Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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WW48: Melllvar's Grand Competition!

(October 1st, 2020, 02:14)Rowain Wrote: @Patsy Stone  Won't you come and sit down for a cup of tea and talk about your impression of this nice town full of Heros so far? You had enough time to form some opinions, ne?

and perhaps those two persons in one (Statler and Waldorf) can join in too?

What a charming old man! I love the robe, is it one of those ones made by little slave children in Morocco?

It's hard as usual to glean much so far. Looking through, I would say, 

Gaspar is roleplaying Dr House (excellently), I don't see the aggression as a tell.

Sunrise and Novice are perhaps geeking out over too little data, but I suppose someone has to.

Commodore, Cyneheard and Meiz are mainly roleplaying, but both have a little bit of content that shows they are engaging.

Pindicator I would like to hear more from. 

I think it is a good mark that you are trying to draw people out to talk.

On initial read, Gold Ergo Sum strikes me as fractionally the most suspect, since he has checked in three separate times, but only posted roleplay each time. And last time not really in response to other people's banter either.

Great Omar-ing though.

(October 1st, 2020, 00:14)sunrise089 Wrote: This has a couple areas to explore so give me another sec and I have some questions to pose...

Waldorf: Now that's talent, a dog who speaks English and initiates scumhunting. I wonder if there's anything he isn't good at?

Statler: Yes, choosing which game to play.

Both: Do-ho-ho-ho-hoh!

(October 1st, 2020, 02:14)Rowain Wrote: and perhaps those two persons in one (Statler and Waldorf) can join in too?

Statler: Personally I don't care for old men much, I don't find them believable.

Waldorf: I don't believe you!

Both: Do-ho-ho-ho-hoh!

Don't really have an issue with Rowain's posts atm, just the perfect time to use that remark as I have no shortage of heckling quotes to use. Also good job sunrise for attempting to get something rolling.

Though I am disappointed we're not even halfway into Day 1 and people have already completely stopped RP entirely.  nono

Statler: But seriously, where is that Retsuko? She made a single post then ran away!

Waldorf: Yeah, she just vanished. How did she do that?

Statler: Probably like this:

[Image: disappear.gif]

Waldorf: Yep, that's probably how she did it.

(October 1st, 2020, 02:24)Meiz Wrote: House is an arrogant prick who likes to call out others as idiots.

Yeah, Gaspar is roleplaying, he made a strategic choice of character wink

(September 30th, 2020, 22:02)Gaspar Wrote: *pops vicodin*

You idiots - you're never going to find what's causing the symptoms if you don't experiment.  You can't just sit around and then cry Lupus.  Its never Lupus!

Its too quiet - can you do nothing if I'm not here to hold your hand?  My leg hurts.

(September 30th, 2020, 16:57)novice Wrote: I will be using the players’ designated code names in this post and in many future posts, for operational security purposes.

Pindicator and Lewwyn (fake edit: and Kaiser) were both voting Meiz, Commodore was voting Pindicator, and Gaspar was voting Commodore. Then Commodore joined his former target Pindicator on Meiz, and then Gaspar joined his former target Commodore on Meiz. Now all four americans are voting together on Meiz.

Meanwhile three people are voting Gaspar.

What can we conclude from this? Nothing yet. Just trying to organize things.

This is scummy as hell.  There's nothing lazier than pure vote analysis anyway but doing it on opening votes and joke votes?  Scummy, scum, scum.  


(October 1st, 2020, 00:34)sunrise089 Wrote: novice You give a summary, and credit for posting something substantive even if it's effort-substantive and not scumhunting-substantive. But can you explain/talk about:

    1) What's the deal with the 'four Americans' stuff? Meiz had five voters, is one of them somehow less relevant?

    2) You thought the Meiz pattern was worth raising, even with the "nothing yet" to conclude qualifier. Do you think there's any significance of progression of Pindactor votes, Commodore votes for Pin,
    Gaspar votes for Commodore, Commodore moves to Meiz, Gaspar moves to Meiz? Specifically that Commodore and Gaspar made their votes in the same order each time - to me that's a little on the nose
    to be scum coordination.

    3) To me you mentioning Gaspar looked like an afterthought. Yet Gaspar got (amongst the parties being discussed here) three consecutive low-effort votes with your vote being the third. Is that
    less interesting than the Meiz progression to you?

Commodore you didn't like Meiz's quantity of posting versus effort. When you voted Meiz here was the post count per player for the top posters:

Cyneheard - 6
Rowain - 6
Meiz - 4
Commodore - 3
Jabbz - 3
novice - 3
pindicator -3

Why are you calling out Meiz for lack of content relative to posts versus, say, Cyneheard? I'd think you'd notice Cyneheard since a low-content post from him immediately proceeded your post switching to Meiz for that reason.

Gaspar same question, plus you're the fifth person on a bandwagon. To you is Meiz's interest in "idle bullshit" a strong enough lean to feel good about being the fifth voter on him? Because it looks a little like you grabbed half of Kaiser's justification and half of Commodore's and ran with it...

