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Favourite roles/heroes?

Just curious what everyone prefers at the moment

Jungle: Shyvana, Udyr, Lee Sin. I like the early game decision making inherent in this role

Mage: Cassiopeia, Ryze. For their sustained damage style which I prefer to dropping one combo and waiting for spells to come off cooldown. I still like Anivia but don't play her very often now because people using flash/jump skills to get over a perfectly placed wall is frustrating

Top: mostly the same heroes I'd run in jungle + gangplank.

Support/Ranged AD: I often find this lane to be more stressful than fun due to the way it plays in the current meta, but Sona/Ashe/Vayne are my current favourites here

Top: Garen/Cho/Teemo

Mid: Kennen/Annie/Morg/Gragas/Sion/Akali/Kassadin/Vlad

Jungle: Yi

AD: Tristana/Sivir/Ashe/Corki/Ezreal/MF

Support: Janna/Sona/Soraka (Used to like Taric but it needs good synergy to make it work
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Roles (Favorite to Least Favorite)
#1 Mid: Ryze, Brand, Lux (not the best choice, but I played her a lot before).
#2 Top: Cho' Gath, Riven (still needs practice lol), Shen, Irelia
#3 AD: Graves, Caitlyn, Sivir
#4 Support: Sona, Soraka
#5 Jungle: Maokai, Gangplank (also played Top)

Basically, I can play either Mid, Top and AD Carry since these roles are the easiest for me to carry in solo queue. I'm not necessarily the best at them, but I do decent at them.
Support I'm okay at when it comes to warding and protecting the AD Carry. The problems comes to the CVs, I have little clue to how to use them correctly after using it past the enemy's jungle start. The other thing is if my AD doesn't do well, there's very little I can do about the situation and therefore, won't be able to carry the game as such.
As for Jungling, I just don't like playing this role at all. It's mainly because I always take the blame every time my teammates do badly in their lanes and I have no clue how to maintain farm while trying to help out my lanes.
"You'll see more with your eyes closed." smile
Hobbies: Wizard 101, Rogue Legacy, Hearthstone, Yu-Gi-Oh

Jungle: Shyvana, Trundle, Soraka. Speed is off the essence, Udyr I'll be adding in here shortly.

Mage: Kennen, Morg. I still like Veigar, but I'm trying to learn Fizz, and Lux is on my to do list.

Top: Kennen, Shyv, GP, Morg. Basically, I'm lazy and don't mind just farming for 20 minutes

Support/Ranged AD: Ashe because it's easier to farm, Trist if I have to. Corki and Kogmaw I'm trying to learn. I currently loathe Vayne...but I'm still trudging along support with Soraka, Sona, and Alistair. I still hold Soraka is hte best of the three though, but Ali is fun to play now and again for a more aggressive lane.
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

From most practice to least practice

#1: Jungle. I know, you are all surprised.
I still adore Maokai - if only because I giggle like a maniac at the "weee~ plonk" sapling effects. Lee Sin is great even if I'm subpar with skillshots. Warwick, Amumu, Rammus are my old ELO-makers so I kind of have to have fun with them. Nocturne, because DARKNESS. Udyr because man bear phoenix Shizuo Heiwajima. Alistar, because he's positively exciting as a jungler - you can do so, so, so many things with him and gank so many lanes early. With other junglers I have to keep in mind that farming the jungle is actually better than ganking, and with Alistar, I just kind of baylife it and run around killing people and if that doesn't work, then congrats, I just transitioned into a viable support/CC bot. If it works, though - fed Alistar can even solo kill people because bruiser Alistar is a thing. Singed, because counterjungling with ult + ghost is hilarious. In the end I think I love all the junglers to some extent. A while ago I was on a Mundo kick, he is kind of a cheese pick but first blooding normal queue junglers is delicious. I also adore how Ezreal can jungle with Vampiric Scepter and no super-specific rune setups. Honorable mention to Twisted Fate - jungle TF is the only way I've ever won a TF game BTW.
#2: Top lane: Teemo and Lanewick. Poppy is fun for the surprise factor and destroying some of the top tier picks like Gangplank but I can't carry with her ever. Renekton and Rumble are really fun too.
#3: Support: I played against Cull in ranked with Janna and won, gg. I actually like all the supports (except late game Taric), it's a fun role even in its maligned 0 CS reincarnation. Plus on normals I like to practice Maokai in bot lane if I can't jungle him.
#4: AD carry: Ezreal. Tristana. Corki. On the first two, I run Heal/Ignite and snowball and it's awesome. I adore Ezreal. I bought him with my first 6300 IP just to have him in my collection. Ezreal is BTW one of the best champions ever and the best AD carry jungler. In that last regard everyone else honestly belongs in a museum.
#5: AP mid: I never play this role but I practice it from time to time. Piotr does it better and with more champions and we have such a good jungle/mid synergy that it's usually not an issue. Then again, I do like to play LeBlanc, Vladimir and Sion. I like Twisted Fate's playstyle but I honestly have no idea how to utilize his skillset. So I resort to watching Dyrus play him.

Difficult to choose which role I like the best, but I'll do it this way:

#1: Top Lane. I much prefer the cut and thrust of a solo lane early to a duo lane (I prefer duo laners later on in the game, though...)

