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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Sandover Wrote:My girlfriend didn't want to buy a santa suit (you know the kind I'm talking about) this year either, so I bought the mf skin to consolidate my

[Image: TTIWWOP.gif]

I had the same thought, sunrise - but how do you post a picture of somebody not buying a santa suit?

If she's hot any picture will do wink
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

If she's hot, then, since it's Christmas, I request a photo of her in a stocking, if you know what I mean.

[Image: ryano.jpg]

Pandajuice Wrote:Was anyone else totally impressed by the Christmas skins? I thought they are amazing and hope I can afford to buy at least half of them before the promotion ends.

I bought reindeer Kog'Maw, but I play the champ quite often so it was a no-brainer lol . I actually think Gragas has the best Snowdown skin.
Quote:I especially love Nutcracko Shaco which makes it such a shame that that champ has been nerfed so bad to be almost unplayable these days.

Actually Shaco is far from unplayable, I think he is considered one the best junglers in the game. I see him very often on high elo streams, and he is T2 in current lists. There was a short guide video posted in this thread a few days ago that showed how to play him.
I have to admit though below level 30 there are tons of really bad Shaco players, usually these players lane with him and IIRC that's not where his strength lies. But I've encountered a few better ones and it is not fun to play against a strong Shaco. You usually get ganked a lot and once he's fed a little he is a pain...


Pandajuice Wrote:Anyone tried out Cassiopeia yet?

Yeah, I did. I like her even that she seems to be considered underpowered. But with my near 300 ping it is kinda hard to get her poison attached to a champ sometimes. Still, I think she is fun.

But I am lvl 11 still, so I am cannot talk about lvl 30 play.

Cassiopeia: If you have a teammate on your team playing Singed/Teemo with their poison, you can keep on casting your e to do loads of dmg in fights. The problem is that it forces you to take on Teemo/Singed on your teams, two characters that while aren't bad, couldn't be considered good or in anyway OP right now. This also makes your laning pretty weak in terms of harassment/zoning IMO, unless you take a side line with teemo/singed. Honestly, without a solo lane farm, I don't think Cassiopeia can get farmed up enough to make a difference. Plus, her ulti is pretty lackluster and hard to use too, considering its decently long cooldown( a minute I think). A hard to play champion that requires the right team comp unless you're the kind of person who likes hitting q every 2 seconds in teamfights/in the lane to do dmg/harass. lol I think shes a decent champ, not super powerful, or super weak.

I have a question though. How do you build dps carries now like MF, Ashe, etc?

Cull Wrote:I have a question though. How do you build dps carries now like MF, Ashe, etc?
I've been experimenting a bit. I'll get back to you after I have had time to play a few more MF games.

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

Cull Wrote:I have a question though. How do you build dps carries now like MF, Ashe, etc?

IE, Recurve, LW, upgrade recurve bow to Starks? The changed last whisper is still a good item, you just have to get the attack speed somewhere else.

It looks like each of these is 100% benefit for 75% cost

32.4 health @ 1550 instead of 2050

1.5% move speed @ 1550 instead of 2050
1.89 magic pen @ 775 instead of 1025
3.33 armor pen @ 775 instead of 1025

I picked up pumpkin quints during the harrowing, so the first of those isn't such a great deal right now. Which of the others is the most versatile?

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