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Variants are separated into Diablo II Classic and Expansion lists due to the significant differences between the two versions of the game. It is entirely possible to play an Expansion variant in D2 classic, and a Classic variant in the expansion. The separate lists are maintained to make it easier to recognize which version of the game the author had in mind at the time that the variant was written.

Variants Master List - Diablo II Classic
D II Variants Descriptions
Aboriginee superstitious nature and a love for quality workmanship
Amazonian The classic Diablo 1 variant arrives in the East!
BARbarians will not use magic or unique items - its evil juju magic
Beast Master The greatest evil in the game for the BM is the cow king
Bravado The idea that he could be defeated in battle is preposterous..
CDChars Characters that believe they're still in Tristram
Death Knight The depths of hell have spawned not only those who seek to serve the three prime evils
Forger Creates all his own fighting gear
Frog Tribe ...exponding the vitures of their totem animal...
Hamster The rodent-warrior returns!
Ironman The ultimate test of both skill and endurance
Isolationist refuses to engage in commerce of any form
Juggler Whatever weapon is thrust in his hands will be used...
Mageazon Zenmaster with a bow plays and thinks like a sorceress.
Man-azon Something of a spoof on Charis' popular Amazon variant
Mentat Advisor to royalty, strategist and sometimes assassin.
Moor The Moor is expert with bow, but not averse to hand-to-hand combat with daggers, scimitars and falchions          
Nova Mistress believes that there are submissives out there...
Nudists Items? Who needs those?
Obsidian Lord He who stalks his prey to inflict the charge of doom
Orchids Mother Nature’ way of fending off demons.
Plague Poison Specialist - One of the Macabre variants
Ranger He is an expert with the bow        
Returned Albrecht The corpse of Albrecht laid decaying and waiting for Diablo's power to grow...
Survivalist The Survivalist will never buy a potion
Undead Paladin Slain Paladins defiled by demons come back to roam the world once more.
Valkyrie Host too clumsy to kill for herself enlists the aid of a Valkyrie.
Team Variants
EST Elemental Strike Team - The team "Protector" is a barbarian player. The Protector's role includes teaming with and watching out for the vulnerable spellcasters when fighting opponents that use elemental attacks
Ironman The ultimate test of both skill and endurance
Isolationist The Isolationist refuses to engage in commerce of any form
PIPES "Meat-shield" "Cannon fodder" "There are none left to hire, they're all dead!" These are words heard FAR too often. Finally, a group has stepped forward to stop the maddness. - The Pacifists In Party Expedition Society (PIPES)

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