I didn't pay much attention to it until a streamer accidentally selected it for their playthrough, but having tried it, I think it's a lot of fun, and breathes a lot of fresh air into the game. Making the second plane "free real estate" incentivizes a degree of exploration and expansion in ways that feel exciting rather than tedious, especially since it weakens both the tower guards and their treasure, making alternative playstyles besides treasure hunting more appealing.
After finishing my recent nostalgia game of MOO2, I have been taking a look at Instellar Space: Genesis (ISG hereafter), a modern take on the MOO2 concept. The game has a lot of MOO2 elements, but with a lot of new systems and mechanics added. I have only begun playing and am still figuring out a lot of the new stuff, but I thought I would post a few screenshots and give a few initial thoughts.
ISG offers a lot of set up options and customization for a new game. Options for the galaxy, for how tech research works, difficulty level and start (boosted, normal, or poor), and more. One nice option is that difficulty level and start can be set individually for each AI as well as the player. This could allow some interesting galaxies for players looking for a real challenge, or wanting to shift the usual balance of power. I set pretty much everything to standard or average, since I have no real idea what I am doing yet. The game recommends using a non-randomized tech tree for your first game, to get familiar with what is available, before trying the options with random missing techs or limited research options. So I set that, pick the humans in a medium galaxy with standard number of opponents, and off we go.
One new mechanic that immediately pops up: remote exploration. Your scientists and astronomers can scan one section of the galaxy remotely at a time, with each scan taking some number of turns. (Tech and other factors can affect how long it takes.) Free exploration, basically. The remote scans tie into another new mechanic: there are degrees or levels of exploration in ISG. You start knowing nothing about a star system except the color of the star; an initial or basic scan (either remote or by sending a ship to the system) reveals any planets that are present and their general type (terran, desert, lava, etc.). But you need a more advanced scan to determine the mineral level of planets and the presence of certain things like wormholes, and a full scan to find specials on planets like resource deposits, alien ruins, minor civilizations, and other things. Getting a full scan apparently requires sending a special exploration ship to a system, and exloration ships are expensive (roughly similar to a colony ship).
The next new system that pops up is your empire's culture. Your citizens generate culture per turn, which can be boosted by various buildings and other things. You accumulate this culture, and every so often it allow you to choose an empire-wide perk. These perks are presented in pairs, with choosing one permanently locking out the other option for that game. My initial culture choice was between faster movement for all ships (a pretty nice perk ) or a free colony ship plus boosted col ship production from the home world. Given my recent nostalgia MOO2 game had my home world build every single colony ship, I decide on the col ship perk.
Here is my empire after 8 turns, after my starting col ship and the free one arrived in nearby systems and fortunately both found habitable worlds.
Note the list of my colonies on the left. You can see my two starting scouts (the green triangles) on their way to nearby systems to scout.
Here is the Sol system:
You can see Earth as an owned world and Mercury, Venus, and Mars as potentially colonizable worlds. Note the planet types listed for the non-earth planets -- Barren, Desert, and Acid. Unlike MOO2 where you could colonize any world you could reach from the start of the game (just with penalties to growth, production, and maintenance for hostile environments), in ISG you need specific tech to colonize each type of world that is not "ideal" for your species. Humans have terran for ideal, can tolerate swamp worlds, and consider all of these others as hostile until the appropriate tech is researched.
Note also that that the current scan level for the Sol System is shown at the upper right (advanced). The uncolonized worlds show a question mark for special resources; I will need to get a full scan of the system to identify if there are any specials present. Jupiter also shows a question mark for the presence of Helium-3, a special resource needed for certain construction projects and techs. A full scan will reveal whether there are exploitable deposits present. If so, I could later build an outpost there (once I have the right tech researched) to produce the resource. The asteroid belt can also be exploited with an outpost with the right tech.
