May 2nd, 2018, 11:12
(This post was last modified: May 2nd, 2018, 12:47 by Dark Savant.)
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Turn 29 (2840 BC)
Hunting is done; research begun on The Wheel, due in 7.
A lion is on the tile I wanted to move our scout to.
I'm not going to risk losing the scout by standing next to the lion or declaring war on Charriu (see C&D); I'm going to go the other way around Charriu's capital. ( edit: Also, declaring war to step on the pig would be a double-move.)
Yeah, he's mining his copper just like us.
C&D: 9000 soldiers appeared this turn.
superdeath got 6 points for a technology researched in 14 turns, which must be Bronze Working (8000 soldiers). The other 1000 soldiers are covered by Charriu's capital growing to size 4 (+3 points).
And since now I know his capital is growing, Charriu is likely the other player who produced a warrior last turn, so there was more risk of losing the scout if I declared war on Charriu to get my scout through.
Charriu put 4 EP into us, so he has no contact with anyone else (he hasn't had a chance to set EP).
May 2nd, 2018, 12:59
(This post was last modified: May 2nd, 2018, 13:10 by Dark Savant.)
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At work, and it's still turn 29, but I can see that Charriu planted city #2 just now. I saw no sign of a settling party, but if I can log in before the turn roll, I'll check things out.
(That also makes it less likely the warrior produced last turn is actually Charriu's, since he was probably producing a settler until just a couple turns ago, and the anarchy is probably Charriu revolting with the settler in transit -- I'll check to see if he's in Slavery.)
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Everyone played in <10 hours.
Turn 30 (2800 BC) - Part 1
King's Landing grows to size 4 this turn (with only 1 food to spare).
Hot Pie finishes chopping the forest; the plan is to whip the settler in 2 turns. Gendry will finish the copper mine next turn.
Lions are apparently not the only cats in the world now, as there's a panther running around to the northeast.
Our scout continues edging around Charriu's capital (no sign of that lion this turn, so it didn't get bounced by the city being planted).
There's no sign of the borders of Charriu's second city still.
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Turn 30 (2800 BC) - Part 2 (C&D)
Things about Charriu to note: - His city borders not yet being in sight means he probably planted away from us.
- His second city claimed 7 new land tiles.
- We'll get vision on his capital next turn.
- He stopped putting EP into us at all, so he's now actively putting it into some mystery neighbor.
- He revolted to Slavery last turn (the log says 2840 BC). Shouldn't that have happened two turns ago, the turn before he planted his city?

No soldiers and no new technologies appeared this turn.
The only rival points to appear this turn: ipecac growing to size 3 (+3 points).
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Last weekend, I visited Tomales Bay State Park, north of San Francisco, and hiked on the point trail there.
Many good views to be had, and it's a not-difficult 10-mile hike. There are lots of elk there, too.
It's one of those state parks that is well worth visiting; other good ones I can think of offhand include Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada, and Dead Horse State Park in Utah.
This has been a Dark Savant Blog/postcount++ Post.
May 2nd, 2018, 22:44
(This post was last modified: May 2nd, 2018, 22:45 by Dark Savant.)
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ipecac just played, and planted his second city just now. It adds 3 points, claims 8 new land tiles, and adds 1000 soldiers.
Highest rival production also increased from 8 to 10, so that must be ipecac.
ipecac is the game's only Imperialistic player. WilliamLP is the remaining Expansive or Imperialistic player who doesn't yet have a second city.
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Turns are moving quickly, enough that I wanted to comment on it in the tech thread.
Turn 31 (2760 BC)
Gendry completes the copper mine at King's Landing. Hot Pie moves onto the forest, next to the sheep near our second city.
I forgot that an oasis is a 2-move tile, so I wasted a scout turn; oh well.
Settler due to be whipped next turn, to appear on t33, move to the plant site on t34, and plant on t35.
C&D: 6000 soldiers appeared since I last logged in.
Charriu is putting full espionage into us, again (we have 12 points into him, he has 8 points into us).
Score tally: - JR4: +3 points for planting city #2 (1000 soldiers). That's quick for someone not Expansive or Imperialistic, but he did learn about the capital copper first.
- wetbandit: +6 points for a technology researched in 5 turns (probably Mining ... 2000 soldiers).
- WilliamLP: +3 points for capital growth from size 3 to size 4 (1000 soldiers); +3 points for planting city #2.
Someone built a warrior (for the other 2000 soldiers).
The second cities of JR4 and WilliamLP claim a total of 12 new tiles.
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Turn 32 (2720 BC)
Our scout now gets vision on Charriu's capital of Academia.
I still don't see his second city anywhere.
Back at home, King's Landing crests 70 hammers, and I whip the settler. We are the first civilization to use the whip.
C&D: No soldiers appeared during the turn roll.
JR4 and WilliamLP both gained 6 points for researching technologies in 9 turns. They're both Protective; this more or less has to be Pottery for both.
May 4th, 2018, 22:48
(This post was last modified: May 4th, 2018, 23:10 by Dark Savant.)
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I played turn 33 this morning, before I left for work; I logged in to grab demos for Turn 34 but haven't yet played that turn.
Turn 33 (2680 BC) - Part 1
Our scout continues to round Charriu's capital.
I still haven't seen a sign of his second city. His copper now has a road in addition to a mine, so Charriu can connect copper in two turns.
I'm going to avoid declaring a scouting war, since I don't need to for getting through and I'd prefer not to antagonize Charriu.
Back at home, our whipped settler completes. Here's an overview of the magical blue circle locations:
There isn't one along the river to the east, so there probably isn't a good plant site there. There still could be a good spot farther away; we'll need to send a scouting party sometime.
Not that the magical blue circles mean much; those blue circles aren't great plant sites even in the areas we have fully scouted.
Our settler proceeds towards to the river mouth to the south. I put overflow from the settler into the partially completed quechua. This was a mistake because I was in a hurry this morning; we'll lose several hammers to the overflow cap, which is bad this early in the snowball.  Sigh, I should not have hurried the turn so much. I was going to correct it if I got to the game before the turn roll, but I didn't.
(The quechua was at 8 hammers, down from 9 because it was already decaying. I saw 8 hammers + 22 overflow and thought that was fine, but I forgot about the 8 hammers we were producing on top of that, which is subject to waste. It's not so bad because we have to catch two chops soon, so it's really a waste of 5 hammers, which I still don't like.)
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Turn 33 (2680 BC) - Part 2 (C&D)
Charriu whipped his capital from size 4 to size 3 after I played. I wonder what that is; we'll have to watch him carefully.
Hmm .. okay, so there were no soldier increases, no technologies gained, and no other population changes. I didn't need to make this a separate post, ah well.