December 17th, 2010, 05:37
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Gustaran Wrote:Actually Shaco is far from unplayable, I think he is considered one the best junglers in the game. I see him very often on high elo streams, and he is T2 in current lists. There was a short guide video posted in this thread a few days ago that showed how to play him.
I tried jungling with him a lot the week before last when he was free to play and just could not do it very well at all. He is extremely squishy and if you rely on jack in the boxes to kill the neutral creeps, you have to wait a while to get a nice nest going and they have to be placed perfectly. And if you try to lane with him instead, he's easily shut down and zoned out because he is so squishy. Also imo, he is really only of any use early game for potential ganks from the jungle, but even then, there are better champs to accomplish even that that are better in late game.
That video guide was created 6 months ago before Shaco was nerfed to death so doesn't really work anymore.
Believe me, I wanted to love Shaco but he really did feel very crippled to me when I tried him out.
@Speaker: Please do let us know about new carry builds. I've been wanting to try MF for a long time and love her Christmas skin so will be getting her soon and it'd be invaluable for me if one of the best MF players around gave some build recommendations.
December 17th, 2010, 08:31
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Shaco remains an awesome jungler and ganker. However, he has an extremely high skill level requirement to be effective. Mookie said that he needed to play League of Legends for a full year to learn to play Shaco. You're not going to pick him up and be effective in one or two games. I'd suggest jungling with easier champs like Warwick and Nunu until you really, REALLY have a lot of practice.
December 17th, 2010, 10:05
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Yeah, that's sort of my point though that he is extremely difficult to learn and play with and even after a lot of practice, most people still can't play him effectively so you're usually better off going with a jungler that is simply easier to play and thus 99% of the time, better. Of course, any champ is awesome in the hands of someone who has a year's worth of experience playing them.
I gave Shaco a fair shake (not just one or two games) and realized that despite my being an experienced LoL player with a moderate amount of jungle experience and skill, he was just too difficult for me to play; not because I suck or didn't understand him, but because he really feels gimped, so one must have a higher amount of skill than usual to compensate for that. That's what I was trying to say.
December 17th, 2010, 17:42
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Pandajuice Wrote:@Speaker: Please do let us know about new carry builds. I've been wanting to try MF for a long time and love her Christmas skin so will be getting her soon and it'd be invaluable for me if one of the best MF players around gave some build recommendations. In most cases, I'm going 3x Doran's Blade, BF Sword into Infinity Edge, Merc Treads. That takes you through the early game.
In mid game, get a Recurve Bow, then build Last Whisper.
Late game, turn the Recurve Bow into either Sword of the Divine OR Stark's Fervor, depending on which you prefer, how much gold you have, and how the game is going. You may need a Banshee's Veil at some point, if you are dying too fast in team fights, and can't stay out of the mess.
3x Doran's Blade
Merc Treads
Infinity Edge
Last Whisper
Sword of the Divine/Stark's
Banshee's Veil
However, I just played a game where the enemy Warwick had a total hard-on for me. Every fight, he'd just go straight for me. So instead of getting an Infinity Edge, I got a Bloodthirster, stacked it up, and then annihilated him 1v1. Between my W debuff to his heal, and my lifesteal and armor pen, he dropped pretty fast. So builds aren't static. Sometimes you need to adjust.
"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."
December 17th, 2010, 18:53
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Question for Speaker: When should Rylais and Frozen mallet be used, IYO?
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December 18th, 2010, 04:55
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Good stuff Speaker, thanks. When do you buy boots of speed? With MF's passive, I'm sure you wait far longer than other champs to get them or even go straight to merc treads skipping the boots of speed completely, right?
December 18th, 2010, 11:08
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Panda/Seyruun, since you were enjoying some jungle Nunu last night, I'm going to link you to one of Tree Eskimo's Nunu games:
Game starts at about the 23 minute mark. I'm not sure I would necessarily endorse the kind of counter-jungling you see in this video, but it's definitely worth watching.
December 18th, 2010, 12:21
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Serdoa Wrote:Yeah, I did. I like her even that she seems to be considered underpowered. But with my near 300 ping it is kinda hard to get her poison attached to a champ sometimes. Still, I think she is fun.
But I am lvl 11 still, so I am cannot talk about lvl 30 play.
When I've played against her she seems stupidly OP. Even stacking MR and with MR runes, she does more damage than any other champ in the early game I find.
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December 18th, 2010, 13:30
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While I don't have a screneshot, I'm happy to announce in a 40 minute win a 13/1/18 legendary Rammus. The first time I've ever gone legendary.
December 18th, 2010, 15:05
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Krill Wrote:When I've played against her she seems stupidly OP. Even stacking MR and with MR runes, she does more damage than any other champ in the early game I find.
In the early game, you have to back off if you get poisoned by Cass and wait for the poison to wear off in order to stop her comboing you.