Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RBP3 [SPOILERS] - Friendly Kittens (Ragnar of Maya)

First few turns of Smithsonian's spreadsheet:

[Image: smitcalc.jpg]

RP = River Plains
P = Plains
RG = River Grassland
G = Grassland
D = Desert

As mentioned, this plan assumes we'll still be in Slavery in ~20 turns.

I only know the one already there (Toulouse). I should be home in 30-120 minutes. I will get you the other names then.

EDIT: the one near Fierias is Nala. The one near Red Dwarf is Berlioz.
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

Here's what I've got for Smithsonian:

[Image: smitcalc.jpg]

Note I've changed the format for reporting hammers:

"In" records hammers already invested, plus whip hammers
"New" records other hammers being added this turn
Because that's the way the game does it.
"Excess" is still the overflow BEFORE "demultiplication."

If anything's unclear, let me know.

Worker plan next post.

This takes us to the completion of National Epic on Turn 150. It would also be at size 9 and ready to start working an engineer and/or up to two scientists right away.

This plan assumes that Smithsonian gets to keep all three workers throughout that period but won't get any more worker help. It also assumes we'll be in slavery as late as turn 148. If it CAN get other worker help though, even temporarily, it will have uses for it. (This could be said of any of our cities right now though.) Note also that it won't be building a missionary any time soon; the plan that included a missionary was highly worker-intensive (it wanted multiple workers on-site before the city was even founded, which would have been impossible given our dearth of workers.) Anyway, worker actions:

Turn 128:

Smithsonian founded in place, builds culture, works plains forest.

New missionary from Fierias WAITS for the city to be founded, then moves to the city and spreads Hinduism.

Toulouse roads and CANCELS orders.

Nala farms; complete.

Berlioz moves 1W to a plains tile, roads, and CANCELS orders!

Turn 129:

Smithsonian builds culture, works plains forest.

Toulouse roads; complete.

Nala moves 2N-2NW-1N to a river grassland; farms; CANCELS orders!

Berlioz moves 1NW to another plains tile, roads, and CANCELS orders!

Turn 130:

Smithsonian's borders pop to second ring! It builds a granary, working the plains forest.

Toulouse moves 1NE to the pigs; pastures.

Nala moves 1N-1NE-2N to a plains hill forest.

Berlioz moves 1W to the pigs; pastures.

Turn 131:

Smithsonian builds a granary, working the eastern pigs.

Toulouse and Berlioz pasture; complete.

Nala chops and CANCELS orders.

Turn 132:

Smithsonian builds a granary, working the eastern pigs.

Toulouse and Berlioz road; complete.

Nala chops and CANCELS orders.

Turn 133:

Smithsonian builds a granary, working the eastern pigs.

Toulouse and Berlioz move 1SW to a plains forest, chop, and CANCEL orders.

Nala chops; complete.

Turn 134:

Smithsonian builds a granary, working the eastern pigs.

Toulouse chops; complete.

Berlioz moves 1W-1NW to a river plains tile just south of the northern pigs; roads; CANCELS orders.

Nala roads and CANCELS orders.

Turn 135:

Smithsonian grows to size 2 and completes its granary! It builds a forge, working both pigs.

Toulouse moves 1W-1NW to Berlioz's river plains tile and roads; complete.

Berlioz moves 1N to the pigs, pastures, and CANCELS orders.

Nala roads; complete.

Turn 136:

Smithsonian builds a forge, working both pigs.

Toulouse moves 1N to the pigs; pastures.

Berlioz pastures.

Nala moves 1W to the pigs and pastures; complete.

Turn 137:

Smithsonian builds a forge, working both pigs.

Workers move 1SW to a floodplain, farm, and CANCEL orders.

Turn 138:

Smithsonian grows to size 3; builds a forge, working both pigs and an (unimproved) fp.

Workers farm; CANCEL orders.

Turn 139:

Smithsonian grows to size 4! It builds a forge, working both pigs and both of the far-western floodplains.

Toulouse farms; complete.

Berlioz and Nala move 1S to a floodplain, farm, and CANCEL orders.

Turn 140:

Smithsonian grows to size 5!! It builds a forge, working both pigs and all three floodplains.

Toulouse moves 1S to a floodplain, farms, and CANCELS orders.

Berlioz and Nala farm and CANCEL orders.

Turn 141:

Smithsonian grows to size 6!!! It builds a forge, working both pigs, all three floodplains, and a grassland forest.

Toulouse and Berlioz farm; complete.

Nala moves 1E to a floodplain, farms, and CANCELS orders.

Turn 142:

Smithsonian builds a forge, working both pigs, all three floodplains, and a grassland forest.

Toulouse and Berlioz move 1E to a floodplain, farm, and CANCEL orders.

Nala farms and CANCELS orders.

