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  Windows 7?
Posted by: KingOfPain - July 12th, 2009, 17:08 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (5)

I have until 12am to get in on the pre-order half price deal for $64cnd @ futureshop. Is it worth the upgrade from Vista?

Any compatibility issues with Diablo/II, GW, and Civ, etc.?

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  Adv 30 - Comments from the Sponsor (Very late)
Posted by: Compromise - July 11th, 2009, 02:27 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (3)

These are the long-overdue "Comments from the sponsor" for Adventure 30. (And I mean over a year...overdue.) They are reconstructed from memory and from a quick peek at the start to remind myself of some details.

I wanted a game where the player had conficting motives. The scoring setup called for the player to build very few items, the fewer the better. The game setup required the exact opposite.

Some of the worst AIs to fight were placed on the same continent as the player: Montezuma, Tokugawa, Ragnar. On another continent were all the friendly tech-heavy AIs: Mansa, Willem van Oranje.

As mentioned in the game description (which described the level as "Monarch+"), the AIs started with all the first-level techs, i.e. Fishing, Wheel, Agriculture, etc.

In addition, I placed a lot of goody huts around the starting positions for the AIs on the other continent. This was intended give the no-early-contact AIs an even bigger headstart against the human player.

The intent was to give the player a challenge both early on (because of being in a slight tech hole), in the middle (because of the character of the nearby AIs), and later (because the opponents would be technologically advanced) without subjecting the human player to the emperor-level penalties for the whole game.

In practice, I think the game pretty much played out simply as an emperor level game.

I realize that after all this time, this post probably has approximately zero interest, but I've felt bad about not wrapping up this loose thread for long enough.

Thank you Sullla for compiling the results after my abandonment.

And thank you zeka, sylvanllewelyn, timmy827, athlete4life10, and uberfish for giving it a shot.

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  Yay! Guild Wars are broked...
Posted by: Hureg - July 7th, 2009, 16:06 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (2)

Featuring Wyrm the traitor and Hureg the deserter

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  The Patch 1.13 variant Proposal: Dragon Lance Team
Posted by: Occhidiangela - July 6th, 2009, 20:00 - Forum: Diablo - Replies (6)

Shisak and I were talking and we ended up with Dragon Lance stories as a variant team event for the fall. Dragons of Autum Candlelight, or some such.

The kick start of the idea was Tassel Hoff Barb Foot, a Kender on steroids who used daggers and staves, maxed find items, used Taunt and Grim Ward, and then

Raistlin: Necro, maybe no life points allowed?
Goldmoon: How do you play an Amazon cleric? We are not sure on that one.
Tannis: An amazon, cross dresser, or a a Paladin Bow wielder? Latter preferred, as he was a group leader
Riverwind: warrior or barb
Sturm: paladin
Caramon: barb or paladin, but a pure warrior barb
Kit: maybe a melee sword/shield Amazon? Or, a sword shield Assassin, black leather required? Get a charged item to allow her revives to summon, to reflect her raising armies of evil?

Flint Fireforge: Not sure, probably paladin or barb. Maybe some sort of singer barb? Or is Flint a druid?

Anyway, the idea would be great for a team but needs some fleshing out.

Your inputs are solicited.

Since the Dragon Lance heroes were often not in the same scenario, we would merge and diverge as appropriate to get through the first two diffs.

In Hell, we might ought to all be in one team however.

HC or SC, I don't care which. Probably HC, but it matters not.

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  Imperium 21 - Resting on our Laurels
Posted by: RefSteel - July 6th, 2009, 03:09 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (4)

At long last, Imperium 21 is up and running! In spite of my initial mistake, the official page now displays the correct screenshots, even! (Thanks, Griselda!)

While events won't be an issue in the early going, the semi-random decisions of the AIs will have a significant impact (as always) on the outcome of the game, and in this case, the single-minded dedication (or lack thereof) with which you pursue the highest possible score will have a major impact as well. So, whether it's a Gentle Imperium or Extreme Imperium or something in between is to some degree up to you.

Thanks for your patience while we got this one ready; enjoy the game!

