The first disaster up here just passes by, sadly without improving the yields of this region to make it feasible.
China is already working on its GP, the worst part about this is that it had an empire growth of 2 last turn. A district brings 3 empire growth, meaning he also finished a Settler which sounds crazy as he settled his 2nd city (likely close to a NW) just 5 turns ago and it needs to be the place he build the HS as the Settler is 110 while the HS is ~55 right now.
That would mean his city pulled in 10+ production per turn which is a crazy number and even with the most production heavy NW not possible.
I believe he has to have chopped/harvested into it? But why as China? Does he want to avoid building Stonehenge for 180 or 6 Builder charges and some sprinkle ?
TAD has Mysticism next turn, we the turn after thanks to him providing the Inspiration
International News:
- China tech#4 (as if their roaring start is not already good enough, I really start wondering about start location balance by now. I guess I scouted wrongly and there is our Astrology and a good 2nd city site E of me)
- Phoenicia settles its 2nd city (7 turns after TAD)
- Norway still has not settled but its 3rd tech by now
Mysticism is in and foreign trade is next of course, we need to get out with ships ASAP.
The envoy is the icing on the cake and I am quite happy with how my civ is coming along. A builder and a settler will be finished and then we are going to get 2 luxuries and 1 horse. 2 ships next in both cities and then a builder to go with all speed to harbours. We will see if our change in pace towards exploration pays off. But I am going to rush through the culture tree for us. There may be a point to get another monument in city 3 but we will see.
Yes, tonight another session, thrawn you are invited to join if you are up for it.
Thanks for the Mysticism Inspiration TAD. I am bad at counting, so it is still 3 turns until I get Mysticism, but then I will benefit from the additional from Hattusa as well.
In my opinion it was the right call to buy the monument for TOV, as it not only speeds you along greatly for but also frees it up to build directly a Galley when the card becomes available.
I suggest we have a look at:
- where I have horses (I fear I know where)
- if you go straight to Galleys or use the 3 (2 for TOV) turns to invest in something else
- discuss my district priority plan in detail
Kaiser and me communicate our ideas and strategy directly per stream atm. We are entering turns where there is more then one thing to do soon.
My warrior finally stumbles upon some barbarians. As my settler can move to spot #2 in the south mostly by hill, I can risk sending him without a patrol and worst comes to worst reroute him to my warrior who will storm the camp.
Next turn the settler finishes and in 2 turns the worker.
Either I start galleys in both or wait on the policy and put 2-3 turns of production into something else.
And a look at the south with Hattusa Island, city spot # 3 and an unidentified island east.
Forgot to take screenshots, the land ends in the N.
5 turns to Settler and Monument. TAD and me will discuss tonight the next plans for my cities
International News:
- Woden got 9 era score, I forgot that the first naval unit brought era score, so I think we are looking at the first longboat here (first boat +3, New Natural Wonder +3 another continent +3, maybe?)
- Suboptimal/Indonesia, MPTF/Australia and me +1 empire
- Llubljana 1 empire, tech#4 and 1 era score (which could be the fall off of woden finding a Natural Wonder)
I continue our high risk, high reward approach with barbs and not only attack a horsed barb camp but do not build a slinger, but rather prepare 3 turns into a worker before going into ships.
If worst comes to worst, the official visit can build a military unit, but the warrior is in a good defensive position and can promote in 2 attacks and dig in.
The horse archer could attack us by switching places, he should not be able to move beyond the camp otherwise. The scout is worrying, if he moves SE, I might have to chase him and abandon the camp.
Good news, a new continent means that this is expansion space.
Bad news, we probably have to settle the volcano city before as a stepping stone to whatever lies N
The current plan for us is to build 2 quick HS at TB and Miln as soon as they become available (the stone at TB is Harvested) into a Campus at TB. That delays the GP and the important Ancestral Hall. However its placement is not yet final (could easily be replaced by something else) and the Ancestral Hall is anyway quite pricey with 150 so I assume we will settle the main island without it.
Next Civic is Early Empire to facilitate Settler production after the HS are out as well as get Pingala to start establish
International News:
- Llubljana/Phoenica, Roland/China and Me got Mysticism this turn (CMF probably gets it this turn after us)
- Suboptimal/Indonesia, Woden/Norway got Mysticism last turn
- MPTF/Australia got 1 empire score (like me)
- CMF/Russia got tech#3
@TAD, can you please send me 15 next turn so I can buy the tile for the Miln HS before it gets more expensive again (It already went up to 55 because I did not pay enough attention to this)