he have better things to do? I expect that if he's improving the hill he would be in his work animation and if he just moved there it would be standing up, right?
As a last bit of tiny information. The barb near Siren successfully died at the hands of Archer Anna, who returned to Siren. I have to be cautious with those fast moving impi's from Superdeath. Good that I completed a barracks in Siren last turn, so that the borders will pop eventually.
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Could you post a new set of graphs next turn?
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Yes, I'll post graphs every 5 turns and the next turn for graphs will be T70.
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Shallow double whipped twice in T69 and he did not play his next turn immediately. Paranoia alarm