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The survivalist is very leery of townsfolks and expects them to close shop or run out of goods - he doesn't trust them. The Survivalist will never buy a potion, but seeks to become less dependent on them, and more on his skills. Leech, vampire, etc., and skills like Warmth, Meditation, Redemption, Find Potion, are prized. His hoarding nature is seen by what he holds on to: by the time his cube is found, either the stash or cube must be kept FULL of potions - preferably a variety of types: purple, red, blue, thawing, antidote, stamina. However, this is mostly out of paranoia, the chance of using them is actually small. One row may be devoted to hoarding gems of good quality.

Class: Any (Bar is most powerful)

Other restrictions and comments by class:
- Ama: never buys ammo, must find and hoarde her own (hence MS and strafe popular, along with mana and life steal). No skill restrictions.

- Bar: uses Find Potion rather than buying them, uses Find Item to find extra items to sell. With these great abilities comes a price- it leads him to hoarde gold as well. His goal is to keep his stash gold at MAX. Gambling funds typically is the leftover 'on person'. Some laugh at the Y2K-Bar when he dies and his hoarded gold splatters, but he calls them foolish, and finds some more items to sell.

- Nec: Blood Golem is his favorite skill, to hoarde life. He casts sparingly, so as to not waste too much mana.

- Pal: Redemption, personal hoarding of life and mana, is his favorite aura, although some Healing and Meditation will be used too. FOH is considering wasteful on mana and never used, otherwise no skill restricts.

- Soc: Warmth, and more warmth. Yet ironically, she feels nervous if the blue globe goes below half - she prefers to always have something 'in reserve'.

For all types: Frostburns, Stone of Jordan, Nightsmoke and other large scale producers of mana or life, are prized.
Their favorite Blacksmith is Hratli. Like the Y2K, Hratli avoids the useless hubbub and chatter of town, and prefers to be off by himself. Most folks don't realize what a hoarde of good Hratli has under his hut.
Some Bar-Y2K's won't let anyone but Hratli repair their armor.
Gheed, otoh, is viewed as an opportunist out to relieve him of his wealth, and is never even spoken to.


Posted October 3 2000



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