Turn 143:

Smithsonian grows to size 7, and builds a forge, working both pigs, all three floodplains, and both grassland forests.

All three Workers farm; complete.

Turn 144:

Smithsonian grows to size 8! It builds a forge, working both pigs, all three floodplains, both grassland forests, and an unimproved river grassland.

Toulouse and Berlioz move 2S to a pre-farmed river grassland and farm.

Nala moves 1N-1NE to a plains hill and mines.

Turn 145:

Smithsonian grows to size 9!! It builds a forge, WHIPS it for 2 pop, and works both pigs, all three floodplains, and both grassland forests.

Toulouse and Berlioz farm; complete.

Nala mines.

Turn 146:

Smithsonian regrows to size 8, and builds a library, working both pigs, all three floodplains, the grass farm, and both grassland forests.

Toulouse moves 1N-1NE-1N-1NE to a grass forest.

Berlioz moves 1N-2NE to another grass forest.

Nala mines.

Turn 147:

Smithsonian regrows to size 9! It builds a library, working both pigs, all three floodplains, a grass farm, both grassland forests, and its northern plains hill.

Toulouse chops.

Berlioz chops.

Nala mines; complete.

Turn 148:

Smithsonian grows to size 10!! It builds a library and WHIPS it for 2 pop, then works both pigs, all three floodplains, both grassland forests, and its plains hill mine.

Toulouse chops.

Berlioz chops.

Nala moves 1S to a plains tile and farms.

Turn 149:

Smithsonian builds the National Epic, working both pigs, all three floodplains, the grassland farm, and the plains hill mine, and an Engineer specialist.

Toulouse chops; complete.

Berlioz chops; complete.

Nala farms.

Turn 150:

Smithsonian grows to size 9 and completes the National Epic!

Your whipping plan at the capital is taking into account the whipping penalty for wonders, right? It doesn't look like it to me, but perhaps it is.
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

One last thing on Hukawng Valley; hopefully this was obvious anyway (and not too late if not) - I just realized that a random question you asked about HV might actually have immediate application:

It is important for HV to have at least six of its seven floodplains farmed in the short term. Long-term, one of the six can perhaps be cottaged over, but it needs all six for now.

Maniac Marshall Wrote:Your whipping plan at the capital is taking into account the whipping penalty for wonders, right? It doesn't look like it to me, but perhaps it is.
The wonder at the capital is not being whipped. The whip goes into a regular university, not the U Sankore. Overflow hammers don't remember whether they came from a whip or food or hammers or what, so the whipping penalty doesn't apply.

Now is as good of a time as any to bring this up. I'll be leaving for Origins Tuesday night at 8PM EST. This basically means that I'll be unavailable from late Monday night till Tuesday the next week. Now, it's possible that I could JUST manage to log in and play a turn, but I'd rather not have to. I'm getting maybe 3 hours sleep Tuesday night, then about 4-5 hours a night for the next 4 nights... that's if I'm not spending time logging into this game.

Someone on this team WILL be able to play for the week that I'm gone, right?
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

BTW: If we're serious about going to, and staying in, State Property, then I highly suggest we make water mills at Kilrah and Pride Rock... and anywhere else with a river where we're trying to boost production.

WTF, I never build water mills you say? Keep in mind that in Rep Parts/State Property, that's +1 Food +2 hammers, or a non biology farm that's also a non railroad mine. 3f/2h/1c is a pretty good tile. Also, with electricity, those become 3f/2h/4c tiles...
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

I'll try to get my connection issues sorted by then - or at least find out whether I can connect to the game. I'm not sure what Morgan's situation is. It would be best not to rely on me playing the turns, given the state of my computer and my current real-life situation, but I'll do what I can.

I built several watermills and dozens of workshops in Adventure 25, even without SP. That was a bit of a special case, of course. *Are* we serious about being in State Property, though? I don't think we've ever discussed it (though I'm aware the idea has been bouncing around in PAT e-mails). Let's see.

My understanding is that corporations can be insanely, brokenly powerful, at least in single-player games. Sid's doesn't exist in this game, but Cereal Mills and/or Mining Incorporated would be insane if we get enough resources. So, if we end up founding a corporation, we probably want Free Market (I think). If we don't ... SP is interesting, but have you looked at Environmentalism? Probably it never gets used in normal games, but in a game lacking fish, clams, crabs, and harbors, for a civ like ours that has scads of happy and lives and dies by its floodplains ... +6 health (+8 in cities that eventually get Public Transit) might be really sweet as we get deeper into the game. Even the +2 coins from windmills would be interesting. (The bonus to "Forest Preserves" in an MP game is merely funny.)

All that said, we might want a watermill or two at PR and/or Kilrah anyway. (I think you mentioned this ages ago.)

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