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  RB Pitboss #1 [SPOILERS] Willem of Persia
Posted by: shadyforce - July 5th, 2009, 12:14 - Forum: Pitboss1 - Replies (254)

Hi all. This is me:
[Image: WillemPersia.jpg]

[Image: Traits.jpg]

[Image: UUUB.jpg]

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  RB Pitboss #1 SPOILERS - Imhotep/Temujin of Zulu
Posted by: Imhotep - July 4th, 2009, 08:48 - Forum: Pitboss1 - Replies (53)

Okay, I was curious what start I have. Obviously my Civ is geared towards a warlike approach and fast expansion with Agg/Imp and the Ikhanda giving a maintenance cutoff. The start however is not too hot.

[Image: 77624401.jpg]

Yuck. No food. In the MP world a grassland cow does not count as real food as it only yields 4 food, which is rather weak. I'll move the Scout and will see what's to the south.

[Image: 88656857.jpg]

Well, at least some more green tiles to farm. So I move my Settler on the plains hill for the always nice two hammer start and press enter. I'm curious what resources Sulla gave me...


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  RB Pitboss #1 Spoilers - Joai of the Incans - Krill/Memphus
Posted by: Krill - July 4th, 2009, 08:35 - Forum: Pitboss1 - Replies (590)

There might at some point be spoiler info in this thread, just not right now...

OK? So supposedly you aren't supposed to read anymroe, but I don't really care tbh.

Quote:Poll results:

Results of poll 1: Teams
*Krill + memphus
*regoarrarr + Danski
*Dreylin + kalin
*mostly_harmless + Kodii
*dsplaisted + Fenton Denton Smith

Result of poll 2: Timer
18 hours

Result of poll 3: Restricted or Unrestricted leaders

Result of poll 4: Duplicate civs and leaders
No duplicates

Result of poll 5: Civ/leader selection
MP/Fantasy sports style "snake pick." One random player will pick a civ or leader first, then we will head down the list of players and back up.

Result of poll 6: Game Speed

Result of poll 7: Difficulty

Result of poll 8: Huts
No huts

Result of poll 9: Barbarians
Normal barbarians

Result of poll 10: Random events
No random events

Result of poll 11: Tech trading
No tech brokering

Result of poll 12: Double moves
Double moves prohibited*

Result of poll 13: Last-minute changing of builds and techs
Last-minute changes prohibited**

* (a) - All settler moves that result in ending a turn in neutral territory must occur 9 hours (in-game) after the last movement of that settler, if applicable.
(b) - Any civilization declaring war must wait 9 hours from the war declaration to move any military units.
© - During a war all units in enemy or neutral territory, and all units in friendly territory that are capable of attacking or defending versus enemy units at any point during the turn must wait at least 9 hours following any previous move before they may move again.
(d) - When in doubt, act in good faith.

** (a) - Act in good faith to not power-game the espionage system.
(b) - Last-minute changing of builds and techs is discouraged. Changes of techs or builds during the last three hours of a turn will be considered acting in bad faith if they take place with any frequency. Habitual changing of builds or techs with less than nine hours of a turn remaining will also be considered acting in bad faith.

Result of poll 14: Contact with other teams
No contact until in-game contact.

Result of poll 15: Screenshot/map trades
Only after paper tech is discovered

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  RB Pittboss #1 - SPOILER - Washington/Carthage
Posted by: ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF - July 3rd, 2009, 23:56 - Forum: Pitboss1 - Replies (63)

Welcome to my spoiler thread! Please don't post details of other people's positions or the PBEM game here.

If you're reading this, but shouldn't be - know that my numberless Warrior will soon destroy you all :mwahaha: :neenernee

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  Pink Dot IT Office - Email and technical issues thread - All welcome, all the time
Posted by: sunrise089 - July 3rd, 2009, 23:42 - Forum: Pitboss1 - Replies (1205)

Game Address -

Hello all,

Let's use this thread to keep track of our email addresses for this game, and post about any technical problems. Any in-game info should wait for the other public thread, to be used once a team has met everyone else.

I will start:

*sunrise089 - Mansa of Spain -
*Broker33 - Zara of HRE -
*mostly_harmless and Kodii - Louis XIV of Byzantium -
*ruff and TheArchDuke of Rome - rb.ruff.tad at gmail dot com
*regoarrarr and Danski of India -
*shadyforce of Persia - shadyforce at gmail dot com
*krill, memphus and Yaz of Inca - at gmail dot com AND yazilliclick (a) g mail
*Imhotep of Zulu -
*Dreylin and kalin of Sumeria - league.of.lin at gmail dot com
*dsplaisted and Fenton Denton Smith - dsplaisted at gmail dot com and fentond_denton_smith at yahoo dot co dot uk

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