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The beast master feels the power of nature and surrounds himself with beasts. His/her skills and worn items strongly reflect this. The greatest evil in the game for the Beastmaster is the cow king, who has corrupted the most noble of beasts, the Bovine.

Class: Sorc(Hydra), Nec(Clay golem/BoneSpirit), Druid
Tag: BM

ONLY gear with beast prefix or suffix, or animal (not demon) name can be worn - list below. The more beasts represented the better, so eventually dual (pref+suff) beast items are worn more and more. Note they will prefer wearing 'more' representative beast items than the 'best' available. If a high lvl BM didn't have a full dozen beasts represented, he would feel remiss.

Mana series: Lizard, Snake, Serpent, Drake, Dragon, Wyrm, Vulpine

Strength: Ox, Giant, Titan
HP series: Jackal, Fox, Wolf, Tiger, Mammoth, Colossus
Leech, Locust, Bat, Vampire, Bear

Preferred uniques:
Blinkbat's Form
Venom Ward
Snake Cord
Serpent Lord
Salamander (one of best for Hydra sorc)

must have a beast name (e.g., Raven, Eagle) AND an attribute
that reflects the power of a beast (eg Knockback=Bear).


Posted October 3 2000



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