Here is earth:
Note the sliders on the left: These are more like classic MOO, splitting the planet's production between infrastructure, ecology, and the main construction queue. (There is also a kind of triangle option for representing this split. I prefer the sliders.) Infrastructure seems to be sort of like industrializing your planet in MOO by building factories; increasing your infrastructure level multiplies production on the planet. However, you also get a choice of perks with each infrastructure level up. Unlike the empire culture perks, the infrastructure perks are not exclusive and you can pick the ones you skipped later if you keep increasing infrastructure. The perks give bonuses to spending on buildings, ecology/terraforming, or ships. So they help you specialize a planet for whatever role you intend it to serve in your empire.
Ecology spending can terraform a planet (once you have the appropriate tech) or boosts the eco level. This is apparently separate from terraforming; I do not really understand how this works yet.
The construction queue works like the MOO2 build queue, and can have buildings, ships, trade goods, and so forth.
Here is a newly explored star system:
A terran planet! Note that I have only a basic scan of this system, so I do not know the mineral level of the planet or if there are other special present. There could even be undetected stuff like wormholes present in the system. More detailed scanning is needed.
Here is a look at the tech tree:
The purple tech is the one I just discovered -- Desert Colonization so I can colonize Mars in the Sol system with a colony base. Dark green techs I know; light blue techs can be researched. On the bottom left two "blocks" note that going back for another tech from the same block costs double. This "full tree" mode (which the game recommended for your first game) does this to encourage advancing through the tree. How research works has several possible options during game set up.
ISG also has events.
In this one, my newest colony has a splinter faction break away to found their own enclave. I have several choices for how to deal with them, with various costs and benefits. You can select the level of events you want during game set up, depending on how much randomness you prefer in your strategy games.
So there is an initial look at a few very early turns of ISG. I will update as I play the game. Overall I am liking it so far, although obviously I have not played much yet. The game looks good, and the interface has been decent. These screenshots do not show them, but the game has extensive tool tips for practically everything with much more detailed information. Production and cost items show a full breakdown of where your hammers and money come from or are going (depending on what you are hovering over). There are numerous data screens for more info on the state of things, along with an empire overview screen:
I have not played far enough into the game yet to see how diplomacy works, or spies, or combat. And I have not looked at ship design yet, as I have not researched any ship techs. You do start with a couple scouts, armed with basic single laser weapons. I suspect that like MOO2, they are not worth much in combat and are really mostly for exploring.
I will try to answer questions, but I am figuring this out as I go so I may not know.
Inspired by WingsofMemory's recent poll on favorite MOO games, I loaded up MOO2 for the first time in probably 20 years. Time for some nostalgia!
After a lot of turns (I had forgotten just how slow the early part of a MOO2 game is; you have so little production early on), things are going pretty well. (My empire is in green, with Sol being in the south center.)
I am playing a custom race with the omniscience trait, so I can see the entire galaxy. I have out-expanded all the AIs, with the Elerians having the most systems of the AIs. The bears and lizards have not expanded at all beyond their initial starting colony ship. The Psilons have managed to claim one additonal system beyond their starting pair.
Some systems have multiple colonizable worlds, though, so the AIs do have a few more planets than raw system count would indicate. Still, they have not expanded well, except the Elerians. I have 12 worlds total across my six colonized systems. (Tao is just an outpost, to get range to reach the east.)
All the food production in my empire is coming from my home world and the single terran class planet I have managed to find in the galaxy that was not defended by space monsters. Recently discovered terraforming tech is going to fix this problem soon, though, as I transform several planets into more habitable environments.
I had strong relations with everyone except the Sakkra (no contact), but recently got framed for spying three times in five turns. This ruined relations with the Psilons, who are now angry with me. This is likely to lead to trouble, as the brains are technologically quite advanced. They have been amassing a sizable fleet, so I may have my first war to deal with soon. I have star bases to defend most of my worlds, but not much of a fleet. I will need to build more ships ASAP.