Finally Pindicator you defended Meiz but stayed on him while a train was building on him even though you were only on him for flavor. Can you discuss?

I mean, Gaspar is partially right, vote analysis on opening votes is pretty pointless. It wasn't laziness on my part though, but an effort to get the ball rolling. I'm almost tempted to vote Sunrise for tryharding and following up so seriously, but that would be hypocrisy, he's managed to keep the ball rolling. So I'll answer his questions instead.

1) The four americans thing was because I only noticed Kaiser's vote on preview, hence the fake edit.

2) The "pattern" to note was that people had no qualms ganging up on Meiz even though their previous suspects were doing the same thing.

3) Gaspar was the previous vote leader. He benefits, theoretically, from another bandwagon forming. So this group of people all suspecting each other joined together to form a bandwagon saving one of them.

To be clear, this is indeed a pretty pointless analysis on opening votes, but that was at any rate the idea behind the observation.
I have to run.

(October 1st, 2020, 00:14)sunrise089 Wrote: Kaiser -> Meiz, actual read of nicer tone than in past games

(October 1st, 2020, 00:36)sunrise089 Wrote:
(October 1st, 2020, 00:17)Meiz Wrote: I gathered Kaiser's vote was based on Skeletor being nicer than expected.


He does quote (ugh) three different Meiz posts though and says you're being nicer "than past memory" and not just "nicer than expected." Kaiser can you clarify?

Partially confirm, my observation was mostly based on Kaiser's memories of He-Man cartoons from years ago. Kaiser seems to lack deep RB/forum based WW experience apart from WW47, which Meiz played in as well.
It seems that behind each persona in this game is not only a villager or werewolf role, but also a real human being either participating for recreation or to train deception and investigation skills.

Partially as I felt his game in WW47 was more direct and he was arguing strongly on the role discussion we had. Here he seems to be more excusing/nicer, less confronting when playing as Skeletor of all characters.

(October 1st, 2020, 02:24)Meiz Wrote: House is an arrogant prick who likes to call out others as idiots.
In this statement Skeletor sounds more like I would have expected, even a bit harsher than I would expect Meiz from my limited knowledge.

(October 1st, 2020, 01:41)sunrise089 Wrote: I started this planning to move off you onto novice or one of the lurkers but I think I'll sit here a bit more smile

I share the interest in investigating novice and look forward to an answer regarding to sunrises questions formulated in #69?
Also, I would like you to answer to my questions from #52.
Why did you decide to start an interaction analysis this early and what did you hope to achieve with it at this point in time?

I also want to encourage people to raise their participation in this game by contributing opinions and votes:

No vote yet list:
  • Allanon alias Jabbz
  • Warrior Knight crossposted in between
I was shortly mislead by sunrise089's post in #67, as I read it poorly and though it was a comprehensive list of all votes so far.
It is not, but focuses on the interaction around Meiz, as stated by him in his post


Novice crossposted as well, I'll check it later


(September 30th, 2020, 17:35)Kaiser Wrote: I don't understand, wouldn't it be better to wait longer for more interactions to be evaluated to make this type of interaction analysis?

Asked and answered, but the point was to generate more interactions for further analysis.
I have to run.

(October 1st, 2020, 03:50)novice Wrote: I mean, Gaspar is partially right, vote analysis on opening votes is pretty pointless. It wasn't laziness on my part though, but an effort to get the ball rolling. I'm almost tempted to vote Sunrise for tryharding and following up so seriously, but that would be hypocrisy, he's managed to keep the ball rolling. So I'll answer his questions instead.

I did have this same though initially. As wolf it would be beneficial to take a side of the victim and start questioning the early bandwagoners, and therefore start to provide content to the thread. I've not at any point felt any of the votes being that serious, other than "hasn't said anything meaningful yet", which was true. None of the voters against me have caused any alarm bells to go off. Still, sunrise might as well be a town trying to get us forward from the early phase by pointing questions from the little cpontent there is, so I'm hesitant to put a vote on him.

My vote for Lewwyn is due to him seeing the importance of day 1's, yet not participating at all for now.

@Kaiser, I will use italics for any RP content, and standard text for anything coming from Meiz.

(October 1st, 2020, 00:14)sunrise089 Wrote: novice -> Gaspar, flavor based on a pun in Gaspar's name

Also bandwagoning for the sake of bandwagoning.

(October 1st, 2020, 00:58)Gaspar in response to Sunrise Wrote: I'm only responding to this because you don't sound scummy, just silly.

Why does Sunrise get the silly excuse and not me?

Is my tone scummy, or am I just too blindingly intelligent to be silly?
I have to run.

(October 1st, 2020, 04:06)Meiz Wrote: My vote for Lewwyn is due to him seeing the importance of day 1's, yet not participating at all for now.

While I do like quiet and peaceful this town is too quiet and not only the red panda.

(October 1st, 2020, 03:39)Gazglum Wrote: [i I love the robe, is it one of those ones made by little slave children in Morocco?[/i]

I feel angered you even think I would wear such an abomination. What kind of Human are you that you would endorse such cruelty?

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