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Gaspar & Noble make their triumphant? return; mostly just get asked about "The List"

They are not Protective and sorry I misremembered them being Protective. So moai only makes 2 commerce trade routes
Mods: RtR    CtH

Pitboss: PB39, PB40PB52, PB59 Useful Collections: Pickmethods, Mapmaking, Curious Civplayer

Buy me a coffee

(October 25th, 2020, 04:13)novice Wrote: How does Moai work in this mod?
Will the island city provide you with 2 commerce trade routes?

As Charriu so helpfully pointed out, Moai is unchanged and we will indeed get 2c ICTR. There's not much hope for a whole lot of excitement from foreign TR given that half the players in this game are PRO and we're likely to have tense relations with our nearest neighbors, so islands are the way to go. We sort of hope there's several to settle and already tentatively planning on expanding in that direction. The upside - if we build GLH/Colossus, we'll really dig all these water burgs. The downside - really need mainland build queues to raise an army of phracts.

(October 25th, 2020, 04:21)novice Wrote: Maybe Superdeath will settle 2N1W of the dry wheat, and you can have a peaceful border. (Albeit one with no more land for you). The only other option for him seems to be not expanding further east, or settling extremely aggressively right in your face.

You can still settle your planned dry wheat spot, I’m not sure what the border further north looks like then. But I agree that settling choice spots and teching to phracts seems like a good plan.

Are you planning on contesting the jungle/rice area?

Yeah, we've discussed potential SD plants ad nauseum but he's impossible to predict because he just sort of does what feels right in the moment. In his case, that's usually the most aggressive option possible, so... noidea The current zygote of a plan involves settling a city 1W of the plains ivory which would get the dry wheat and probably conceding that entire larger northern peninsula that Guangzhou is on to Superdeath.

The jungle rice area is a tough call - we'd like to get something down there because Harbour Bridge is awfully exposed and there's some unpleasant forking possibilities if Serdoa settles there and gets some culture in a city. At the same time, we've already antagonized Serdoa quite a bit and given the unpredictability of our other neighbor, it would be ideal to get a city there without further antagonizing him. What that location is, well, great question.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Turns are moving quickly, we've played t51 and t52.  You're not getting a report but you can have t52s chat log, since I haven't given you one in a while and I know this is what some of you lurk for...

ok lol
rusten would have to totally fail to not get us the turn by then
the whole game has a pretty good pyft rating other than SD
pb52 has been down for days
don't worry it's flawless!
its here
imagine how smoother the turns will go once we eliminate SD ?
rusten found us
unfortunately he doesn't have writing either
lewwyn settled
as did serdoa
what happened
rustens cities are poe uniques
poe terms
its like poe builds
ok not quite
its like poe whatever
actually it's parts of his current build i think
his cap is assassin
so assassin coc
obviously this means we're natural allies
except that i assume hes neighbors with lewwyn and he scares me more than lew, so no
he has not found sd yet
wait he has
but we can't ask him to declare war on sd
which means they have a treaty
yes, confirmed via f4
also has a treaty with serdoa
serdoa got the message
finally stopped spending EPs on us
so EPs over to rusten
scout w-ne?
i swear if nobody techs writing by the time we finish sailing
ima be annoyed
lol tech is very slow this game
probably because 2/3s picked civs with shitty start techs
i think NW is slightly better than W
we reveal the grass forest rather than a coast
more likely for the forest to have a unit
in fact it's impossible for the coast to have a unit
moving NW
i just can't see planting Nanjing right now
you can't improve 2 of 3 resources
and the one you can improve sucks
well i hope it's doing jack shit instead of chopping a forest
i thought he might plant on the stone next
after guangzhou
if not going west
maybe SD clear cuts his forests because he never survives in games long enough to use them all?
ok move to silver?
i think SD named his warrior lewis clark
to signal that it was only exploring
and not to feel threatened
so maybe we should return the favor
by naming our scout something passive
well scouts are obviously only exploring
they can't attack anything
yeah that's what i thought he meant but it's not like
i feel i can trust what sd says
yeah i was kidding
we can come back to this
or preferably
never come back to it
i mean i think it's pretty obvious we're just keeping a death stare on him
if rusten wardecs
do we kill his scout?
like that meme with the baby keeping an eye on the guy
something like that
i don't think rusten will dec since it should be pretty obvious that we are at the end of the map
but if he decs and we are in range we probably kill it
all for our commando chariot which eventually razes SDs whole empire
oh wait
if he moves onto a tile we need we definitely kill it
im of the opinion
that if we can kill it, we kill it
but not losing sleep over it
i mostly agree
i mean if you dow us you can't really blame us for killing your unit
i mean the main reason for not doing it
is to maintain TR quality
which you've already ruined by wardec
so i'm moving the scout to the silver, yeah?
yeah i already did that
his scout facing east is weird
it means he didn't take two moves
which is like strictly worse than taking two moves
people miss that all the time
since if you're scared you could at least go NE and then move onto the defensive terrain
so the power hasn't gone up
i think most likely serdoa is not gearing up to attack us
since we only have a few turns left on the treaty and he only has one axe tops
we can of course emergency whip an axe at ST in time
should be show up with an axe near the pig
since we'd swap when the unit appears then whip when the unit moves next to the city
atziri mines gold
warrior NW again, move next to the horse and BB?
next turn we could work the deer and copper at HB
to finish the axe and grow at the same time
or we could work both food to get more food in the box, but we won't use that food for a long time
i think the deer is good
well we definitely work the deer since it's better than the clam
question is whether we work the copper or the clam
axe finishing a turn earlier is good
given treaty end date
last turn of treaty is t54
so if we finish it on t53, we move it 2S
then treaty expires
and we could move into ST
or just keep the axe where it is, between the two cities
which means we dont need to emergency whip
which is nice
if we dont see anything from serdoa
where it is is probably best
so it can move to either front
and also pounce on a chariot that could attack HB conceivably
we need a road on deer soonish
izaro might road it
that is one of the planned scenarios
but izaro might also just move north of the cap to road that
to get going on the tundra city
well, if we dont see any threats, tundra city is higher priority
just saying we want that deer road asap
we whip the granary at the cap next turn
we might be the first civ to a granary
sd definitely doesn't have a monument in guangzhou
horse not improved yet
clean up the signs
I did
i cleaned up a few
then added the same number of new signs
end turn?
hurray land points
now our score looks less shit
still looks pretty shit
need more cities ?
SD is researching something double arrow
sd saved gold for only one turn before burning
judging from the tech
yeah maybe AH then
i thought he'd have teched AH by now but maybe not
or maybe he's teching pottery now
hard to say
definitely watching that horse tile like a hawk
ok sending turn on
i think gkc may have cleaned up his dotmap in his game after my comment lawl
he probably left the dotmap up so long that his eyes became immune to the stimulus and didn't see them anymore
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Played turns 51 and 52.  Never tell the lurkers that they are not getting a report. bang