Overall this has been a fun re-visit to a past favorite. MOO2 is a very enjoyable game, despite being very different from classic MOO. The pacing is a lot slower; I am not sure of the exact turn count, but it is probably well over 300 turns by now. Most MOO games would already be long over, and wars would have broken out within the first 70 or so turns (if not earlier). Colonization is just very, very slow with colony ships costing 500 production and a good planet producing maybe 15-20 hammers per turn. All of my colony ships have been built at my home world, with each generally being a 25+ turn build. Things are finally speeding up as I get the second tier of production-boosting buildings constructed. My being incredibly rusty and having forgotten a lot of details of how to optimize everything probably has played a part in the slow pace as well.
Once I finish this nostalgia game, I am planning to give Interstellar Space: Genesis a try. It is a modern take on the MOO2 concept, with a bunch of changes and new mechanics added. I am curious to see how it plays. I will post my thoughts once I have played a game or two. Thanks to WingsofMemory for the poll and inspiring this nostalgia tour.
Hello everyone, if you are not familiar with me, I do lots of graphics modding for CoM, and help others out with that as well occasionally. I am working on my own mods as well. One of these mods is to add playable wizards (complete with their own musical themes and animated portraits) from races that don't have their own to represent them yet. These are all hand drawn using a mouse in (mostly) microsoft paint, and the music is composed from scratch as well. I even try to stay in the 8-bit colour palette of the original game usually!
One thing I've always been terrible at however is naming things, and I need help deciding on a name for this Beastman Wizard. I've come up with a couple, but can't choose between them. So I would greatly appreciate any input you Realms Beyond Bros can give!
I don't know if this is a good use of a thread or not, or if it's been discussed already, but what is everyone here's favourite Master of Orion Game, and why?
For me it's Master of Orion 1.
The sliders being a representation of where you are spending taxes is an extremely elegant, fun, and even realistic way to do an economic system for an empire management game. The space battles are also a great blend of simple, fun, and fast. And probably one of the main reasons, even if it's shallow, is the games atmosphere. The comic-book-meets-realism art is awesome, and the Star Trek inspired look of things is too. The music is the best of the series in my opinion, and the setting is simple but nifty.
I like the other Master of Orion games too, and they all have great stuff going for them (even number 3, although I've never beat it since I'm too dumb to play it properly lol) but in their differences I find less engaging and enjoyable games. The space combat in MoO2 takes too long and the scale being smaller lends a different feel than MoO1, but it has a lot of cool features and choices that makes it awesome in it's own right. MoO3 feels like a proto-stellaris that was ahead of it's time, but also should have been it's own franchise instead of dragging MoO into what it was doing. And MoO:CtS is a bit more casual and requires less investment into it, and I really appreciate that they really did try to make fans of the franchise happy by trying for a MoO 1.5 like a lot of people wanted even if they didn't fully succeed. Also the Terran Khanate is a fun race to have added probably just because I like Star Trek too much lol, granted the original game was very Star Trek in tone, so I think they fit. Oh, and Starlords (the demo for MoO) was kinda neat if anyone here has played that.
So how about you gentlemen? What are yours? What things do you think that your less favoured ones do well? Anything that your favourite could've done better?
I'm thinking to try something I wanted to do before but never managed - get 28 consecutive victories, one which each ship, and do it T-Hawk style where you start from a blank state and do the unlock achievements on the way. Don't know if I'll have the time but FTL is an easy game to get in and out of and there is no pressure how quickly it needs to be done.
The order can be either random from all unlocked ships (in which case I'll prioritise doing the Rock and Stealth quests) or sequential, which can be either the A->B->C of each ship before moving on to the next, or all the As first, then all the Bs and all the Cs, with Lanius and Crystal at the end.
Anyone interested to follow and comment, give advice, or simply wager when and how I'll crash and burn?
So in the wake of Civ 7's release, I decided to go back and play a game that's been in my backlog for a while... The original, OG, Civilization. No number or subtitle necessary.
(Although *technically* there was a board game with the same name first, and also a similar computer game called Empire that was made for giant mainframe computers. For more on that I recommend this excellent blog: https://www.filfre.net/2018/03/the-game-...ilization/)
Civ1 was a genuine cultural phenomenon when it came out. Maybe Civ6 has sold more copies, but that's just because gaming in general is much bigger now. Civ1 made a splash with all sorts of people who didn't normally play computer games, and was one of the most top-selling games of its era. I don't think any later Civ game has really crushed the market like the first one did.
