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Man-azon - by LemmingofGlory                  
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The Amazons get such acclaim,
Each uses brawn and a mighty brain,
Now the question you must ask,
Is "Who's behind this valiant mask?"

Tribes of Amazonians great and small,
No one human could meet them all,
Of questions one still bothers me,
Do Amazons reproduce for free?

Nay, folly is this to assume!
Each has a man to tame and groom,
Only by this can there be more,
Amazon tribes grow by the score!

(Note: Last line's use of "score" is "set of twenty.")


Man-azons are the tamed manslaves of the Amazons. The story goes simply that one day while his tamer is away a Man-azon breaks into the weapons cabinet and steals some fightin' tools. He then heads off to battle, hoping to prove his worth to his people. The problem? Man-azons are not trained for combat. cringe Ohh, this could get ugly.

Class: Necromancer
Tag: MAZ

The Manazon may put no more than 2 points into energy per level up.

The Manazon must sell his starting wand.

These mostly revolve around one simple phrase: "Now how did they do that attack? Ah, yes, simply do this, this, and this... presto!... EEEEPP!!! *RUNS* "

You do not have to be weilding a specific weapon to use these skills. You're weak anyway, so it won't overpower you. Example: You can use Bone Spear even if you're using a Bow.

Combat skills
Amplify Damage (Critical Strike)
Terror (Evade)
Dim Vision (Inner Sight)
Bone Armor (Dodge)
Clay Golem (Decoy)
Fire Golem (Valkyrie)

Javelin skills
Bone Spear (Piercing Javelin)
Poison Nova (Plague Javelin)

Bow skills
Bone Spirit (Guided Arrow. Restriction: BSpirit may do no more than your maximum melee/bow damage.)

Golem Mastery (Valkyrie's Personal Trainer)


The Amazons don't train their men for combat, so you don't have to do all the same quests that Amazons do. This doesn't mean that you won't have ranks and quests, it just means that they'll be more-or-less easier. Well, maybe.

At this stage you're a lonely traveler who'd passed out somewhere in the wilderness and now find youself waking up here, in a Rogue Encampment. You learn of the evil in this area and decide that it would make you look pretty darn good if you did something about it. Having gambled away the fine Amazonian weaponry that you'd stolen, you're left with nothing but your fists. This means you've gotta find a weapon. Even so, you decided that during this stage the only weapon you'll use is the Javelin. Venture out into the wilderness and do three things:
-Find weapons that would suit an Amazon [Javelin and 2H axe]
-Clear the Den of Evil
-Kill Blood Raven

You learn of someone who, if rescued, would be a refugee. During this stage only a 2H axe may be used in your quest to...
-Rescue Cain the Refugee
-Obtain a peg leg and keep it in your stash. You never know when you might need it.
-Kill Griswold the Blacksmith

Word gets out around the Rogue Encampment about an escaped Amazonian manslave. Fearing your discovery, you decide to disguise yourself and hurry off to the East.
-Get a disguise by ditching your current equipped items (do NOT sell as it'll make you seem suspicious) and buying a new set of equipment from Gheed.
-Kill Andariel
-Travel East without delay!

You arrive in Lut Gholein and decide that a disguising yourself as a dervish wouldn't be a bad idea. In addition, you can be rid of the pesky disguise equipment that you carried from the Rogues since the townsfolk here don't know what you look like yet.
-Ditch your current equipment (selling is fine) and find new.
-A spear class weapon must be used for the duration of this stage.
-Kill Duriel and travel to Kurast

Upon reviewing some books and other documents the Meshif allowed you to read, you realize just how sheltered your life has been. The Amazons taught the manslaves virtually nothing about the world. You focus on a word you learned from one of Meshif's texts: Hero. You were taught about heroines, but no man was ever to be a champion. Looking at the spine of the book, you notice the author's name, Farnham of Tristram. He must've been a swell guy to write books like this.
Now in Kurast, you decide that a good heroic weapon would be a Bow or a Crossbow.
-Get a bow/crossbow and use it for the duration of this stage.
-Find the ashes of Ku'ley and give them to Alkor. Store the potion in your stash until later.
-Get the Travincal Waypoint.

Determined to right wrongs, triumph over evil, etc., etc., etc. you must defeat the High Council of Travincal and Mephisto.
-Use Wirt's Leg to smash in the heads of the Council Members of Travincal.
-Using either Wirt's Leg, the Gidbinn, the Horadric Malus, or a Bow/Cross bow, kill Mephisto.

-Slay Diablo on Normal Difficulty.
-If possible, retain a socketed version of the weapon type that you used to do this.
-You may now drink the Potion of Life that you obtained from Alkor.

-Slay Diablo on Nightmare Difficulty.

-Slay Hephasto on Hell Difficulty.
-Unaided, slay Diablo on Hell Difficulty.

Special Event (occurs after D is slain; difficulty doesn't matter)
Return to your Amazon Tribe and face anything they may throw at you. Tribes are denoted by colors. I'll let Charis explain it:

 "If possible, select a socketable version of your intended weapon, and embed a stone of at least normal quality which represents the 'colors' of your nation - blue, green, red, amber, white, purple, or black. Other stones may be added for their effect, these will not affect the color of the weapon - just the first one."

The "intended weapon" mentioned is the one used vs D. My addition to this is if you used Throwing Weapons, you might want to pick a non-throwable version of the weapon that you used. (Spear in place of Javelins, Dagger in place of Throwing Knives, etc.) Do this and should you meet an Amazon whose Tribal colors match yours, tell her of your deeds and see what she thinks!


To Charis
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. In other words, the Amazon was so much fun I thought that this take-off on it would be not only humorous, but also fun. In fact, CursedLemming (my Bow-weilding, Cursing Necro) was kinda where I got the idea for the Manazon from. It's basically a Necro trying to be an Amazon, but it's taken a step further so that it not only imitates a class but also a variant. Similarly, the Returned Albrect variant stemmed from a "Necro Paladin" idea that I had, although Albrect is quite a bit different from my original Necro-Pal idea. After that, the "Horadric Knight" idea came from a Pal-Sorc idea. Notice how he's rather magely.


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