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Imperium 27 - There Can Be Only One - Results          


There is no scoring system as such for this game, but results will be listed in (up to) four victory categories. Results are listed below:


Player Game Result
RefSteel 2643 Extermination Victory

Survivor: None! No one reported a loss at any date, and so no one qualifies for the second scoring category. Obviously we need to get another Extreme Imperium or two going!


Player Game Result
meatbalz 2672 Extermination Victory
timmy827 2743 Extermination Victory
codehappy 2798 Extermination Victory
Horist 2842 Extermination Victory*

* - Sponsor's game played with Events On prior to the Imperium Administrator getting his talons on the initial savefile and editing them out.

Back to main Imperium 27 page.

Victory Categories:

The CHAMPION is reserved for the fastest (earliest game year) extermination victory.
The SURVIVOR is reserved for the last (latest game year prior to) defeat.

The VICTORIOUS will be listed in order from second-fastest to slowest extermination victories.
The DEFEATED will be listed in order from second-latest to earliest losses.