That's how I came to play the game. My dad wasn't really much of a gamer, but he still bought it out of curiousity and installed it on the family computer. I played it as a *very* young child, really too young to understand the game. I didn't even know what many of the words meant, so maybe I learned something that way too. I have a memory of saying something like "wow this Communism government really works well, much better than Democracy" and getting some strange looks from my parents...
So I played it just a little bit as a kid and didn't get too far. Then Civ2 came out which was newer, shinier, and I could understand it better. I switched over to that one and never looked back, playing the hell out of it throughout my childhood. That's what my profile pic is from. I thought it was better overall, since Civ2 is mostly tweaks to the original, more like a mod than a full game. For some reason that's the only time they did it that way, all the other Civs have been massively different than the one before.
When I went back recently to try Civ1, I wasn't expecting much. I thought it would be just be a simpler, more tedious version of Civ2. If you want to see how that game works I'd recommend this excellent let's play: https://lparchive.org/Civilization-2/ where an experienced player explains all the game mechanics and shows how to really crush it.
But honestly, playing it now as an adult and an experienced gamer, Civ1 really impresses me. There's a lot more balance and depth there than I expected! In fact, a lot of the changes made in Civ2 kind of ruin the balance of it. Civ1 is a more solid game overall.
Here's what it looks like in case you've never seen it before:
*Major differences*
The first thing I noticed was the interface. When you first run it, it asks whether you want to use a mouse, or keyboard only. I guess at that time it was still common for computers to not have a mouse. So you can do everything in the game (or almost everything) with keyboard shortcuts (the highlighted letters). It's a bit cryptic and hard to remember everything, but once you learn it's very convenient and immersive. It reminds of my coding days where I would code in a text editor (Vim) doing everything by keyboard. I wonder if Sid Meier, being an experienced 80s coder, also did his work that way. Some screens (like the city screen) look a bit ugly and cluttered, but all the information is there clear and easy to use. It's a DOS game, so it runs great in DOS box full screen mode. Civ2, unfortunately, was made for windows 95 so it has that Windows UI everywhere and doesn't play nicely with emulators.
The second thing that jumps out is the combat. Combat in Civ1 is simple, elegant, and brutal: you either win or you die. There's no HP or XP system, the game just compares the relative attack and defense values and flips a coin. So if you've got a strength 1 unit attacking a strength 2 unit, that's 1:2 odds, or a 1 in 3 chance to win.
The thing about that system is that it's very "swingy." It's wildly unpredictable, and tends to produce streaks of good and bad luck. it's not at all uncommon to win or lose 3 or more battles in a row, regardless of the odds. I used to think that "spear defeats tank" was just a silly meme that people made up after seeing a rare low-odds loss. But in Civ2 it's not even rare. A "spear" (phalanx) with defense 2, vs a a tank with attack 10, has 2 in 12 odds to win! Almost 20%! You're going to see things like that in basically every game. And since the phalanx costs only 20 shields while the tank costs 80, it's actually not even winning odds. Even a settler with defense 1 is suprisingly tough to kill. I admit that sometimes when this happened i had some gamer rage moments, and sometimes reloaded saves. But once I got used to it I started to adapt. You never know how a combat will go in Civ1, so you have to adapt and find ways to be flexible. Civ2 changed it to have HP and combat rounds, which I think makes it too simple and predictable.
The other big thing is the stack losses. When you lose once on defense, and you're not in a city, your entire stack dies. Instantly. So it's a big risk to stack too many units together. You still have to do it sometimes, and there's definitely an advantage in having more numbers, but it also encourages you to find some other tactics besides piling everything on one stack. The AI *is* smart enough to attack your big stacks, even in the ocean. The tactic that I find works best is to gradually flow a continuous stream of units towards the front, which will fluctuate randomly back and forth depending on how the combat rolls go. Usually chariots are the best, since they're fast, high attack (4), and relatively cheap (40).
