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Provisional agreement, waiting on Egypt and to finalize the details:

1) We have a turn order of Egypt/Carthage -> India/Ottomans -> Reaction time
2) Reaction time TBD
3) allied civs can play in any order
4) allied UNITS playing in order TBD
5) this turn only the Carthage bloc can play in the 2nd half but before us

lets leave it paused until we all sign off, then once that happens you can unpause and move and pause, we can unpause and move and pause, then you guys can react, then we can end turn

Krill Wrote:I always said we needed a working ruleset.

Simply because you deem the current rule as not working doesn't mean you should attempt to abuse/break/bend (whatever the case me be) the current ruleset we are abiding by. That's where playing fair, using your best judgement, refusing to be "gamey" comes into just don't do stuff that's gonna cause arguements that are grey area arguements. It's just not (in my mind) what we agreed upon (using your best judgement was the wording I think?). It took some actual pitboss/mp experience for me to figure it out but that's what I feel anyways.

note: I do not know nor will I research/try to find out if Krill followed the turn order against carthage the turn before. This is more for the community rather than to single Krill out. This may also have no impact on anybody what-so-ever. C'est la vie.

Played in:
RBPB2 - Willem of Ottoman - 6th/10
RBPB3 - Joao of Inca 13th/17 or so???
PBEM6 - Shaka of the Vikings 2nd/5 (thanks Lewwyn)
Dedicated Lurker For: Scooter/Pindicator/Noble PB8


England would like to join in, we hereby claim the first half of the turn relative to India, and the second half relative to Ottomans.

That is all, will make official when game is unpaused.

Two heads up: one, I doubt Krill will be back before I go to bed tonight, so the game will most likely have to remain paused through tomorrow.

Second: I will probably log in later tonight to take some screenshots for intra-team communication and planning, but obviously won't move anything. Just thought I should give a heads up so that you guys don't interpret it as us making our moves.

Shoot the Moon Wrote:Second: I will probably log in later tonight to take some screenshots for intra-team communication and planning, but obviously won't move anything. Just thought I should give a heads up so that you guys don't interpret it as us making our moves.

That's fine. We also might log in but we won't make our moves.

antisocialmunky Wrote:smile

England would like to join in, we hereby claim the first half of the turn relative to India, and the second half relative to Ottomans.

That is all, will make official when game is unpaused.

Joking or not?

If not joking, Shoot, can you get your alliance under control. This is an obvious jerking us around move. Is there even a tactical reason for such a split? Is it just "this makes it difficult for India and Ottomans?" Shall I ask some of my allies to DOW on England to even things out? Does that make the game better for anyone?

If England is serious and just wants to be mean spirited, and if the above compromise Ottomans and India discussed with Carthage goes through, that would make things Egypt+Carthage -> Ottomans -> England -> India -> Reaction time for Egypt+England.

England, can you confirm you followed the necessary rules to be able to claim the first half of the turn vs Ottomans?

England, due to excessive alcohol consumption, appreciates the limited use of the timer in its ability to assist in this...uh...convoluted war situation.

Oh, and unless the Inca declare peace, England is in the 2nd half of its war with them. But AFAICT, the Inca and this current situation with Carthage and Egypt are not directly connected.

Some more thoughts: England (if serious) and Egypt are both attempting to secure the 1st half of the turn while DOWing in the second half of the turn. Now I think this was allowed in the Portugal/Rome war, but IIRC it was a 2nd half declaration not a second half unit movement. It doesn't strike me at the time, but Krill moved units during the 2nd half of the current turn, but still wants to claim first half.

My edit to this post early in this thread suggests this isn't even allowed (

Now I think we've reached a friendly compromise with Krill, but England's DOW may be bringing this issue back up.

Another issue, did I misspeak when I assumed that Ottomans, Carthage, and India couldn't move their units since Krill had the final part of the turn (pre Krill DOW'ing Carthage at least)? I think I must have ( Don't think anyone objected when this issue came up earlier and I stated that the attacker's right to choose their half doesn't allow them to deny moves to the defender on the DOW turn.

PS - Ref being prescient (

PPS - Man the RBP4 (if we don't like CiV wink) movement rule is going to look different. I actually continue to think our rule in this game works well, but I certainly didn't foresee either allies DOW'ing each other to make a turn order impossible or allies not wanting to play in the same half of the turn.

@People who hate the current rule and/or like the RBP2 regime, I remain unwilling to change the rule mid-game, but as I told Carthage and Egypt today via chat, we can still negotiate a reasonable solution ourselves. I suggest three possible agreements:

1) What Carthage proposed. Group the teams (add England to the Carthage bloc), let the teams play in any order, decide whether teams inside a bloc can overlap movement periods or not, and allow for a "reaction time" at the end of the turn to knock out the main advantage of moving second.

2) Even simpler - just make the two blocs (while there are two) divide the turn in half. We can flip for right to go 2nd. Teams not at war can move whenever, if they want to join the war they join the half.

3) Knock out the turn split rule (since it was only intended as solution for 2-way wars) and just keep the 12-hour unit movement restriction.

EDIT: @Ruff - This is the strongest compliment I can give, but even after all this I still prefer Pitboss to PBEM.

(Posting while on break)

There are tactical reasons for everything, but I'm not going to enlighten the opposition what those tactical reasons are, am I? wink

EDIT: Need to think about that sunrise. Don;t know when I'm going to post again today,it is looking like it might be a very weird day for me at work.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Inca and England will sign peace, so let's keep that out of this situation.

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