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What Does RB Want in an Alliance?

The level of conduct on Alliance chat has gone from questionable to weak in the past few months, and I can't seem to find any RBers that think otherwise. As far as I can tell, there's extremely little inter-guild pugging going on anymore, it's basically become an occasional chat channel. While YoHo isn't exactly promoting alliance events, I think the problem more is that RB members aren't comfortable with the gaming culture of these allied guilds. We aren't doing them or ourselves any favors by pointlessly sticking around if that's the case.

There are some who would rather see a better alternative before going anywhere though; to that end I have been looking around at some other alliances, but we need to have some idea what as a guild we would want out of an alliance.

- random chat/pick-up-groups: for many alliances, ally chat is just a place to get groups of strangers that average better than the local sector. If this is a high priority, large alliances have an appeal. They still need some level of quality for our guild though, or else you get the current situation.

- Friendship: this can be trickier unless you get guilds together that have a similar culture, but possibly more valuable than having a large group of strangers to draw upon. In this manner you get alliance chat used as a more comfortable shooting-the-breeze tool, and more inter-alliance groups form spontaneously without the need for grand planned events. If this is most important, then we'd need to go with people we already know well, which is sadly not too many for our members. For example, many of our members love Kindred Knight of Phoenix, but the recently joined Heaven's Royal Knights (who finally left ZoS), so there is question whether we could fit with them. Others we know are Kurzicks, which is it's own dilemma.

- Conduct: while our guild has worked pretty well with a minimum of rules, this tends to be the exception rather than the norm. (ie I'd say it's rare to find our quality without some more structure) This means thinking of ceding the freedom to say absolutely whatever on alliance chat in exchange for insulation from low-quality guilds. Alot of alliances that I've found which look decent tend expect at least respect between alliance members, and are not fond of frequent profanity, low humor, spamming for trade/pricecheck/etc. Personally I'm all for acting cleaner to keep out the trash, but then you all know I am a bit of a prude. HRK for example appears fairly strict on a G-rated channel, others like Seryia's GWTP seem looser but still expect family-friendly chat.

- Democratic Involvement. I actually think over-involvement in Ally politics is what got us into the ZoS mess, and I don't believe we have the critical mass of care to make it in a truly "peerless" alliance. That said we'd probably prefer having some level of say in who stays and goes.

- Trial Evaluation. Some guilds are able to join an Alliance they know just a bit about, try it out for a week or two, and then have the organization to move on if it isn't working. Given the amount of lethargy/apathy we've historically had towards Alliances, I'm guessing this isn't going to work so well for a guild, and there only seem to be a handful of alliances we are well acquainted with. I'm willing (and hope I'd get some help) to try and set up joint gaming sessions to get to know guilds from an alliance before taking the plunge.

- Luxon or Kurzick. Those of us playing Alliance Battles have been buildling up our Luxon track for skills, but the majority of the game's guilds are Kurzick, which means when sorting for the proverbial solid alliance in a heystack of lacklustre ones, there's defenitely more to find in the Kurzick camp. Also I haven't seen too much Alliance Battles of late anyway, and maybe some others wouldn't mind working on Kurzick track if they could get the bonus for donating. But it is a setback for those of us who have ground out our luxon titles, since you can't AB for the opposite faction of your guild, and luxons generally have less wait time than Kuzricks anyway.

- PvP. I know we're mostly a PvE guild looking for PvE alliance, but a few of our members might be interested in getting together for an organized outing from time to time, be it AB or GvG.

- There's also the Alliance-less option, but given the lack of political involvement, leaving ally chat off is just about equivalent.

For those who feel more apathetic about the current situation, I'd ask you to try and stretch your imaginations, and think "what if?" Our experience with past alliances may have been lukewarm to rotten; but what would an ideal alliance look like to you?

We have the best alliance right here in ourselves. There are more (semi)active players in Guildwars than we have in any other online RB games, and we have a lot of fun playing them. It only takes a few good man to have fun. Surely, we can have a lot of co-op fun with the large number of members on the GW roster, if...