If you don't want to deal with the randomness of combat, you can use diplomats. Diplomats are crazy powerful in Civ1. They're cheap to build, fast, ignore the "zone of control" mechanic that locks out most units, and have the unique ability to buy units, or even a city with all the units stacked inside, for gold. The only thing you can't buy is a stack of enemy units outside a city, so a combination of both combat units and diplomats tends to work well. You can try first with units, and then splash the cash with diplomats to make up for bad combat rolls. It also helps to have a few diplomats inside your core homeland in case the barbarians show up, because they'll appear randomly from boats and they get an attack bonus which makes them tough to defend against in a conventional way. Some people might say this makes diplomats OP, but I think it really helps to make gold feel like a distinct resource, and not just spend it all on research.
Speaking of research...
Notice anything missing? The cost! All civ1 techs cost the same, the price just increments based on how many techs you've already researched. And the prereqs are ignored when you steal a tech from someone else by capturing one of their cities. In theory you could wait forever not researching anything, steal Nuclear Power from someone, and then research Fusion for the same price as Pottery. That's a bit extreme, but you can make some really deep dives into the tech tree.
It also means that, in combination with the wild randomness of combat, there's a lot of comeback potential. Even if someone is way behind in tech, they can come back instantly by taking a few cities. Pretty annoying when one of the low tech aggressive AIs like Genghis Khan takes one of your border cities and steals a tech like Conscription (giving riflemen), but it does a lot to keep the late game balanced and engaging.
Besides combat, you can also improve tiles just like all other civ games. The difference here is that setters are both slow and expensive. Only 1 move, only 1 settler can improve a tile at a time, it takes a long time (5 turns to irrigate a grassland, 15 turns to irrigate a jungle), and the settler is costing a constant maintenance in both food and production. Civ2 has an Engineer that's an upgraded settler (2 moves and works twice as fast), but the slow settlers keep things balanced in Civ1. I found that I could never get as many settlers as I wanted, so there was still a lot of work to be done even well into the late game. That's a nice difference from other civs (including civ4!) where you can pretty much finish every tile improvement in the midgame and then put your workers to sleep.
Another late game feature is the scoring. It ends with the list comparing you to famous leaders from history, with "Dan Quayle" at the bottom, which feels incredibly dated now. That's a joke, but the scoring is very real. I got the sense that they wanted players to compete for high scores like a classic arcade game. I'm not much into that kind of gameplay, but I know some people are and it's definitely a way to give players something to do in the end game besides trying to hunt down the last few enemy cities. It feels a lot more natural than the civ6 age system.
Now, I don't claim to be an expert on Civ1. I've never played it multiplayer (the original didn't have multiplayer, although there was an updated version released called CivNet which allowed it). And I've never done any high-score competitions either. Still, I think I can say that I'm an experienced gamer who has now played this game a lot on the highest difficulty, and I'm surprised that I haven't found any one single best-strat. There's at least 4 different ways to play and win on Emperor, based on the 4 government types. There may be more! That's *amazing* balance and depth for any game, much less the first of its series. Much more than most modern games have!
Despotism. The starting government. It has one huge penalty, and one huge bonus. The penalty is that all tiles lose -1 yield over 2, so going from 3 to 2. That's a big problem when even an irrigated grassland produces just 3 food, which turns into 2, and every citizen needs 2 food to be sustained. So you basically can't grow your cities under Despotism, except just a little by using food bonus tiles (which still don't give you much). But the bonus is that settlers, which normally cost 2 food as maintenance, just cost 1, so it's good for early expansion. It also allows free support for military units, whereas normally they all cost 1 shield of maintenance. But despotism has huge corruption penalties that make it almost impossible to get good research or wealth. Every building costs money as maintenance, so as a despotism you can't afford many buildings either.
