As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Gaspar & Noble make their triumphant? return; mostly just get asked about "The List"

Since it's your naming theme I feel like this is a relevant question:

What are your league starters for Ritual?
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

(January 15th, 2021, 16:42)pindicator Wrote: Since it's your naming theme I feel like this is a relevant question:

What are your league starters for Ritual?

Current gameplan is Blade Blast something, probably Chieftain, but its my first time trying BB and there's always an excellent chance I hate it when start playing it. I'm definitely going to try a CoC Inquistor something and a Flicker something this league, but those both require too much currency for a starter.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

I will still do the massive t132 update, but just a quick t133 update.
  • Lewwyn took two more Rusten cities.
  • We lost a GG. Rest in power, Hyrri.
  • SD gave us peace.
  • We killed a GG.
  • We took another Serdoa city.

Still have another turn or two to navigate before we can stabilize the Serdoa situation, but I think when this is over we will be the Soviet Union to Lewwyn's America - always the secondary global hegemon, but at least in the conversation.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

I'm also interested in doing a CoC Inquis - not sure i get all the Fanaticism hype but obviously not a league starter
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

In case it's not clear yet, there is no chance I will ever pick Byzantium again. My comments in the CtH thread are not because of that. The 1 bpt from Mysticism was a large part of why I wanted to pick it.

Ok, going to try a recap-y post. Obviously, the big war turn update isn't coming - once I lost half of it I just didn't have the energy to redo it. So I'll just try and give an illustrated update.

t132 - THE turn

So when we last left off, we had an audacious plan to take 5 cities from Serdoa on the first turn of war, plus retake the island city that SD took from us oh so many turns ago. When we opened the save, Serdoa had procured additional defenders in Akiva and Selonia, so we were unable to take those two, which were really relying on Serdoa being super underdefended. We were still able to achieve our other targets, as we easily took Ashas Ree and Fondor and were able to raze Atollon to relieve cultural pressure with a morale GG phract. We also recaptured Putrid Cloister aka Kaifeng in the north. At this stage, we were pretty unsure where we were headed here. Our primary war aim, as stated internally, was to capture the eastern Serdoa cities - so the two we took and kept plus Selonia and Mon Cala in the south. We felt this would do enough to keep us competitive and still be prepared for a SD counterpunch in the north.

Here's what the battlefield looked like at the beginning of the turn:

[Image: t132b.jpg]

And at the end:

[Image: t132c.jpg]

All in all, we didn't really know what to make of things at this point. While our plan was always ambitious, this was also the best possible time to attack Serdoa, since the main body of his army was all the way on the other side of his empire. We sort of figured we basically had a couple turns to take the two southern cities and then we would have to be tenacious to keep them as Serdoa would be able to rebase. This is not what happened.

Going to post this and then come back for the rest so at least I'm getting something out there.

Oh, and for those following for PoE content, I decided to go with an AoF Sweep Chieftain as my league starter. I've never played Sweep before but its surprisingly smooth with Herald of Ash doing most of the work that an explody chest would do. Only in yellow maps atm, but I think it should be good for a while.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Do you have a different single target skill, or sweep all the way? Has sweep been buffed lately? I used to play around with it on low levels but it never felt really good.

I scoffed at Gaspar playing sweep, telling him that he was basically playing a fighter in an early version of Dungeons and Dragons. wink

(January 23rd, 2021, 11:38)Miguelito Wrote: Do you have a different single target skill, or sweep all the way? Has sweep been buffed lately? I used to play around with it on low levels but it never felt really good.

Well, I'm using both Ancestor Totems which definitely helps the single target. As I'm poking into red maps the ST damage is starting to fall off a smidge, but nothing that can't be solved with a weapon upgrade. I think mostly I just enjoy playing a very old skill which I've never used before and it feels pretty smooth. The build would almost certainly be better with Cyclone or, played entirely differently, Earthshatter, but you can say that about any melee skill.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

I only use PoE when playing mafia. More civ, please!
I have to run.

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