As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[Spoiler] Ein Bier bitte

We heard that Firlefanzer took you out. Any chance to get a brief recap on how things went wrong from your perspective?


Creative pressure and losing a settler race meant I'd never have Iron.

Intent was to burn that one city and secure my Iron. Even if he'd resettled it farther back, would have been fine. He had Construction and went all in. Can't beat cats and spears with axes and chariots.

He did send me a PM yesterday and say that the silver I pillaged very early was a trade he'd just made for Ivory to get his UU online (he didn't have horses), so at least I blocked that. Which just made it take longer to die.

There were some other issues that really didn't change the eventual outcome, but had some effect. Apenimon closed borders with me to block a settler I had walking past him. But it let a FF axe pop out of his borders at a key spot and pick off a new city, which cost me a happy point, etc.

Even bigger is me misjudging Deity maint costs. My economy was completely tanked as soon as I started paying for armies (and then whipping), so I was bleeding cash at 0% the whole latter half. No chance to finish HBR.

I was wondering why you build the swords. Pure axes does much better against his axe/cat/spear stack.

Thanks for the swift reply!

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