So the usual play with despotism is to build lots of small cities everywhere (no distance limit at all, build them right next to each other if you want), and then send a flood of cheap early units like chariots (4 strength, 1 defense, 2 move, costs 40) or horseman (half the attack strength but also half the cost) and focus on pure conquest. Thanks to the random combat system, those cheap early units are strong enough to keep even the most advanced units or well defended cities, so it really works well. Still, there's a limit to how much you can push with numbers before you lose them all in a stack loss. I *imagine* that if we ever played it as competitive multiplayer this would be the dominant meta, but I'd be fascinated to see how it works against other strats.
Incidentally, the game has a tool for keeping track of everyone's losses from the entire game. Looks kind of wonky, but it's very handy! They really give you a lot of helpful information through the UI of this game! Here's what it looks like from my game, after I fought an intense early war to wipe out my two nearest neighbors
The grey was Genghis Khan, who's always aggressive. The pink was Elizabeth, who's more peaceful and techs faster. It cost me 35 chariots and 3 diplomats to break through their defenses, but I won in the end.
Monarchy. AKA "fancy despotism." The tile yield penalty is gone, so now you can build larger/better cities. Unfortunately, your units now cost maintenance, and you'll need one to keep your people content, so your net production might not get better. And settlers cost 2 food, so it's not great for early expansion. I've lost settlers from switching government because I forgot about that detail. Also, the corruption is still bad, so research is slow. Overall, not a great choice.
Except for one detail. You see the upper left of the tech tree? Monarchy, Feudalism, Horseback riding, and Chivalry. In a normal game you can completely skip those techs because they're a deadend that leads to nothing else. And in fact, it's *better* to avoid them because they'll increase the cost of everything else. But they *do* unlock the knight, which is by far the best of the early game units. They're the same attack, movement, and cost of a chariot, but with twice the defense (2). Put them on a hill or fortify them, and it multiplies to 4. This completely solves the main weakness of chariots, which is their weakness to counterattacks. A large force of knights- which they AI uses a lot- is quite hard to stop.
Democracy. AKA "money wars." It's a midgame tech so it normally takes a while to research it, but if you build the Pyramids you can start using it right away. +1 commerce on every tile, and no corruption at all, so your research and wealth skyrockets. However, you can no longer use units to keep cities content, and every time you move a unit out of its home city- even into another city!- it causes 2 unhappiness. More unhappy than happy and the city goes into revolt, and if it revolts 2 turns in a row you're forced into anarchy. Very annoying. Also you're not allowed to declare war. Even just exploring and expanding is kind of a pain in Democracy. You have to constantly make religious buildings (expensive and cost maintenance) to keep people content, or devote trade to luxuries instead of wealth or research.
Instead, the main strategy is diplomats. Diplomats everywhere. Don't worry about research, keep the tax rate high and just buy everything. Sometimes diplomats get killed, and sometimes there are stacks of enemy units you can't buy. That's ok. just keep trying and eventually the diplomats break through. You can buy their capital too, there's no restriction. The only thing you can't buy is cities from other democracies.
Republic. AKA "the way you're intended to play the game." Available pretty early on if you beeline it. It has the same +1 commerce as Democracy, and low (though not zero) corruption, so you can make the same big cash or research. But the units only cause 1 unhappiness, you're allowed to declare war, and revolts don't bring down the government, so it's a lot more flexible. This is the one form of government where I think it makes sense to do a lot of research.
The strategy is to use "we love the King day" which triggers when your city has no unhappiness and more than half happy citizens, and causes +1 pop growth every turn. The way to do that is by temporarily setting your luxury rate very high, plus buying all the religious building. You also need to feed the new citizens, which requires careful city placement and tile improvements. Ocean tiles only produce 1 food with no way to improve them (civ2 has a harbor building that doubles their food, kind of breaking the game), but do provide good trade to make luxuries to keep people happy. You really need a careful balance of everything to make this work, but when it works it's amazing. You can boom all your cities from size 3 to size 10 in just seven turns, tripling your economy. Although I find it more practical to do multiple, shorter bursts.
