Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[PB75 Mjmd] Call to Power


Haven't posted an empire overview in a while.

[Image: cECggY5.png]

Gav won more easily than I would have thought. However, his overall situation must be desperate as he is withdrawing his scouting war chariot.

A lot of my production cities are just starting to come online, so will see if I can scrap together some sort of force to help out, but will still be a second.

Any questions?

Who do you want to help out ?
Why is the copper unconnected ?

1) Gav. So SD has been trying to get me to 2v1 Gav the WHOLE game (or at least since he killed Rickety) and despite Gav having razed one of my cities I keep not responding. Main reason is I would then border SD. I'm not sure if anyone has looked at my power numbers, but it ain't pretty. So I would have had to whip to the ground to invade Gav and then have to have kept whipping to keep an army vs SD. Problem: My empire can either whip or have an economy. It does not have the food for both (and it can be argued if it has enough for even one of them). So Gav has been and is my cushion vs SD while I mostly just sit around. But SD has really good food as well so he has been pretty strong the whole game and especially with GT bleeding off Gav strength I may need to produce more knights to keep Gav from collapsing. IE I want his cities being whipped down while mine are in serfdom and building infrastructure.

2) I have two. Eliza Lee my 3rd city has the other. I have a completed settler in queue in Off to Sea for that filler spot steal Mandalay corn, but waiting on calendar as the extra food from the spices will allow Mandalay to take Off to Sea's cow although I may settle as soon as that grassland south of capital deer is farmed. But ya Maple Syrup doesn't have the food to work so only transiting mining turns have been put into it.

The city that launched a 1000 ships. I mean not really, the fight was pretty much guaranteed. However, it was a primary reason I never gave up despite all it cost me.


[Image: 3OP2hIz.png]

After (mostly; gotta show nukes as much as possible).

[Image: BtNOYr5.png]

Poor Gav will have gone from 15 cities to 8 alright . Sadly GT doesn't play before SD so imagine SD will raze (unless he has reinforcements coming through the pass).

[Image: INxBp40.png]

A couple cities that were going to build either grocers or banks (was undecided going into turn) have instead decided knights may be the thing to build.

Parents will be producing a settler for the wheat site next, I doubt Gav is using any production on settlers atm.

BTW my units in that area are to escort GTs workers to keep them from being picked off by SD or Ginger. And just in case I decide to pick off.

SD demanded I go to war with Gav for him to cancel deals with Ginger. Dude. No matter what happens over here, you had better hope Ginger is stopped, so why support him?

Persias crew was just a useful whipping filler, but it was one of the few cities in this part of the world that didn't get razed. In this part of the world. I know I've mainly been showing rosy PB66 images, but in this picture are 5 razed cities (3 re-founded) and this is the turn I lost my capital.

[Image: SOtYd2i.png]


Above was to put this turns anger and disappointment into perspective. Nauf IGNORED the spear CLEARLY guarding the workers and snipped them from underneath me. I of course declared war but my spear was teleported to a weird spot instead of a near tile (I would have felt fine about it teleporting and attacking here because Nauf ignored it guarding the workers). Now I'm assuming in his first login before Nauf had even done this Ginger cut the road under a longbow and spear that could have reached. I therefore had 1 longbow to try to take revenge. 68% shot AND

[Image: LhrRs36.png]

Listen I had plenty of luck against him in PB62, but SIGH.

Also, I'm in a settler race with Ijub; let him know. I was relying on my chariot for safety so my longbow is actually too far behind to settle in place. If he steps forward I'll probably settle 1W which will allow the longbow to get there. Demos pre merc swap.

[Image: qEBL6cq.png]

Demos after. I guess every time I've seen someone else do this they have had an island so I actually dropped GNP, but gained production due to every city working an engineer. Mind you I really do need the production, but in hind site I thought this would be better.

[Image: Pm7bfua.png]

Map Maker is turning into a good city now that I can dedicate worker labor to it, it has all its infrastructure, and I can let it grow. If I can get the required exp unit will probably be HE city instead of JPJ.

Pb66 first Jack city I captured. Medium little commerce city. Mainly chose because its a good marching to war song and I haven't shown much of my Jack war which set up the rest of my PB66 game. Lovely little chariot impi rush. I had my power build up as much as possible and Jack lost the great lighthouse race (wish he had won), but in any case he had been at 4 cities and had only recently gotten to 7 when I invaded, meaning he essentially just had 4 and I blizted two down including his copper city pretty fast.

[Image: eSkSHRm.png]


The war I'm talking about is of course with Ijub for wanting my incense!!!!

YA NO; hopefully that fooled no one.

I'm assuming this is actually the incense.

[Image: adywSAq.png]

And honestly if he had just moved the settler forward I would have just given it to him. I can't even afford 1 war.

Which is awkward because I think Gav is just throwing the game atm. I mean after GT randomly showed up and delcared on him I can hardly blame him, but defensive wars your power graph shouldn't do this until the VERY end. You can always retreat instead of just getting smacked which is really what this looks like. Its possible a city was taken opening up an attack on a stack, but my bet is on Gav just not caring.

[Image: Z8PNxPj.png]

I need him to whip pretty hard here. My knights are coming (first ones won't show on graph till next turn), but they have a lot of traveling to do even once produced. He does have longbows at least.

@Tarkeel I still need an accurate map description for PB63

PB65 history - while we wait for the guy with 1 city that for some reason isn't dead this game despite having sent a large part of his army across the map to destabilize Gav for reasons?

Anyways, for PB65 I posted probably about 10 versions of this song.

