December 5th, 2010, 08:15
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Whatever you guys do, don't look at the early videos of me playing on Sullla's videos.
December 5th, 2010, 09:51
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Sullla Wrote:Anyway, to bring up another issue, a bunch of you probably know that I've hated laning against Mordekaiser for a long time now. He's the champion that's always given me the most trouble, with his shield to prevent harassment and various abilities that score lots of minion kills and push the lane. Mordekaiser is known as a "pubstomp" champ, because he's a favorite of newcomers who don't really know what they're doing, playing against opponents who also don't know what they're doing. I suppose you could put me into the same category while I was learning the game!
I think the best thing to do if you are having problems playing against a champ is to pick up that champ yourself (if you have the chance) and play a few games. I remember thinking that Tryndamere was incredibly OP: I mean just activate ult, cut down 2-3 squishys, run out and heal, right ?
After trying that myself, I quickly shut up .
Quote:Anyway, the moral of the story here is simple, but hopefully important to keep in mind. If you're up against a champion who is very strong early game and good at harassing, sometimes the best tactic is to let them push and farm at your own tower. You don't want to get stuck wasting all your health/mana trying to go back and forth with a Malphite or Mordekaiser who's just going to shrug off your attacks.
Morde was the first champ I bought when I started the game, because I had seen one on the enemy team in one of your early videos who was getting kills all over the place .
I think it's extremely important to know what your opponent can do and what he can't. In a nutshell, Morde can push lanes/farm really good, and is hard to kill. But he neither deals great damage nor has any form of CC.
So why would anyone bang against a Morde with shield up? As long as you can even outfarm him, he is really not a big threat.
Quote:The Removal of Flash.. How It Will Change LoL?
I believe the glaring problem is the imbalance in terms of summoner spells. Flash is simply so good that very often it's almost a necessity to take it.
On the other hand things like revive, clarity, heal, fortify and rally are almost never chosen. I absolutely blame Riot for this, it would be quite easy to balance summoner spells more (for example drastically changing cooldowns!).
So I dont' think the spell has to be removed per se, but with a 4 minute cooldown right now it's way too strong. However, I wouldn't mind the removal altogether. If flash is needed for so many things, it just shows it's not an optional spell anymore.
December 5th, 2010, 10:35
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Mordekaiser is indeed annoying, however it's possible to successfully harrass him if you fire off ranged attacks before he engages your creeps and charges up his shield. Also, unlike most champs you don't want to stand directly behind your creeps as his cone attack will hit you there. Stand to the side. I've killed a bunch of Mordekaisers in 1v1 lanes this way because they usually think they're invincible. Also mordekaiser players will ALWAYS push right up to your tower and stay there indefinitely, making them convenient gank targets. The trouble is that a lot of players in pub games don't know how to play against him. A Morde who gets fed early game can build up enough AP and tank ability to become a pain, while one who dies 2-3 times can pretty much be ignored in team fights.
December 5th, 2010, 12:53
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Mordes' whole point (IMO) in team fights is to get to the enemy carry and shove his ult on them while the rest of the team kills them asap. So you really need a stun on a team with Morde, and Morde has to be a fairly tanky charactor. Warmogs, FoN, Thornmail...and the ubiquitous Sunfire Cape that is only worth half of his W? I'm actually fairly tempted to say stacking Frozen Mallet and/or Rylais isn't a bad move with him...
Also, I like the idea of the removal of Flash, but I think that is at least partly down to knowing it is one less skill I need to learn...
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December 5th, 2010, 14:11
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Krill Wrote:I'm actually fairly tempted to say stacking Frozen Mallet and/or Rylais isn't a bad move with him... After a magic resist item and an armor item, I think the Frozen Mallet is pretty nice on Morde, basically it means he can run down and kill any single champ out there. It just hurts me to buy Rylai's on him because so much of the AP is lost due to his abysmal AP ratios
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December 5th, 2010, 17:30
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Atlas Wrote:After a magic resist item and an armor item, I think the Frozen Mallet is pretty nice on Morde, basically it means he can run down and kill any single champ out there. It just hurts me to buy Rylai's on him because so much of the AP is lost due to his abysmal AP ratios
Honestly, now that his image can no longer use the frozen mallet's slow, it's better to get Rylai's on Morde just so he can do a ranged slow + more AP in my opinion. Without AP and that slow Morde just isn't any kind of threat and can just be ignored.
December 6th, 2010, 05:32
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I like the removal of flash as well, though you did make some good points above Atlas. I'd like to see it removed or at least nerfed because as someone who usually plays mages and assassins, I have far less kills than I should have because of Flash's get out of jail free aspect. It's very frustrating to burst down a champ, smile because you know you're about to get a kill, then see them flash away and limp off leaving you empty handed. It just feels cheap to lose kills because of flash.
December 6th, 2010, 05:41
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Pandajuice Wrote:I like the removal of flash as well, though you did make some good points above Atlas. I'd like to see it removed or at least nerfed because as someone who usually plays mages and assassins, I have far less kills than I should have because of Flash's get out of jail free aspect. It's very frustrating to burst down a champ, smile because you know you're about to get a kill, then see them flash away and limp off leaving you empty handed. It just feels cheap to lose kills because of flash.
Further to this, the best play if the above happens is obviously to have flash yourself, and flash after your target. But this just creates a situation where it is optimal for everyone to have flash, which is surely a poor state of affairs.
As I said to Atlas yesterday, I like the idea that Riot put forward of having Flash Boots - i.e. boots with an active flash component, identical to the current summoner spell. Perhaps make them a bit more expensive than ordinary boots or something, but the key to this is that it isn't just a ubiquitous summoner spell, but something you're making a sacrifice for (your other favourite boots and a bit of gold). It keeps all the cool stuff Atlas mentioned in the game, without making it so universally accessible.
December 6th, 2010, 15:34
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Roland Wrote:I respect you Meciflorean, and you'll never see me turn you down for a game - even if you want to play Sivir. You presented a problem, and I threw my hat in with an explanation. Take it or leave it - just don't take it personal. I look forward to seeing you, and everyone else, on my team in the future. I think you meant to say Pandajuice here, but hey, thanks all the same.
I don't know how much you'll be seeing me over on the US servers, to be honest. The 150 ping difference makes it feel so sluggish compared to playing on EU.
December 6th, 2010, 18:43
(This post was last modified: December 6th, 2010, 23:00 by Roland.)
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Meciflorean Wrote:I think you meant to say Pandajuice here, but hey, thanks all the same.
I don't know how much you'll be seeing me over on the US servers, to be honest. The 150 ping difference makes it feel so sluggish compared to playing on EU.
Bah! That's what I get for having to leave mid-post and coming back to it. I hope I didn't misquote anybody! (I just checked, and it seems ok - I'll hope!)
Pity we won't see you much. I don't really understand how such a low ping could change things so drastically, but maybe I'm not as sensitive to it. Then again, I hover around 80 ping, although I used to get around 120, and honestly I don't notice a difference. YMMV, of course - as I said, maybe I'm just not noticing.
At any rate, I hope to see anyone and everyone in game. The more the merrier.