Doing that (while also continuing to expand out with new cities), you can tech at a blazing rate. Beeline into the modern era, build factories, and sen
d out your tanks to do battle with enemy spearmen! Then... maybe die to combat RNG... but it's still an advantage to have stronger units and more production. It's also, IMO, the most fun way to play the game, because you really get to see all sides of it.You can win by space race if you want, or just focus purely on modern warfare. Here's what my civ looked like after doing this strategy and racing to the industrial era.
The black lines are railroads, which not only allow free movement, but also increase *all* tile yields by 50%. That's probably the best benefit of teching up. You also get battleships, which are 18 strength and can attack coastal tiles directly, so it's extremely powerful. It can still die to a settler or phalanx though...
That teal unit in the center right is from the Americans who are at war with me. It's a transport loaded with rifles. The AI is surprisingly competent at these amphibious invations (although they're more likely to just snipe a weak city than to threaten your entire civ).
Also, notice the *lack* of ICS. I built a lot of cities, but I had to carefully space them out so they could get enough tiles to build them up this way. I'm "playing wide" by building a lot of cities, but I'm also "playing tall" by building them up. It's not an impossible problem to balance this, the original civ managed it, so I don't understand why later civ games used such heavy handed methods to force you to build tall cities.
Anyway, just wanted to share those thoughts with a community of people who would understand. I'm happy that I can still find new things to discover about the original game, and I think more games should take inspiration from its elegance, balance, and detailed information screens. Is there anyone else here who played it competitively? Or anyone like me who played it just as a kid, and then went back and rediscovered it? https://imgur.com/xeuNY5h
Since I'm starting a new game I figured I'd pass along a tip for a mod setting that I configure every time: changing the "Grids for Graphs" option OFF by default. The feature is nice for specific instances of C&D ... but for everyday viewing of the graphs and posting screenshots I hate the clutter of the lines, which very quickly muddle together into an ugly grey mesh obscuring the actual graphs. Thankfully, the mod configuration panel has a checkbox to disable the feature by default
Step 1 - click the green button in the top-left (underneath the gold balance)
Step 2 - go to the "Advisors" tab
Step 3 - scroll down
Step 4 - Un-check the "Grids for Graphs Default On" option
Step 5 -
Now your graphs will be clean and pretty by default, and you can still temporarily turn on the grids by using the buttons on the graph screen when/if you want to do a deep dive and reconstruct your enemies' plans.
And no, the mini-map is not my sim from PB83. This is just a random new game. The checkbox above does save from game-to-game and when closing out of Civ and single-player/multiplayer. But the configuration file is saved with the mod so it has to be reconfigured with each mod that you are using (or each version update).
Took me about a week of effort but once I get a will to do something, I'm like a dog with a bone. This patch application is mainly designed to build on top of kyrub's v1.4m patch, and later, hopefully his v1.4n options will be available. My own bugfixes are designed to work with both vanilla v1.3 and kyrub's v1.4, though with so many fixes in v1.4, I don't think anyone should be using v1.3 unless they want to see if a fix is causing an issue not seen in the original.
Unfortunately, when I attempted to publish the application as a standalone exe, visual basic decided that it needed to add 138 MB of additional libraries and components, so the zip contains 5 files instead of 1.
Kyrub's bug fixes are for detection only, you cannot enable/disable them, and generally I don't think there is any need to unless we believe they are causing issues. Some of the game mechanics and improvements can be enabled/disabled as I don't think they fundamentally break the game per se, and the UI/UX options can be enabled/disabled as well. Autosave preference can be changed from debug mode to game mode or vice versa.
The application is mainly to help with bug fixes or to allow users to play the game in a specific mode (ie. disable galactic council); it's not meant to be a modder.
