As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Gaspar & Noble make their triumphant? return; mostly just get asked about "The List"

I just assumed it was the politics thread.

You played an outstanding game, and while its un-American to say so, that can be more satisfying than winning due to sucky opposition or luck of the draw.


So I'm sorry we never got around to reporting the most recent turns.  The TLDR is that Saleucami's third ring border popped the very next turn when we moved in which (mostly) scuppered our move.  I had planned for possible scenarios like Serdoa pillaging the iron road so we brought along three workers to road if necessary but I could not have guessed that the city would pop borders.

Nonetheless we had the backup plan to move in to fork Saleucami and Alderaan instead while moving in a secondary stack towards Alderaan with the medic GG (Sanctus Vox) and the newer C3 Morale GG (Aukuna).  Serdoa decided to cat the smaller stack with two GGs and wiped it out, but at grave cost (Aukuna killed three units by herself before falling) and we were able to take Alderaan quite easily as well as clean up the units that killed our stack.  We then moved the remaining units to take Corellia, which was lightly defended as Serdoa had packed most of the units in Saleucami.

After that we were able to get catapults up to Saleucami relatively soon which allowed us to take the city with minimal losses.

Rusten then agreed to peace with Lewwyn so we knew he was going to take Inpulsa back, so we went ahead and razed Malastare (after briefly debating leaving the city for Rusten to take) and were healing up and moving on Akiva and Aeos Prime when we were hit by the attack through SD's lands.

We were prepared for an attack by SD and by proxy we were somewhat prepared for Lewwyn's knight attack, but we were certainly not close to prepared for a combined attack.  If it was just the knights we may have killed 12 or so out of the 23, and of course if we had some warning we would have built more units in the area and moved our units much differently.

Lewwyn also showed a two-galley boating force in the east at Beachhead, but we were (mostly) prepared for that and only had to dry whip a pikeman to deter it.  We were working on a long-simmering Astronomy play with our iced Scientist and finally finished Paper (which I had forgotten is a new prerequisite for Galleons) shortly before the game ended and we did have a few galleons in the water just then.  The plan was to possibly try to take Lewwyn's Moai city of Roadhog and the sister city of Mei and blockade all of Lewwyn's islands and otherwise threaten every coastal holding we found.

We were working on getting the National Epic in Ascent, which was the planned third phase of the city.

[Image: t147-demos.jpg?raw=1]

Demos as of t147.

(September 15th, 2020, 22:11)scooter Wrote:
(September 15th, 2020, 20:26)Gaspar Wrote: 2.  I hope Lewwyn is really going religion first, and I hope he's nearby if that's the case.
Cuban Isolationists cosplay, anyone?  Does anyone reading this even get the reference?

Of course. I spent like... 30 minutes toying with the idea of going full blown troll-hydra opening in 54 just to say I did it. Play for the pbemlist description, not the win. Sadly, my memes are still dreams.

Just FYI, my password for this game was hydra  lol
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

OK I finished reading through. Great game. If you see in my thread I thought the game was much more evenly split after you guys broke through SD. I also considered the peace tech route, and I wonder how the game would have changed. Rusten likely would have become stronger and more of a power for one. Would you guys have stabbed Serdoa if he hadn't gone to war with Rusten?
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Much less likely that we would have attacked Serdoa if he hadn't attacked Rusten. We probably would have held ground against SD (but we would have taken Shandong) and then gone for the galleon play against you.

(February 2nd, 2021, 11:34)NobleHelium Wrote: Much less likely that we would have attacked Serdoa if he hadn't attacked Rusten.  We probably would have held ground against SD (but we would have taken Shandong) and then gone for the galleon play against you.

Well I like that very much less than what actually happened.  neenerneener
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

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