November 4th, 2010, 05:50
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Quote:One for the experts: can I get an opinion on when (or indeed whether) one goes for Berserker's Greaves?
Well, what other boots do you consider for Tristana, aside from Mercs ?
Quote:Does someone has a link for a guide with explanation of the stacking mechanisms (is there even a limit on stacking for certain attributes? it seems that AP can be stacked infinitely, but is the same true for attack speed for example?)?
The formula for calculating AS can be found here:
More questions about stacking are answered here:
November 4th, 2010, 06:02
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Gustaran Wrote:Well, what other boots do you consider for Tristana, aside from Mercs ?
(it's for Ashe, which makes very little difference)
Atlas suggested Boots of Swiftness, although I guess that may be because Ashe has very little in the way of escapability...
November 4th, 2010, 06:53
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Gold Ergo Sum Wrote:Any suggestions on a Tristana build now that I have a free Tristana from Facebook. My assumption is all out attack: crit strikes, attack speed, attack power and armor pen, with some speed for weaving in and out of range? I have played a ton of Tristana, using a variety of builds, and this is the one I like best.
I prefer to start with a Doran's shield (and a potion) on both Tristana and Miss Fortune. It's a less aggressive build, but it just seems to work better for me, and provides more lane-a-bility.
1) Save up 2200 gold and go back and buy a BF Sword and Level 1 Boots.
2) Get Inifinity Edge as soon as possible, getting the Pickaxe before the Critical Stike item.
3) Merc Treads or Berserker Greaves, depending on how you feel. If the other team has a lot of CC, or someone with a hard on for me, I'll get Merc Treads. If I feel comfortable, I'll get Berserkers.
4) Last Whisper, starting with the Recurve Bow
That's pretty much it. Those are pretty much the only two items you need to melt faces. Try and keep double Elixored (Red and Green) for the rest of the game, and make sure you get the Red (Lizard) Buff whenever it comes up.
If the game goes really long, I'll add
5) Black Cleaver starting with the BF Sword
6) Sword of the Divine
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November 4th, 2010, 06:57
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Gustaran Wrote:Exactly. I suggest starting with a Doran's Blade + pot since Tristana is squishy and not very strong in the beginning.
From my experience, items that work well with Tristana are:
-Berserker's Greaves or Merc threads if the enemy team has a lot of stuns, slows, etc.
-The Bloodthirster
-Last Whisper
-Infinity Edge
-Madred's Bloodrazor (if enemy team has lots of high HP heroes)
-Frozen Mallet (slowing effect)
-The Black Cleaver
-Phantom Dancer
Dorans Blade is fine at the beginning, Shield is fine too. Certain people hate it if you don't start with a Dorans item because it makes you considerably more squishy early on.
After that its situational in that sometimes you're able to lane forever if needed and you can get 2-3k of gold without porting back. Other times if you're being harassed a lot (Vlad is a nightmare to 1v1 against) you may need to port back with less money available.
So my general build order if I'm winning middle.
-Dorans Blade + HP pot
-B.F Sword (now farming is a lot easier)
-Merc Treads (depends on money whether I get level 2 boots right away)
-Recurve Bow -> Last Whisper (I'd rather have extra damage before speed)
-Infinity Edge
After that the game is usually over or close to decided. I may grab Bloodthirster or a defensive item if the other team is heavy on one type of damage
If I'm not winning middle
-Dorans Blade + HP
-More Dorans Blades (I buy upto 3)
Then I'll just follow the above in most circumstances. I build Ashe pretty much the same way except if I'm struggling early on I'll sometimes buy the Brutalizer
Also its a good habit if you can buy at least 1 ward everytime you port back. If I'm middle I like to buy 2 and place them in the bushes either side of mid.
edit - ah posted at same time as Speaker
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November 5th, 2010, 04:57
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Does anyone actually like buying towards a Tear of the Goddess and building Manamune later on ?
It does not seem to be very popular and I wonder why
I feel it gives you great freedom in spamming your skills in the early game, and especially with champions such as Miss Fortune you can harass people with double shot and aoe farm minions without end. Once completed you have paid 2110 gold for basically a huge mana pool/regen and around +60 damage if maxed. Given that a BF Sword costs 1850 for 50 bonus damage, this is actually not bad, is it ?
November 5th, 2010, 06:23
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I think most people frown on the manamune because it costs a lot of gold for the early game, and is really only useful in the early game. After 25 minutes or so, you shouldn't be having mana problems anymore so it's an entirely wasted item at that point.
I could be wrong, but every guide I've read so far never lists manamune as a good item to get as I think most prefer a Chalice of Harmony if you're looking for mana sustainability in the early game as it's considerably cheaper and also adds MR which is useful throughout the entire game.
Looking again though, the attack damage on the manamune is pretty substantial so I'm not sure why it isn't a more popular item.
November 5th, 2010, 07:56
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I rarely have any mana problems with Miss Fortune. Just use Mana Regen per 5 yellow runes. You shouldn't be spamming your spells in the early game anyways because you will over-push your lane. The big problem with the Manamune is that it slows down your Infinity Edge or Bloodthirster by 15 or 20 minutes. I lick my chops when an enemy ranged carry returns to the lane with a Tear of the Goddess.
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November 5th, 2010, 08:48
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How much do you guys use stuff like health pots and those flask things that buff you for like 5 minutes? Is that pretty much an early game only kind of thing, even though that is when money is generally tightest?
November 5th, 2010, 08:56
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November 5th, 2010, 09:00
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Tyrmith Wrote:How much do you guys use stuff like health pots and those flask things that buff you for like 5 minutes? Is that pretty much an early game only kind of thing, even though that is when money is generally tightest?
Health pots lose their effectiveness after the early game, simply because they work for a fixed amount of HP (200). If you consider that as a proportion of total health, often it's around a third in the early game, where it can be as little as 5-8% in the late game.
Elixirs are another matter - these tend to be used later in the game, to coincide with the crucial team fight. Don't think I've seen many of them used in the early game...