[Image: t052-rusten.jpg?raw=1]

As mentioned in the chat log, Rusten's scout found us.

[Image: t052-overview.jpg?raw=1]

Lewwyn is up to an incredible 6 cities, one this turn and one last turn.  Hopefully he gets everyone else's attention and nobody looks at us while we start our midgame optimization fervor.  Despite our current dumpster tier demos, I am starting to feel cautiously optimistic about this game. There is a lot of room for optimization once you start getting more than a handful of cities, between juggling tiles and figuring out the most optimal builds for each city.  In fact I think I am better (relative to other players) at this optimization than the opening, because this part of the game requires constant adjustment and improvisation in the face of new information.  Gaspar is also very good at identifying what is really necessary and what isn't as important as it might seem.

There have been some unusual diplomatic happenings on the other side of the world.

[Image: t052-diplo1.jpg?raw=1]
[Image: t052-diplo2.jpg?raw=1]
[Image: t052-diplo3.jpg?raw=1]

It looks like:
1) SD declared war on Rusten.
2) Rusten declared war on Serdoa at some point.
3) Serdoa also declared war on Rusten at some other point.
4) There may have been some weird "declare war on Rusten" diplomacy between SD and Serdoa, or it's just bugged.

[Image: t051-demos.jpg?raw=1]

Serdoa researched Animal Husbandry.

[Image: t052-demos.jpg?raw=1]

Fintourist! I see you in the lurker thread! Come hither and comment. wink

Played turns 53-55.

Our rather small empire continues to improve.  The treaty with Serdoa expired this turn, actually one turn later than I thought.  We signed the treaty during our t45, so I thought it would count ten turns of treaty starting from t45 through t54, and end eot54.  But it ended eot55, so I guess the turn that the treaty is agreed upon is not counted as one of the ten turns.  Anyway, I have been watching the power graph intensely and Serdoa most likely has only one axe, so we should be perfectly fine on defense with the spear in position and an axe in range to reinforce if necessary.

On t53 SD completed Writing and we promptly asked him for OB.  And he graciously accepted, much to our surprise!  This is extremely good for us.  We are planning to move through his territory to get to the other side and hopefully find Bob and generally increase our knowledge of the world.

[Image: t055-sd.jpg?raw=1]

There is an information leak in BUG.  We should not know that SD's horse is 1/2 roaded, but that's what it's telling us.

Also note that SD has chopped granaries in both Guangzhou and Nanjing.  Nanjing's clam is unimproved and Guangzhou does not have a monument.  The granary is equivalent to improving the clam, so whatever.  SD is working a grass forest in both cities and also coast (instead of the banana) in Guangzhou, however.  He also has a spear and not an axe as we had feared in the city, so we're looking OK here as well.

