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The Juggler - by Maaloch         
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The Juggler prides himself in the use of all weapons
but his passion lies in the search for Rare and Unique items. Once a Rare or Unique item is found only death itself can make him give it up.He hates Boss monsters with a passion and will use their spoils in his quest to vanquish their brethren back to the depths.

The Juggler begins with the items given to him and starts his hunt for Rare items, Unique items, and Bosses known as the Juggling mode

Whenever a Boss monster is killed the item dropped is identified and equipped. The Juggler's base strength and dexterity(white figure) must meet the requirements of the item for it to be useable.

A new equippable Magical item MUST replace an equipped magical item.

If a magical item is unequippable it must be sold.

Once a Unique or Rare is acquired you have the choice of equipping it or putting it into storage for later use. Once an item has been removed from an equipment slot it can never be used again, with the exception of set items. Used set items can be used to complete a set. Once a set is complete it can be equipped.

Note: Set items(green) are considered Rares.

Rares, Uniques, Rings and Amulets found by the Juggler can be used even if they did NOT come from a Boss kill. He only uses items he finds directly(opening chests, barrels, monster kills, etc.) not items left by other players. Magical(blue) found items are not useable.

If you have a shield equipped when you find a two handed weapon, the shield is put in storage and stays there until a one handed weapon is equipped. At that time the shield can be equipped again. The shield slot is out of juggling mode when the shield is in storage.

Death Penalty
Dying carries a heavy penalty.

When slain by a monster one of your Rare or Unique items must be sold. It can be one of your stored items or one of your equipped items. If you choose to remove an equipped item then you can either equip a new rare or unique, or the equipment slot goes back to juggling mode. If you don't have a rare or unique to remove after a death your character is considered dead and you now have a fine mule.

A monster can only kill you one time. There is no further penalty for deaths caused by retrieving your body or avenging your death.

All monsters encountered should be killed if possible.Parking is a last resort. Full clears of all areas is encouraged. There is NO penalty for dying to ACT Bosses. If slain by one his minions, you are considered dead, dead, dead.

Deaths are recorded by putting one Rancid Gas potion in your stash for each death. See how many deaths it takes you to finish all 3 difficulty levels.(get a bigger stash)

Note: If you find a Rare that you know you are NOT going to use, you can sell it and then put an exploding potion in your stash to use for the death penalty.This will save you storage space.

Rings and Amulets
You can equip any Ring or Amulet you find and it stays equipped as long as you want, but once it has been removed it can never be used again. This goes for Rares and Uniques as well. If a ring or amulet hasn't been used it can be saved for later use. Cubing rings and amulets is not allowed.

Imbued item are considered Rares. You can Imbue any item found on Andariel's level.

When a gem is found it is socketed into the next socketable and useable item found and equipped. Every socket of a socketable item must be filled if you have a gem available. When another gem is found the equipment slot with the gemmed item goes back to juggling mode. The item stays equipped until a replacement is found.
On finding another gem the search for a new socketable and useable item begins again.

Excess gems can be stored or cubed into potions. Gemmed items are considered magical.

Note: Any item fully socketed with PERFECT gems is considered a Rare item.

Gambling is not allowed

Shopping for miscellaneous items, arrows, potions, scrolls, etc. is allowed. Throwing items and potions(exploding, rancid etc.) can be bought and used but only for throwing. Throwing weapons cannot be used for melee purposes.

Note: Barbarian is restricted from pumping his throwing mastery past 5.Double throw is not allowed.

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