Tryndamere. Trolling with Trynd is too fun, particularly against bad players. My ELO (1300 or so) means that not everyone can handle Tryndamere in lane, and when you play against people that can't, it's super super fun. Spin into chicken into crit into crit into crit into dead into 'waaaah Trynd is a noob OP champ...'

Irelia. I just like dashing around with Q; you can do some cool stuff with it.

Cho'Gath. Q into W into ignite into OMNOMNOM into dead.

#2: Ranged AD. Probably what I'm best at, and fed ranged ADs are too fun late game.

Ashe. My first love, and still one that burns strong. Love the permaslow, love the hawkshot and most of all OMG LOVE that arrow I just hit from half a map away that got us a kill. Just the most satisfying skill to use well, as well as one of the most embarrassing skills to use badly. For maximum effectiveness, I suggest building a Sunfire Cape on her. (not really...)

Tristana. Excellent burst for an AD, and excellent mobility as well.

#3: Support. I've only recently started supporting, and found out that there are actually a lot of subtleties between a good support and a bad support.

Sona. Good damage early on, good sustain in teamfights, and THAT ULT.

Soraka. She has turned into pretty much an unlimited mana battery for ranged ADs, which is excellent when paired with, for eg, Ezreal or Sivir. Also she's just good all round; the slience is often a gamechanger in teamfights if used well. The other thing I really like about Soraka is that because she doesn't need to be in the middle of teamfights, you don't really need flash on her; I usually run her with CV and heal (or CV/exh if the AD has heal).

#4: AP mid. I've just never really learned enough AP mids to be effective. I can play Annie and Morgana quite well; I can kind of play Kassadin.

#5: Jungle. I'm a very bad jungler. I don't seem to have a knack for good gank timing, both in a strategic sense and a tactical sense... I often gank lanes that don't need it, and end up not really contributing to the team as a result.

Even though I only play Coop vs AI or bot games with newbie friends atm:

#1: Support:

Taric. Enough said. lol Needs pink skin - nothing else. smoke
If I can't have Taric I feel Soraka and Sona are ok as well.

#2: Jungle:

I have received secret help from an unknown Polish jungling Grandmaster wink
That made me realize how powerful Maokai is. If I think my team sucks and I might need to carry I pick Udyr or Warwick. I liked Skarner, but he is not as OP as he used to be :-/ And for the record, I can't play the blind monk nono

#3: AP

Kennen. Annie, because her Q helps with farming. Malzahar, because his E helps with farming. wink Vlad.

#4: Top

Singed, if I have to. Akali. I think Vlad may work as well.

#5: AD

Do not make me play AD, added to a lack of skill 230 ping is no fun.

If I have to: Ashe, Kog'Maw, Caitlyn and Miss Fortune.


My favorite champ is Riven, because she's an absolute blast to play and I can take her in top lane or in the jungle and do well. She's versatile, in that you can build her to be a bursty assassin type, or go more in a tanky bruiser direction. Unfortunately, she's eaten a couple nerfs recently and is really struggles against a couple common top laners (Irelia in particular shows up in every freaking game and is an absolute chore to lane against once she itemizes any sustain).

Otherwise, I love Tristana, mainly for her rocket jump and because her late game is so incredibly rewarding. Lux is one of the most fun champs in the game to play and has received some nice buffs lately. Xerath's laser show is also super fun, even if his skins are silly. I'm also a big fan of Singed, even if he stops being so effective when the enemy team has any idea how to play League of Legends. Singed with his ulti and a catalyst becomes nearly impossible to bring down, and his laugh is amazing.

Casual player, not that good, but anyway.
Don't own many champs, so I just play whatever's on rotation normally (most in this list I don't own).

Current favourite in Coop vs AI:

1) AP Kog (Nashor's, Sorc Shoes, Deathcap, Bloodrazor, Void Staff, Gunblade). Inane dmg output for AP, farm double wraiths and mid all day long.
Honorable Mentions: Anivia, Karthus, Galio (Farm double wraiths and mid all day long)
Also: AP Lichbane Sona, AP Lichbane Soraka lol

Solo Top:
1) 'Troll'Gath' (RoA, Merc Treads, Nashor's, Force of Nature, Randuin's, Triforce)
Honorable Mentions: Olaf, Nasus, Rammus, AD GP (lol), Singed
Capt Trollmo (Merc Treads, Malady, Wit's End, Bloodrazor, Ionic Spark, Void Staff crazyeye)

AD Carry:
1) Vayne, Graves, Cait

In a bot game? NEVER!!!

1) Rammus, Shyvana, Udyr

Favourite Summoners:
Teleport is really great in bot games.

Ghost + Flash for those melees.

PvP Games:
Relegated to Support role. Don't really play much either.
1) Sona, Soraka
2) Taric
3) Janna

Summoners always Flash CV

I like variant play.

AD Carry (if i have to):
1) Ashe (for Ult initiation)

Solo Top (nothx):
1) Nasus, Olaf

AP Mid:
1) Ahri
2) Morgana
I don't like Annie because she can't farm properly when she needs to keep her stun handy.

[Image: Jax+op.+LoL+fad+Best+fad+ever.+If+anyone...946003.jpg]

Imagine if Jay had like a sword instead of a sreet light...

...he would be even more awesome.

Jax top 4 ever smile

Killing thems towers in thems 3 hits^^

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