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Nova Mistress - by Drasca
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Coming to Tristram and the Rogues in for their welcome of dominant women there, this powerful and extremely dominant woman believes that there are submissives out there who need a mistress. Andariel has been slacking off, and there is a need for a strong woman to take in her place. But once deeply into the quest, the Mistress finds out Diablo needs to be put down in his place like the dog he is. Picking on little boys and girls is no proper behavior for the supposed lord of terror.

The Nova Mistress - A Dominatrix

The mistress is dressed in fine Corinthian leather, and abhors large full plates and mails. The light plate will do in a pinch, but preference is shown toward fine leathers where one’s true dominance can be displayed in full effect.

In this age of giant mobs of angry submissives, the Mistress needs to display her power to the most possible at one time. Indeed, this Mistress has developed skills which radiate her power, forming a Nova that delivers shocking electricity and coldness toward her subjects. Such is the role of submissives. They will take it and they will enjoy it. “Yes, Mistress” will be how they address you and when you’re done they will be an exhausted sagging heap on the ground as if dead.

Major skills:
Nova, Frost Nova and static field.

Skill Restrictions: Anything that is not a support spell.

Certain Support spells are restricted until quest completion. They are:
Enchant: Normal Andariel’s Death
Teleport-NM Andariel’s Death
Cold Armors: Normal Duriel’s Death
Energy Shield: Nightmare Duriel’s Death


Leathers and Lace (Quilted Armor)
Mails and Heavy Plates are restricted.
Light plate restricted until completion of quest, but leather is preferred.

Preferred Enchantments:
-Of Spikes
-Colossus, Mammoth and other “Dark” color affecting enchantments
-No Glowing or “of Light” if it affects the outfit color and makes her a shiny glowstick.

She must declare her dominance at every major victory. Something like, “Kneel Slave” or “Bow before your Mistress” will suffice.

Andariel: She is a special boss to the Mistress of Nova. She is your first true submissive, for she is known as the Maiden of Anguish—Soon she shall be your Maid.
-Allow Enchant upon her destruction in Normal
-Allow Teleport upon her destruction in Nightmare

Duriel: The Mistress must gain the title of Lord of Pain, and must commit herself to usurping Duriel for his position.
-Allow Cold Armors upon his destruction in Normal
-Allow Energy Shield upon his destruction in Nightmare

Sarina the Battlemaiden
-Make her your servant and clear another temple for the priviledge of Light armor
-Clear 3 Nightmare or Hell Difficulty temples for Mage Armor rights.

Creation Backround:
When Charis mentioned usage of fast cast Nova, and I took a look. Frost Nova for slowing enemies down, and Mass-kill was extremely intriguing. Tailoring this to my own little interests, she became a very powerful and dominant woman. The kind with a will that takes down kings and would put those minions in their place to see who the true dominant force would be.


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