It's a shame that kyrub has retired, I think we would have been able to work really well together, my IT programming logic and his knowledge of game mechanics and manipulating graphics (which I suck at). Well, if he ever visits again, maybe it'll revitalize his interest in MOO.
version 011-015 changelogs
- empire tech report technology text fix, all Controlled Colonies show ENVIRON [credit to RefSteel and 1oom_aaron]
- orbiting ship hotkeys changed back to default, ESC to cancel and SPACE BAR to accept; this is because of Kyrub's added 123456, abcdef hotkeys to increase/decrease ship keys (remove overlapping keys like 'c' and 'a')
- spy cost fixed, three options to choose calculations from (details in following post)
- galactic council options available (details in following post)
- destination out of range no longer shows overlapping text over the 6th ship when fleet contains 6 different ships, still shows for 5 or less (part of UX Interface Changes)
- transfer reserves via starmap hotkey fixed, using '=' from starmap will transfer treasury reserves to target planet close to its double production limit
- refit option as per OSG; incremental IIT costs per factory level with a 50% REFIT cost in between
version 016-021 changelogs
- population 0 bug proper fix, confirmed that terraforming, pop inc and pop tenths calculations are in line with v1.3 and v1.4m via save files
- trading for tech or receiving tech as a tribute is now updated on the same turn, instead of having to wait until the interturn [depends if we view this as a bug or not]
- kyrub's swansong v1.40n patch options are now available
- guardian defeated no longer seen if space amoeba, space crystal attacks a colonized orion planet
- pirates event can no longer select orion as a planet to disrupt trade (even if guardian has been defeated though)
- refit loophole closed; transporting away pop no longer can be used to reduce refit costs
- ind display tweaked, if there are idle factories, when prod is placed in ind slider, display no longer shows MAX, but shows [# of factories] *, indicating that factories will be built but will be idle, when pop can work factories,
factories built will again display [# of factories] /Y, MAX will only be seen when building up to maximum IRC level factory number
- comet continues countdown journey and no longer stays in limbo if a planet's colony has been destroyed during it's travel; ships in orbit of an uncolonized planet will not count to destroying the comet, only ships from the planet's owner (this was always the case)
- space amoeba and space crystal should no longer travel to orion; before, they could choose orion as a first planet but never as a subsequent planet (hard to test since if it's working, we'd never know, but the code seems legit)
v022 updated changelog
- yo-yo retreat can now be forced disabled; any fleet retreating from a battle can no longer be redirected, it has to retreat to the nearest owned planet (even if you have Hyperspace Communications)
- [bug was introduced] if guardian never returns not checked, it swapped one hex erroneously which could have unintended consequences; confirmed that applying patch with no options checked results in an exact copy of kyrub v1.40m as it should
[changelog cleaned up to highlight the fix options available]
known bugs will look into
- to look at the waste elimination/pollution bug
Other known bugs that have been looked at but might be difficult to fix (could use some save game files if anyone has any that can reproduce the issues)
1. 32000 Ship Bug - i think i might be able to fix this, if anyone has a game save of the bug, just before the AI battle each other
2. Game checks for tech completed or tech level and stops, even if you received a higher tech elsewhere (couldn't seem to reproduce the issue)
3. Ship in orbit at AI colony outside of your range loses colony info, unless one ship in orbit (seen the screenshots for the bug, but haven't been able to reproduce it)
4. Same Turn Base Tech Updates - there's currently no way to update base technology without going through the interturn, the code that updates all the base tech is in the same game_turn_build_def that also calculates shield and missile base production so right now, can't do one without the other
5. Final War Shares Tech Even from Eliminated Players - no space to check if player has been eliminated or to reset their tech level/researched tech in the code
I have been watching session 2 of Sulla's recent Alkari game (I am way behind on his vids), and a situation came up where he traded for both better armor and a better deflector tech and one of his planets was attacked on the following interturn. Oddly, his missile bases got the upgraded armor HP but did NOT get the improved deflector tech. It seems like this has be some kind of order of events issue, where different things are being applied at different times in the turn processing. He was spending on defense and built multiple bases that turn, so I think it should not be an upgrade spending issue.
Anyone know exactly how this works? I know we had some discussion during our RotP game about tech trades and when the new tech actually shows up. But there may be subtle differences in RotP and classic MoO.
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