@Tarkeel I still need an accurate map description for PB63
PB65 history - while we wait for the guy with 1 city that for some reason isn't dead this game despite having sent a large part of his army across the map to destabilize Gav for reasons?
Anyways, for PB65 I posted probably about 10 versions of this song.
Map was basically tectonics base strip of land with water north and south and players placed alternated diagonally. I actually really liked a lot of this map.
Quote:Players - note block pick method:
1. SAC: Mehmed of India
2. MJMD: Gilgamesh of Zulu
3. Pindi: Charlemagne of America
4. Superdeath: Darius of Byzantium
5. Cornflakes: Pericles of Arabia
6. Bing: Wang Kon of Inca
I'm just going to start fresh for game overview.
Quote:- Stonehenge built by Superdeath (T38)
- Mjmd took an early swipe at Cornflakes but Cornflakes got enough in border city to deflect.
- Cornflakes took a city off of SaC
- pindicator and Cornflakes were in a race for Pyramids, which Cornflakes won in T77, pindicator then went on to build Oracle in T86. Meanwhile Mjmd finished The Great Lighthouse in T82 and Superdeath build the buddhist shrine in T89
- Cornflakes took a SD city and nibbled more at SaC. At some point SD built and then threw a large number of chariots pointlessly to their death against his former city.
- Pindicator ate Bing with Mjmd vulturing two cities.
- Cornflakes got open borders from Pin by threatening with a sneak attack of 6 chariots. He then used this to move through Pins territory for a sneak attack on Mjmd razing 2 cities.
- Pin despite fish/fish and generally sending signals about attacking Cornflakes with other players uses the opportunity to take two Mjmd cities.
- Cornflakes moves up his army and eventually razes a Mjmd city, but then makes peace to go eat more of SaC along with SD who joins in.
- Mjmd retakes his cities from Pin and they peace out.
- Cornflakes peaces out with SaC allowing SD to take more and Mjmd also jumps in.
- Cornflakes declared war on SD while SDs troops are in SaC land and picked off some.
- An offensive dogpile was tried vs Cornflake but it was poorly coordinated and executed and camel archer healing came in handy.
- Mjmd built Great Lighthouse
T104 Hanging Gardens (pindicator)
T110 Great Wall (SucksAtCiv)
T111 Apostolic Palace (Cornflakes)
T113 Colossus (Cornflakes)
T121 Mausoleum of Mausolos (Mjmd)
T122 Temple of Artemis (Bing)
T131 University of Sankore (Cornflakes)
T145 Great Library (Mjmd)
My game started with an important decision. There were "goody" areas inbetween people on the diagonals. Pin was imp but he has a better one on his NW side so I took the one to my SW / his NE.
This was because it opened up multiple other cities. Now this didn't mean I had given up on the Cornflakes one.
But he used a teleport trick to delay my axe by a turn and he miraculously connected his copper in time and was able to get axes here despite the fact his copper was 2nd ring vs my settle on the copper.
After that game developed into me being very broke despite being Zulu. There was a lot of lurkers who thought me building Great Lighthouse wasn't great here but it saved my game as I got an early merchant which helped me get to key techs via trade mission (a much better way to get out of an early whole than doing an early GA like I did in current game).
Sadly a lot of this game was decided by SaC (sucks at civ) very much not being very good at civ. If he had been an average player I don't think there is a chance Cornflakes wins this, but Cornflakes got a few key early city picks off him without which I don't think he would have been in this game.
Other big factor was the Pin backstab. I think our best chance was after his Bing conquest for SD, Pin, and I to divide SaC real fast, but Pin instead declaring on me taking opportunity of Cornflakes declaring which forced me to whip during my 2nd GA which really hurt. And obviously was a lot of development time on the cities.
Anyways, we all know the true winner this game.