Map was basically tectonics base strip of land with water north and south and players placed alternated diagonally. I actually really liked a lot of this map. 

Quote:Players - note block pick method: 
1. SAC: Mehmed of India
2. MJMD: Gilgamesh of Zulu
3. Pindi: Charlemagne of America
4. Superdeath: Darius of Byzantium
5. Cornflakes: Pericles of Arabia
6. Bing: Wang Kon of Inca

I'm just going to start fresh for game overview. 

Quote:- Stonehenge built by Superdeath (T38)
- Mjmd took an early swipe at Cornflakes but Cornflakes got enough in border city to deflect.
- Cornflakes took a city off of SaC
- pindicator and Cornflakes were in a race for Pyramids, which Cornflakes won in T77, pindicator then went on to build Oracle in T86. Meanwhile Mjmd finished The Great Lighthouse in T82 and Superdeath build the buddhist shrine in T89
- Cornflakes took a SD city and nibbled more at SaC. At some point SD built and then threw a large number of chariots pointlessly to their death against his former city.
- Pindicator ate Bing with Mjmd vulturing two cities.
- Cornflakes got open borders from Pin by threatening with a sneak attack of 6 chariots. He then used this to move through Pins territory for a sneak attack on Mjmd razing 2 cities.
- Pin despite fish/fish and generally sending signals about attacking Cornflakes with other players uses the opportunity to take two Mjmd cities.
- Cornflakes moves up his army and eventually razes a Mjmd city, but then makes peace to go eat more of SaC along with SD who joins in.
- Mjmd retakes his cities from Pin and they peace out.
- Cornflakes peaces out with SaC allowing SD to take more and Mjmd also jumps in.
- Cornflakes declared war on SD while SDs troops are in SaC land and picked off some.
- An offensive dogpile was tried vs Cornflake but it was poorly coordinated and executed and camel archer healing came in handy.

- Mjmd built Great Lighthouse
T104 Hanging Gardens (pindicator)
T110 Great Wall (SucksAtCiv)
T111 Apostolic Palace (Cornflakes)
T113 Colossus (Cornflakes)
T121 Mausoleum of Mausolos (Mjmd)
T122 Temple of Artemis (Bing)
T131 University of Sankore (Cornflakes)
T145 Great Library (Mjmd)

My game started with an important decision. There were "goody" areas inbetween people on the diagonals. Pin was imp but he has a better one on his NW side so I took the one to my SW / his NE. 

[Image: EhhauFE.png]

This was because it opened up multiple other cities. Now this didn't mean I had given up on the Cornflakes one. 

[Image: dPLSiKy.png]

But he used a teleport trick to delay my axe by a turn and he miraculously connected his copper in time and was able to get axes here despite the fact his copper was 2nd ring vs my settle on the copper. 

After that game developed into me being very broke despite being Zulu. There was a lot of lurkers who thought me building Great Lighthouse wasn't great here but it saved my game as I got an early merchant which helped me get to key techs via trade mission (a much better way to get out of an early whole than doing an early GA like I did in current game).

Sadly a lot of this game was decided by SaC (sucks at civ) very much not being very good at civ. If he had been an average player I don't think there is a chance Cornflakes wins this, but Cornflakes got a few key early city picks off him without which I don't think he would have been in this game.

Other big factor was the Pin backstab. I think our best chance was after his Bing conquest for SD, Pin, and I to divide SaC real fast, but Pin instead declaring on me taking opportunity of Cornflakes declaring which forced me to whip during my 2nd GA which really hurt. And obviously was a lot of development time on the cities.

Anyways, we all know the true winner this game.  

[Image: 3nH3TyK.png]


I'm 3rd in GNP and prod behind both people in GAs. Now mind even out of GA I know Ginger has better and with his land SD will as well.

[Image: 2aqvcZH.png]

But on 6th (last not counting dying players) in food despite being 4th in population I will take it. Mind some people get whip production and power graph shows.

SD appears NOT to be advancing???? I couldn't locate his scout this turn but he has seen my knights headed vaguely that way, so I wonder if he thinks I have more in Gav territory than I do.

Greenlines cat stack that was  in his capital is gone. He double played me so not positive, but unless he has eng they didn't go towards me.

I'll be settling two more cities T158 and T159. Other cities are growing and soon size 6 ater won't be my 4th best production city. Again, no where near enough, but I'm proud of the empire I've built.

Any questions?


I declared war on GT and took two workers. I deleted one and will delete any more I get. He was roading for SD and I wanted to pillage some roads leading into Gav.

[Image: swij4cC.png]

You can see the merc swap, but you can still see problem.

BTW forgot for food that Nauf is somehow lower than me. This is surprising because A) he has more cities and B) the very little of his empire I can see looks pretty good.

[Image: dR7U5cB.png]


[Image: qrDtSym.png]

I did not realize Nauf had also settled for that gold before I did as well. Sent him this.

Oh SD sent me some ridiculous diplo too this turn. I would have screen shoted them had I known I would be reporting. He wanted 35gpt to cancel open borders with Ginger, who as a reminder is his primary competition to winning this game.

Speaking of Janky Decks I found this gem when looking  through PB65,

Quote:I present the WORST deck to ever cash an SCG open (14th). It was my first big event EVER and also first week of Theros standard. And yes I alted a single copy of Vraska the unseen 3 times this tournament including twice in the same game.

[Image: 4wNqosR.png]

A lot of people who play Magic the Gathering start by playing janky decks but most of them stop at some point if they get competitive. I never did. I somewhat wonder how much of that is me and how much of it is that I showed up to my first major tournament and got 14th with absolute garbage so I knew it was possible.

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