In hindsight, all this trouble we had experienced was not worth the convenience of Alliance Chat.

Then there's those real alliance we have with other communities such as LL, AB and ULGG...


I've never seen more inter-guild action than there is now, to be honest. It's just like it's always been (as far as I can recall obviously), a place to chat for some, a place to pug for others; has it ever been anything more than that?

I personally couldn't care less about behavior in AC, swearing and childish people generally amuse me and make me laugh at those who swear, while if there's a trade/group spammer I'll tell him to shut up if it annoys me, and he'll shut up. I don't actively look for pugs, but there's often something going on I can join if I want.

PvP is generally lacking, but that is also because the interested members aren't doing absolutely anything within the alliance. So I guess, we get what we ask for... there seem to be interested alliance members, and maybe even good PvPers, so that might be an option.

Care about Luxon/Kurzick (I love bright scenarios and the jade reflexes tongue ), care less about the rest. And generally like the alliance a lot.
"Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star." Kong Fuzi
My English has to improve. A lot.

KingOfPain Wrote:Then there's those real alliance we have with other communities such as LL, AB and ULGG

I don't know anyone or really anything about those guilds/alliances. To me they're buddies of other people whom I don't ever come into contact with.

The current alliance doesn't bother me. I tend to keep ally chat off by habit now though. When I turn it back on, my chat window is filled with things that I could care less about for the most part. People who are arguing over who works out more...who's mom is uglier...price checks...random stuff like that argument about someone talking about a porn website in chat...omg really stupid stuff.
If you believe everything you read, better not read.

I really agree with Mucco - I don't really see any difference between our current and old alliances in what's going on in AC, or much difference in level of interaction.

I visit the YoHo forum on a daily basis, just to see what's going on there, although admittedly I don't post much. But RB's presence is extremely small - I've only seen WarBlade, Wyrm, and Mucco post there.

At this stage, I'm not at all convinced that this isn't a good, possibly great, alliance. But we don't know, because we aren't making any effort directed toward the alliance. Please note that I include myself in the list of lackadaisical bums. Maybe we ought to try to promote the types of interactions we want - if we are met with a brick wall, then it's time to consider other options. But it's totally unreasonable to expect the allied guilds to go out of their way to do stuff for us, if we don't reciprocate.

If I may be so bold as to (mis)quote John F. Kennedy, "Ask not what your Alliance can do for you; ask what you can do for your Alliance."

Let's at least make an effort to involve members of other allied guilds in our activities, or join them when they ask for it. Maybe y'all are doing this, and I'm just not online to see it. Maybe the really lame remarks in AC are all happening when I'm not online, as well. It's certainly possible. But IMHO, I don't see anything out of the ordinary happening, and I certainly don't want to lose touch with our Arch and Life buddies. So I'm really not in favor of looking around for another alliance in which to practice non-interaction!

My $0.02.

If I were a more engaged and less casual player, I'd have more of an opinion. I'm on when I can be and certainly prefer decent player groups to hero/hench, but I usually end up h/h-ing anyway just for the convenience. I'm not too familiar with many players outside the guild besides Uca and Sciros, but I've had good experiences joining up with AB for gvg's. My Alliance Battle faction gain is a slow creeping process, but I'd prefer to remain Luxon so I at least have a chance of reaching level II.

Overall, though, I don't have enough time personally to take a leading role or keep up on multiple forums, etc. (I spend little enough time on this one as it is) I enjoy guild activities, especially on-the-spot get-togethers where I don't have to plan time ahead for them, but rely on others to manage the politics (my excuse is working/planning graduation, a thesis, and my wedding--hope that's enough to justify my lukewarm activity level wink ).

"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it." --- Jack Handey

I really don't see how any other alliance would be different from this one. It's a casual PvE alliance which fits us because we're a casual PvE guild. There aren't enough of us interested in PvP to join a PvP alliance; just as there aren't enough interested in high-end PvE or farming to join that type of alliance. That's what happens when your guild is a grab bag of different types of players.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Hawkmoon Wrote:Please note that I include myself in the list of lackadaisical bums

Let's at least make an effort to involve members of other allied guilds in our activities, or join them when they ask for it.

