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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

David Corperial Wrote:I checked out something while in a game, if you press the escape button you go to a menu that has a key binding button so you can change all your keys and am sure I saw something for cast summons with alt plus and if you change that you might be able to move Tibbers with Annie with a different key. This is not varified but looks like it will work.

Here are some mechanics type guides/threads

for various key commands

rebinding your keys

AP ratios
On League of Legends I am "BertrandDeHorn"

40 kills Speaker?! Jesus Christ. Wish I'd been present to cast that game! lol

For the curious, I did cast one of our games from last week, with me playing Janna and basically assisting Metallian on a ton of kills. Here's the starting link for anyone curious:
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You played well Sulla. You just need to work on the timing for Janna's Ult. Take in mind that all those players we played against were lvl 30's, so they had an advantage on you. I am sure it was hard to support me because I often play Xin very Rambo like. It appears you were having a little hard time killing creeps. If you watch the top level Janna's play they usually use the shield to help them kill creeps. The reason behind this is because Janna's base attack damage is so low and sending tornados on creeps pushes the lane too much. I still believe that 40 kill game Speaker was a fake. You somehow hacked into Riot's servers..

That was a brilliant game - thanks all! Dantski was my lane mate early on, and we realised quite early that him grabbing followed by me peppering with arrows worked a treat. Dantski must have done this a load of times, as my DPS towards the end got a bit silly (313 damage at 1.8 attacks/sec from range) and I got 13 kills out of it. I think we had a kill ratio of about 5:1 just in our lane... 27 assists shows how well Dantski did as the tank in teamfights though.

500 minion kills doesn't surprise me - I lost count of the number of times that I cleared our base out of minions. I think one of our middle towers was about 50hp from going down at one point...

Speaker as usual was just wandering around the map killing anyone he fancied - very impressive!

only my 2nd game with blitzcrank, the difference I find between him and other tanks is that you feel like you're contributing more to the team (grab + airborne), also had no idea if my item build was sensible or not, still have problems figuring out what type of damage enemy champs are dishing out

anyway fun game there
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

They made Kog free this week. Happy me. smile First game as him and had a 5v1 game 20 minutes in. :D

On a side note, I think this is one of the first times the IP brought champs I have correlated with the free ones(Annie, Xin, and Shen).

Took Alistar out for a walk last night, experimenting with Masteries for the first time. Ended up on the short side of a 5 v 3, which proved to be an interesting exercise in defense until the 5 finally realized that if we couldn't cover all of the towers we certainly weren't covering the jungle...

Sullla Wrote:Just don't go wasting your IP on buying runes until you hit Level 20; all the Tier I and Tier II runes are worthless. Yes, it's kind of a trap on the part of the designers to get you to waste your real-world money...

I wonder, though, how much I've been spotting the opposition by going runeless to this point.

I've gotten enough game play out of this that I'll pay a tithe shortly; I don't mind giving them some real-world money, but I prefer not to waste it.

I need a new game to learn until C5 is fixed, and even then probably need something with playable MP...anyone around to teach a n00b?
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Krill Wrote:I need a new game to learn until C5 is fixed, and even then probably need something with playable MP...anyone around to teach a n00b?

I should be around most of the weekend. I'd be more than happy to get in a few games with you.

Ironically, I was just wondering if I was missing out on something with Civ 5. Guess I won't rush to buy that one. wink

Hey all! I've been lurking realms beyond for a while now, and Sulla's vids have gotten me into LoL. I'm pretty new, with only a dozen games or so, but I'm up for a game whenever. Name is VarisNox in game.

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