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Imperium 27 - There Can Be Only One          


Sponsor: Horist
Opening Date: Monday, February 15, 2010
Duration: Four Weeks
Map Generation: Random (unedited except to turn off events)

Race: Meklar
Difficulty: Hard
Galaxy Size: Small
Opponents: Four
Color: Purple
Events: None. (Turned off in the save file.)

The Mighty Meklar have always been gamers, obsessed with winning at all costs. They have assimilated and dominated their planet, and with all the pride and joy that comes from winning against the native species of Meklon, they "retired" so they could remain 1-0 forever. Perfection realized. The end.

Or not? With time comes discovery and the Meklar realized that 4 other species exist on different planets, whose barbaric ways include a desire to expand to many planets. These races care nothing for score, and will probably colonize planets they cannot keep and will have losses on their record! This is anathema! These other species have already dominated their respective planets, why do they wish for more? Once 1-0, there is no need to go any further! The Meklar hold such inferior minded races in contempt! It is time to show the galaxy that 1 planet can destroy all planets without colonization or invasion and cement in history the only race who went 1-0.

Variant Rules: No invasions of any planets, ever. No building/designing colony ships, ever. Your starting colony ship has already been scrapped for you!

Extermination is (for all intents and purposes) the only victory condition possible.

Scoring: There is no scoring system as such for this game, but results will be listed in (up to) four victory categories, in the following order:

  • The CHAMPION is reserved for the fastest (earliest game year) extermination victory.
  • The SURVIVOR is reserved for the last (latest game year prior to) defeat.
  • The VICTORIOUS will be listed in order from second-fastest to slowest extermination victories.
  • The DEFEATED will be listed in order from second-latest to earliest losses.

Notes: Losing to a diplomatic vote early should be a non-issue, thanks to our inevitably low population. This game will largely decide on broad strategic, technological and diplomatic decisions you make, followed by hitting the next turn button a lot! This game has both Cats/Birds and the Darlok to start a bunch of wars for you. Most likely, you will decide who's side to fight for.

As you can see from the screen above, scrapping the starting colony ship has provided a fair chunk of reserves for you to play with. It's up to you how you wish to use this.

Lastly, unlimited range is in your tree. You don't have to worry about having to steal it!

Closing Date: Monday, March 15, 2010. Reports due by the end of Tuesday, March 16, your local time.

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