End Game
I'm sorry. I
don't have any information on the End Game phase. Um... my game
only lasted a few turns past where I halted to write Chapter Three.
My first-ever
game, on Normal difficulty, Large 2-arm. I took the first start
it gave me. Senate Victory on turn 154. Let there be no doubt, the
insecta are a fearsome genus. I had FOUR TIMES the population of
my next nearest competitor.
Oh and just
for grins and giggles, the Official Strategy guide lists the Klackons
as the weakest race. 

I did reload
once. That was after I spent ten minutes in my first planetary assault
staring at a black screen, because I wandered away from my TF's
to look for where to send them. Well, I did find the target planet,
but then trying to relocate my ships didn't work out, and I spent
the whole ten minutes scrolling around looking for my forces, the
target, or ANYthing beside black space... and failing! I read the
little cheat sheet and saw that the mouse wheel, or keyboard + -
keys, can be used to zoom the map in or out during combat. That
only helps a little, though, as there IS NO WAY to click a button
that recenters you on your forces. Blah.
The space combat
takes some getting used to and has a few head-banging frustrations
to the controls, but to some degree the answers to these are to
"RTFM". If not the dubious game manual, then some tutorial
or FAQ.
There's a conflicting
interest, though. You need to zoom out to handle targetting, at
least sometimes. Yet you need to be zoomed in more to see what is
going on well enough to gauge the usefulness of your designs. The
answer may be to zoom out only for orientation and long-range movement/recon,
then zoom back in to watch the fighting.
Now this game
with the fastest growing species won't be representative of all
games, but... frankly, this game went faster than a game of Civ3,
and that's even including the sizable time inflation of needing
to figure out how to play.
Zed should be
pleased with that aspect. Cy, also.
- Sirian
posted - 27/02/02