Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Boy was I surprised.

I logged in for the first time in a year last night, and even after deleting and recreating Jhaele Flamehair, she was still in [RB]. eek

I guess I have quite a bit to catch up on, being so long out of date and all. See you all ingame! smoke

Now to decide if I should go out and buy the expansions or not... huh

(I think I like emoticons too much, too)

If you haven't completed prophecies yet (and Titan quests + Sorrow's Furnace), you might want to try going through those first before buying x-packs. See if it's less boring than when you left. tongue

Feel free to ask for help in tyria, a bunch of my chars need to progress in there to cap elites but I'm too lazy to do it myself.

You can pick up either x-pack for $30ish if you look in the right place. If you have to pick one I'd probably go with nightfall, better PvE and more useful skills/classes.

Yea, go for Nightfall if you upgrade. It's a nice game along with other polishes.

I guess we are not getting bored with GW yet, so we we be around for a bit.
Welcome back.


Plus you get heroes with Nightfall and not Factions.

I have my newer characters that need to get through prophecies too so just hit us up in game if you need any assistance.
If you believe everything you read, better not read.

KingOfPain Wrote:Yea, go for Nightfall if you upgrade. It's a nice game along with other polishes.

I picked up Nightfall yesterday. smile

I never did finish Prophecies though, so I guess I'll be splitting my time between it and Nightfall. I wonder how early you can get Heroes with a Prophecies character; I bet they make everything a ton easier than with Henchmen...

Also, do we have a Ventrilo server or something similar? Space Cowboy got me hooked, it's just so much easier than typing. smoke

The earliest you can pick up a hero is Lion's Arch for Prophecies chars; and right from the beginning for NF chars.

Read the MotD when you logon.


WarLocke Wrote:I picked up Nightfall yesterday. smile
Quote:I never did finish Prophecies though, so I guess I'll be splitting my time between it and Nightfall. I wonder how early you can get Heroes with a Prophecies character; I bet they make everything a ton easier than with Henchmen...
You can get a few as soon as your get your Tyrian characters to Elona via a quest from Lion's Arch. After that they appear at a drip feed pace at certain points in the story.

And yeah, the heroes makes things much easier than just henchmen. You can choose their skills and attribute investments for them and flag them to take up individual positions. When your own character dies you can actually micromanage any surviving heroes to get clear of the danger zone and escape, wait for an opportune moment and come back to resurrect your character. 8)

Quote:Also, do we have a Ventrilo server or something similar? Space Cowboy got me hooked, it's just so much easier than typing. smoke
Mostly used for PvP AFAIK, but a few of our allies swear by it too and readily supply access details for theirs when we team with them.

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