[Image: t055-diplo.jpg?raw=1]

Completing Sailing on t54 gives us a trade route to SD, so we can take a look at the resources.  I would say we have a favorable distribution.

A couple nights ago I did more simming for the game and had another epiphany.  I have come to the conclusion that GRANARIES SUCK.

That's right.  GRANARIES.  SUCK.

In this game, for us.

Now why is that?  Well, we don't have a single 6f tile in reachable distance.

[Image: t055-overview.jpg?raw=1]

Not a one.  We do have a good amount of fish, but we're not in a position to build any lighthouses yet.  The difference between a 4f tile and a 5f tile is not 20% - it's actually 33% because one tile provides a 2f surplus and one tile provides a 3f surplus. (This is an oversimplification because all cities start with a 2f surplus from the city tile, but just bear with me here.) Two 4f tiles is equal to one 6f tile, and actually generally worse because it takes time to get the second citizen and you have to pay maintenance for it!  Also your food box is bigger at size 2.  Since we don't have discounted granaries and we can't grow all that quickly, we barely want to whip and the granaries are just not that efficient in terms of ROI.  So originally I was planning to build a granary in BB after the monument as a matter of standard operating procedure, now I've decided that's just not very good and it will be doing a unit next.  As Gaspar says, if you're not constantly scrutinizing everything you're doing, you're probably not optimizing your civ very well. (Well he didn't say it specifically like that, but that's a corollary.)

We did complete a granary in the capital because the city actually has a good food surplus (for now) and we'll be making good use of it.  With BB doing a unit next this frees up TS for building other things on the more economic end of the spectrum, which you will hopefully see come to fruition in the coming turns.

[Image: t053-demos.jpg?raw=1]
[Image: t054-demos.jpg?raw=1]

Lewwyn teched Sailing.  He might be going for GLH.

[Image: t055-demos.jpg?raw=1]

Our CY still sucks.  CY is the traditional barometer of how well your civ is doing, but maybe (I am hoping) that doesn't quite apply to us given the land that we have available.  Our GNP is going to be crazy high whenever we start burning on Writing.  But we don't need to do that just yet.

Upon further investigation, the treaty ended after Serdoa's turn and before ours. So I was sort of correct, but it meant that Serdoa couldn't attack us this turn when I thought he could.

Already working 2 golds at this stage of the game is huge thing. 
I think in the begging the food is biometter for all traits  beside the imperialists which can use  hammers better to get out setlers.And even more i see quitte a few of forest and you can get with this tech speed mathemethichs realy fast and you just need some more workers to explode the snowball curve.

Looks like the position of cooper made you to take the right decision for your expansion...

Played turn 56.

[Image: t056-sd.jpg?raw=1]

Got a good look at SD's stuff.  He has granaries in all his cities, 12 pop in total. We also have 12 pop, but only one granary. The capital warrior is the one that was scouting our border earlier.

[Image: t056-overview.jpg?raw=1]

I have a new hypothesis that SD is planning to settle the stone and then build Stonehenge, hence why he is steadfastly refusing to build a monument in Guangzhou. Surprisingly, Gaspar bought my theory instead of telling me that SD does not make plans. Speaking of monuments, Serdoa completed one three turns ago so he might have culture over that pig (6f tile!) near our gold soonish. We will pop borders ourselves a couple turns earlier though.

[Image: t056-demos.jpg?raw=1]

Serdoa and probably Lewwyn are likely teching Writing at the moment.

Played t57.

This wasn't the world's most fascinating turn, but it did have its share of controversy. We opened the turn to see that Superdeath settled his 5th city and this:

[Image: t57a.jpg]

Noble was concerned that this settler might be ticketed for the dry wheat spot on our border, which led to a long, existential debate about what we were willing to allow vs not, etc. Ultimately, we decided to get some eyes on the area so we can react but to not overreact by pulling forces northward because even though we're not expecting a Serdoan attack, Solaris Temple is the reason we can feel good about our place in the game and defending that is more important than anything SD might do. Further scouting revealed his settlement this turn was his first to the west of his capital. Worth noting that SD has decided to start spending all of his EP on us, so... hard to tell what he's up to really.

In domestic news, we finished the horse pasture at Broken Bridge so chariots are a menu option shortly. This also allowed to us to return the deer that we're passing around like a bong at a frat party to Harbour Bridge to speed up the settler which will be going to the fish/cow spot on the peninsula.

Here's the empire as we prepare for a pretty crucial 10t where we step up our expansion efforts...

[Image: t57b.jpg]

And our demos where our GNP looks awfully great, fueled by a double arrow tech with 2 civ KTB:

[Image: t57c.jpg]
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

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