October 27th, 2010, 04:42
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VoiceOfUnreason Wrote:Just finished watching Sulla's #18.
What the @#$@#$ are you supposed to do against that?
More specifically
(a) how are you supposed to prevent losing position there?
(b) how are you supposed to recover if you do lose position?
Edit: one possible answer - try playing him and see what happens.
Couple of suggestions, building on what Gustaran says...
It was a poor lane for their opponents, mainly because Tristana is a ranged carry. Carries are always susceptible to that sort of thing, because they don't tend to do very much damage early on, and they need to be fed.
I think if I were Tristana I'd have asked Shen to focus Zilean, and try to kill him in a full-on fight. Zilean doesn't like that, because once he's finished his bombs, he doesn't have anything else really. I'd also make sure the lane was pushed against my tower, which means hanging back and very, very selectively getting last hits.
But yeah, it was extremely well played, and I'm nowhere near the skill level required to deal with that I'm sure!
October 27th, 2010, 07:10
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Right, you guys have the general idea down. The Tristana player was the one who screwed up that lane. She didn't buy any +health item at the start (I think she had a mana crystal as the starting item, though not 100% sure of that) and that always puts you in a dangerous position. Equally importantly, Tristana's positioning was very poor. Go back and watch the opening of that video again - Trist keeps coming very far forward to shoot minions. She also was rather clueless about the two of us moving in and out of the brush. Together, it made for a rather easy kill. Once Trist was down and under-leveled, Shen didn't have much of a prayer. Shen doesn't have much range, and aside from his Taunt, he lacks crowd control. All he could do was huddle at his tower for protection, and we were able to do some fancy tower-diving stuff to harass and ultimately kill him.
Still, Shen had the right idea. If you get a lane like that, stay by your tower as much as possible. Make sure that they have to take tower fire to bomb/cleaver you. You can also opt to counter-attack the harasser; after Zilean drops his time bomb(s with Rewind), he's completely useless for the next 10 seconds. Ideally Shen could have Taunted me, and then Tristana could have blasted away at me for the next couple of seconds. Instead, the two of them kept passively retreating over and over again, letting us harass with no consequences.
I'm not saying this is necessarily easy (that was a lvl 30 Shen player), but it is possible.
October 27th, 2010, 11:49
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Tristana does have a nice degree of flexability for that kind of fighting. With her E skill she can do harrasment and escape quite well, and if you plan things right you can really screw the other side, such as letting someone (ie, zillian trying to throw a bomb) get just a little overexposed, then jumping on them, then using the ultimate to toss them right in your tower, which makes them take tower fire (and accelerated fire from your q and e skill) while shen taunts. Doing that to Sullla and Mookie could have split them up and allowed shen to kill zillian and forced Mookie to much more careful when killing minions.
Of course, I am just level 12, so I can probably get away with a lot more then you guys can at 30.
October 27th, 2010, 12:27
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I am going to continue running Garen I guess, but if I wanted a hero with these traits:
1. Survivability
2. Spell which buffs teammates
3. Spell which slows/stuns enemies
4. Ranged attack
What good heroes fit that description?
October 27th, 2010, 12:32
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Gold Ergo Sum Wrote:I am going to continue running Garen I guess, but if I wanted a hero with these traits:
1. Survivability
2. Spell which buffs teammates
3. Spell which slows/stuns enemies
4. Ranged attack
What good heroes fit that description? Janna, Sona. Tristana has all but #2.
"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."
October 27th, 2010, 12:36
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VoiceOfUnreason Wrote:Just finished watching Sulla's #18.
What the @#$@#$ are you supposed to do against that?
More specifically
(a) how are you supposed to prevent losing position there?
(b) how are you supposed to recover if you do lose position?
Edit: one possible answer - try playing him and see what happens. It was pretty much all Sullla doing the harassing. Mookie missed most of his cleaver shots, from what I could see. Tristana's problems were multiple:
1) Didn't take a Doran's item for the extra hp
2) Didn't have magic resist blue runes
3) Didn't return any harassment damage -- E plus an autoattack or two each time Sullla bombed would have made him not want to bomb anymore
Shen should have taken his Vorpal Blade at rank 1 and his Feint (shield) at rank 2. Then he could have stood further out in the creeps and helped protect Tristana more. Facing a high harass lane like Zillean and Mundo, Trist+Shen should have played cautiously, let the lane get pushed near their tower, and leveled to a point where they could compete.
"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."
October 27th, 2010, 12:42
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Sivir been improved yet?
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October 27th, 2010, 13:59
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Any thoughts on my Garen build:
Generally my goal is to get to a Yomuru Ghostblade, Sunfire Cape, and Ninja shoes first.
I generally build it like this:
Wait for 700 to get Chain Vest.
Get the 400g claw thing that turns into an Avarice Blade.
Basic 350g speed boots.
Two long swords, and then the Brutalizer.
Yomuru Ghostblade.
1100 for Giant's (?) belt.
Sunfire Cape.
Ninja Shoes.
After that, I generally get a Zeal or a second Ninja boots.
And then I start working on a second Sunfire Cape.
And then, although I rarely ever get there, an Infinity Edge. Or I buy a Recurve Bow into one of those Whisper things.
October 27th, 2010, 15:00
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Gold Ergo Sum Wrote:Any thoughts on my Garen build:
After that, I generally get a Zeal or a second Ninja boots.
Never buy two pair of boots, the bonus does not stack.
If you are looking for Garen advise may I point you to
which has a ton of rated Garen guides available depending on what role you want to play with Garen.
October 27th, 2010, 15:07
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Gold Ergo Sum Wrote:Any thoughts on my Garen build:
Generally my goal is to get to a Yomuru Ghostblade, Sunfire Cape, and Ninja shoes first.
I generally build it like this:
Wait for 700 to get Chain Vest.
Get the 400g claw thing that turns into an Avarice Blade.
Basic 350g speed boots.
Two long swords, and then the Brutalizer.
Yomuru Ghostblade.
1100 for Giant's (?) belt.
Sunfire Cape.
Ninja Shoes.
After that, I generally get a Zeal or a second Ninja boots.
And then I start working on a second Sunfire Cape.
And then, although I rarely ever get there, an Infinity Edge. Or I buy a Recurve Bow into one of those Whisper things. No.
Start with a Doran's Shield for now, eventually, once you are more experienced and better at positioning, start with level 1 boots.
First time you go back to town.....
If you have 1250 gold (or a little more), rush Mercury Treads. If you have between 1050 and 1250, buy level 1 boots and your chain vest. If you have between 1460 and 1950, buy level 1 boots and your giant's belt. Try not to go back to town until you have at least 1050, but don't die because you stay in the lane too long.
So basically.....your first two items are Mercury Treads and Sunfire Cape, with the Sunfire Cape being first priority. After that.....another sunfire cape, with maybe a Negatron Cloak in there, if you feel the need for more magic resists.
Building Garen as a DPS, using Brutalizer, Ghostblade, Infinity Edge, etc. is a bad play. The beastly Garen's buy more and more tank items and outlast you. Maybe your last item, if the game goes really long, could be an Atma's Impaler, which gives you a bonus Attack Damage based on your HP. But that would be after you already build Mercury Treads, 3x Sunfire Cape, and Force of Nature.
"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."