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Undead Paladin - by LemmingofGlory                   
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Many heroes die, but few come back to haunt their enemies.

Undead Paladins were once Paladins of the Zakarum, but they slain in combat and forgotten. Their comrades left the corpses of their slain brethren to be befouled by demons. Mephisto, Lord of Hatred, saw this as an opportunity to raise an army. He filled the fallen heroes with hatred so powerful that the netherrealm could not contain them. They were reborn on the earth as beings that live only to satisfy their hatred. The Undead Paladins are known to few mortals, and those that know of them live in fear.

Rules and Role

Class: Necromancer
Tag: UPL

UPL may not drink the Potion of Life given by Alkor.

UPL think of themselves as and refer to themselves as Paladins.

Evil Auras
In place of Auras, the Undead Paladin uses curses. These curses are often more potent than auras, but in spite of their strength they dissipate quickly.

Might (Amp Dmg), Redemption (Life Tap), Lower Resist (Conviction), Decrepify (Holy Freeze), Defiance (Bone Armor), Sanctary (Bone Wall & Prison), Holy Shock/Fire (Poison Nova), Conversion (Attract)

Combat Skills
Most of the melee combat skills that the UPL once had are lost, but he still retains the ability to strike enemies from a distance.

Holy Bolt (Teeth aka Unholy Bolts), Sacrifice (Poison Dagger- perfect for Sacrificing!), Blessed Hammer (Bone Spirit)


Energy may not exceed 50.


Nothing that sounds holy may be used. Similar effects on rare, set, and unique items may not be used. (e.g. angel's amulet, priest's war scepter, of light, of the sun, glimmering)

The heaviest (highest str req) useable armor, shield, and helm available must be used. The heavier clad a knight is the harder it is to see through his armor.

This variant has not been playtested. Although it seems fun, doesn't it? Anyway, if anyone plays this and thinks it needs work, feel free to E-mail comments or post them on the Sylvan Message Board.

Many thanks for the input from Grarrrg


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