I actually do the latter more than the average RB member, but I note and adhere to the former in our guild. Oh come on! Bull. Everyone's waaay too casual to do alliance oriented activity. I've tried to encourage pug'ing and going beyond our own shell, but its too easyto h/h and there's too much of an elitist attitude to even try to involve other people. It isn't working.

Its always something social. This person doesn't like that one, most don't even try or are hostile to involve strangers at all.

I am anti-alliance. The peace and flowers 'let's give it a try' doesn't work, hasn't for the first alliance nor will work for this one. Positive thinking doesn't stop rocks from hitting your head. This alliance is completely pointless, esp as other cultures don't mesh with ours. Note how most of our players turn alliance chat off. Doesn't that say anything to you? It is completely ridiculous to have our players be so offended, disgusted that they turn off alliance chat and disregard it all together. There's no point in having an alliance without people or communication. Most of our members don't care for either. Most aren't strongly against.

I was told to play patsy the first alliance around. That went to hell. I am not doing so again. I am strongly against playing 'nice' with having a completely pointless alliance that's holding us back from doing better. No alliance at all is better than an alliance that our guild members resent and don't use.

Hawkmoon Wrote:I visit the YoHo forum on a daily basis, just to see what's going on there, although admittedly I don't post much. But RB's presence is extremely small - I've only seen WarBlade, Wyrm, and Mucco post there.

I visit their forums a couple of times a week. I just haven't had anything I wanted to post.
If you believe everything you read, better not read.

I've tried posting in this thread three times now and always wound up hitting the back button. I have a few things to reply to now, so here goes...

Alliance Chat

Many of us are turning it off or using the Ignore List to filter out unwanted nonsense. I think part of that boils down to us being a predominantly adult group of players trying to filter through a mess of text from teens, or in other words a kind of culture clash is happening where we just speak a different language to some of them.

Nit picking one example, the trade spam. It seems to be fairly common to see someone post an occasional WTS message. I have no problem with that. But then a few minutes later the same advertisement pops up again... Apparently the advertiser is too stupid to realize that if we weren't interested before then we're going to be even less interested after the repetition.

Today I read an LFG on alliance chat. Normally I'd applaud this use of the alliance channel, but "any 10/8 Warrior Ursans for DoA" simply comes off as the kind of exclusive silliness that flies in the face of what RB is about.

YoHo Forum Participation

Personally I don't see anything wrong in our lack of participation on their forums. I'm at about six posts there now, which is approximately six posts more than most of YoHo themselves I suspect. The alliance forums are a ghost town with next-to-nothing happening on them all round, never mind how few of us go there. Given how reliant the core of Realms Beyond is on forum use, I'd say that the way the alliance forums are not being used much is another reason to say that we're not really meshing well with this alliance.

RB Decentralized Leadership Style vs. Guild Lords

Let me just say WHAT THE HELL???

We were encouraged to take up the mantle of non-dictatorial leadership only to find that the primary source of the encouragement didn't really take to it after all. Shortly thereafter we get a guild of children dumped on us. This new bunch of loud mouthed and irritating brats started dictating terms and instead of simply booting them out we actually hand off leadership into a situation no better? The part that really amazes me though is we then follow like an obedient dog into another alliance not of our choosing.

Now I look at their forums and see the officer forum, a completely unused exclusive club and the Leader forum, where the decision making on new entrants to the alliance presumably takes place. We rejected that sort of crap back in ZoS and I'm officially stunned that were swallowing it now.


Non issue. We could be either and personally I'd prefer Kurzick. It shouldn't effect our standing on which alliances we'd participate in.

Summary: The YoHo alliance is not for Realms Beyond.

We should leave. Maybe revisit the dummy guild idea and just tap away at it quietly until it's established and working before ever worrying about bringing any other guilds in. The alternative is we establish Realms Beyond as purely a solo act or an alliance leader. We should should not buy into any more centralized leadership alliances, because we've tried this three times now and each time we're left in a situation that most of us find distasteful and it all falls apart.

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