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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Starting with a regrowth pendant = clear sign of noobery. I am salivating at the thought of facing a Sivir with 466 hp.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

Yeah, I would not recommend that build either, especially after watching the video. This Sivir guide is based upon loading up on health regen and mana regen, then using Sivir's great farming ability to get more gold/experience than anyone else. However, there are a couple of weaknesses to this setup:

1) In higher skill games, everyone can farm effectively, and they don't need a Chalice of Harmony to do it.
2) With all of that heavy pushing, it makes Sivir extremely vulnerable to attacks from the brush (ganks), which the other team never tried even one time in this game.
3) This build is essentially doing zero damage until Sivir gets Atma's Impaler, and that's after Warmog's + Chalice + Boots (6000+ gold). That's a major flaw, since you're not going to see too many games where the enemy team never takes Dragon and lets you farm in peace for almost 30 straight minutes.

Anyway, although this build can be effective in the right circumstances, going Regrowth Pendant -> Chalice -> Berserker Greaves is pretty much flashing a giant noobery signal. Stacking massive health/mana regen on a non-tank is just silly. A good player can farm just as effectively without emptying their mana pool and needing a Chalice. (These are basically crutches, like summoner Clarity and Teleport.)

Finally, the reason why that game was won had little to do with Sivir. It was mostly due to the team's Olaf + Xin players, who were raping face because the enemy team had zero crowd control (Tristana + Tryndamere + Blizcrank + Vlad + Twisted Fate). If the only stun on the entire team is TF's gold card, melee DPS will destroy you. Like Speaker, I would love to lane against this Sivir player. smoke
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Speaker Wrote:If there is interest, I could probably write a similar sort of thing for some of my other main characters like Miss Fortune, Garen, Vladimir, Xin Zhao, and Tristana.

Don't know if you have the time, but a Tristana guide would be awesome.
This seems to be one of the characters with no really good guides on leaguecraft.


I'll work on a Vlad and Tristana guide this week. I want to see a Sullla Annie guide. smile

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

The way I've been playing it recently is to go for a Chalice first, starting with mana pendent and 2*health potions and build up my Q as much as possible to harass with. When soloing I'm generally able to screw with most players, at least down at my ELO level. OTOH, when I'm in a lane with another competent player (Shen, Garen etc) I fairly often get a kill on someone (without runes). Now that I have my tier 3 runes online, the Q is doing even more damage.

Other times though, I'll just build up the W and push mid straight back to the enemy tower so that their mid player has a harder time last hitting (against Fiddle and others), maybe getting E dependent on the abilities to help build up mana and for defence so I can push harder for those 10 seconds.

Still, other than Chalice, Berk Greaves and the BF sword I'm not sure how it could be played differently if you are supposed to be playing support or vaguely tanky, because I tend to play Sivir as pure DPS (100% crit chance? Why not?) I'm currently something like 19/0/1 on masteries using Mp5/MR seals/glyphs (can't remember which are which), AP Quints/marks. I'm probably going to try out adding attack damage soon.
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

As someone who has never played Sivir even once, I would think that if you wanted to go the whole Warmog's + Atma's Impaler route, you would just build straight in that direction and simply skip the 900g that the Chalice requires. Do that and last hit individual minions in the center of the lane, rather than relying on Chalice + "Giant Boomerang of Doom that does all the work for me." lol But on the whole, it feels like there are probably better options than that too in terms of items. Stacking health/mana regen just feels like a very weak build to me. There's a reason why Mundo (who relies on health regen) gets rated as one of the worst champions by the elite players.

Speaker Wrote:I'll work on a Vlad and Tristana guide this week. I want to see a Sullla Annie guide. smile

Sure, why not. I'll use this as a draft for now, and improve it later on:

I can also put Speaker's Shen guide into html and host it so that it won't disappear into the depths of the forum, if that seems helpful.
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Nice guide there, thanks for writing it.
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

Awesome, thanks, Sullla!

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

[Image: whydidntibuymejaidamnit.jpg]

Elixirs are amazing. Even without them, that Zil pulled off ~700 dmg per bomb, and with them, I rolled into Legendary in no time!... and pissed off my Skype-connected teammate for forgetting to Chronoshift him in the awe of my time bombing. lol banghead

Sure, blink an eye that their team didn't even bother to build up Magic Resist... smoke rolleye

What's the general consensus on AP Twisted Fate?

Great guide Sullla!

Side Note: I've played Annie a bit around 2 weeks ago pretty much non-stop when I could, and by browsing through some videos(tourneys and streams) I believe that the high ELO builds her more tanky than we're used to seeing on her.

Doran Shield+1 Health Pot
Merc Trends, BV, and Zhonyas plus blue pot are the core items in the way I've seen some high elo streamers and in tourneys been played. I believe this way you have a load more survivability and laneablity, between Shield, BV, and Zhonya's, and still pack a decent punch with ~200 AP. Add in a Void Staff or another AP item, and you're set. I believe also because of she has to go forward just a tad to land her ulti, she does need a little more survivability than other casters, similar to Kennen. There is a slight disadvantage to building like this. If you're going in for the kill at lvl 6 or so in the lane, you might be hard pressed to have enough mana to land a full combo(R-W-Q), and have to rely on making sure you farm really well with q, not missing last hits with it. Because of this, late game, you want Annie with this build to have the blue buff 9/10. When playing Annie, I run MPen Reds/MRP5 per level Blues/MR Yellows(MRP5 per level might be nice as well), and Health Quints.

On TF: Honestly, I have no idea. I've seen bigfatjiji play AD TF, relying on Stacked Deck and Sword of the Divine passive to hit fast and strong, then farming up to IE/Madreds. I'm 99% certain that in WCG the Europe team played AD TF as well. On the other hand, I've seen hybrid TF as well, as well as AP do well, and not be something most people go "lolwut" to.

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