oh noes questions. effort needed. grr..
uberfish Wrote:What's your goal? Just survival? Revenge on Selrahc for the PoW attack? Hoping that everyone else cripples each other and you can grab some land and make it back to major power status?
just live lol. if i end up on the winning block in-game, great. if i can outlive one person, zomg win. if i can live to the end, i personally would count that as a victory, considering just how bad i've played. ^^
Maksim Wrote:Alright, a few questions then:
Do you care about getting revenge on Selrahc, if the opportunity presents itself?
Would you consider de-vassalizing from Bob, if the political winds blow against him, or do you consider yourself to be in a firm alliance for the rest of the game?
What units are running around your empire right now? Is it just warriors (Copper-enabled now?), or do you have something else as well?
1. selrahc is in a posistion where he's still pretty strong imo, and i don't think bob wants to attack just yet. think selrahc may be in some secret alliance with bob. dunno. honestly, i don't hold a grudge against him. he needs to rush with pow to win. he choose me. w/e. hold more against pb for that sly gold gift all game long, just for like two easy emails. psh, outplayed Cull is outplayed Cull, so not even that much against pb. so not really. if I had to cause of bob, then w/e, won't feel bad, might feel like "lol, i just razed his capital, lolwut, awesome" if that occurs. unlikely imo.
2. think pb is pretty mad at me for a really long email chain+vassalization to bob, who he probably doesn't like. don't think iskender will accept me if he switches. don't think salrahc will. sareln is bob-aligned for forever probably. so, if bob starts losing, can't really switch sides lol. so probably not.
3. big dwarves need only warriors with copper, grr. going to get big bad cannonball thingys made of wood soon, so yah us! plus i(we?) have a load of "workers" who "build". yeah.
Mardoc Wrote:Well, the obvious questiion is, who are you trying to confuse?
Everyone, or do you have a specific target in mind? (is it us lurkers?)