February 9th, 2014, 06:41
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There's no point for Ryan to claim minion as a hunter.
No point for Rowain to claim tanner, when he can't be sure if he was switched.
Seems like we might have 4 evils in play, with goreripper copying one of them.
Honestly if cyne really switched me, there's no point for me to continue even thinking this :D
February 9th, 2014, 06:56
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We might have four evils. I looked in the reserve and saw villager and werewolf. Which is why I wondered whether anyone wants to claim villager at the start.
Most of the stuff I read above makes me think that we do have two genuine tanners and a tanner who's been robbed, but still thinks he is the tanner. Or robber could have robbed a minion.
February 9th, 2014, 07:14
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So yeah, in a game of seven looks like 5 people believe they are Evil/Tanner and four of them actually are. This bodes well!
February 9th, 2014, 09:31
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(February 9th, 2014, 07:14)Bacchus Wrote: This bodes well!
But for whom is the question
February 9th, 2014, 09:46
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(February 9th, 2014, 09:31)Rowain Wrote: (February 9th, 2014, 07:14)Bacchus Wrote: This bodes well!
But for whom is the question 
Not for Ryan, hopefully.
February 9th, 2014, 09:59
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(February 9th, 2014, 09:46)Bacchus Wrote: Not for Ryan, hopefully.
So you are betting that Lewwyn is the wrong TM?
February 9th, 2014, 10:05
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(February 9th, 2014, 06:26)Rowain Wrote: So lets list the people:
Goreripper claims to have doppelgaengered tanner from Lewwyn which is untrue.
Meiz claims several things but the first 2 were untrue so I have my doubts about his Hunter claim.
One of CH and Lewwyn is not telling the truth too.
Ryan now claims to be Hunter ( waiting to hear Meiz' reaction)
Why do I know that Gore lies and that Meiz was not the Seer?
Because I was the tanner (at least at start). So Gore can't have taken that from Lewwyn rather he doppelgaengered me and hopes to get lynched. That's maybe also the reason why he tries so hard to pick on me 
At the current standing I'm willing to vote Bacchus.
@Meiz: Rowain is pretty sure he's been switched. I switched him, and Lewwyn is sticking to his story that he switched him too.
The problem for Rowain is that he's pretty sure he's either ex-Meiz, or ex-Ryan, both of whom have changed their stories to Hunter in rather messy ways. So I have no idea what his goal actually is, and he probably doesn't either. And Rowain usually plays his hand very close to the chest - revealing nothing about his motivations (hence why I switched him - if I can't know his motivations, I'll do my best to ensure that he doesn't, either).
People I won't vote for:
Goreripper. He's definitely the tanner. Either starting as the Doppelgänger or possibly as the Robber. If he robbed tanner from Rowain, would we be getting anything different from him?
Meiz. 90% certain he's tanner now. If he's not the tanner, he's the Robber, as it's Doppelgänger - Robber - Troublemaker
That leaves:
Rowain as ex-Meiz, who's an admitted liar and now claims Hunter.
Ryan as whatever he started with, who's an admitted liar and now claims Hunter.
Lewwyn, who's falsely claiming Troublemaker. At least he's stuck to the same story, but I wish I could say I'd figured out what he's up to.
Bacchus, who has a conveniently un-testable claim coming in very late in the process.
Crud. I don't know who to vote for.
February 9th, 2014, 10:17
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(February 9th, 2014, 09:59)Rowain Wrote: (February 9th, 2014, 09:46)Bacchus Wrote: Not for Ryan, hopefully.
So you are betting that Lewwyn is the wrong TM?
Strictly speaking, I'm betting that Lewwyn is the wrong TM, or you haven't started as Tanner, or you were robbed, or any combination of the above. But I'm not voting yet, in any case it is a bit of a special feeling - speaking out in the knowledge that no more than two and probably just one co-villager is listening. Which is why Cyneheard's enthusiasm makes me a bit suspicious.
I am looking forward to see how the Evil team is going to try to get the Tanner(s) on their side. But in fairness, I just don't see how this is going to end in anything but clusterfuck.
February 9th, 2014, 10:22
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If I get lynched for a joke role claim after getting lynched for a lie last game . Il be depressed QQ. God I'm an idiot.
February 9th, 2014, 10:34
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Well no one is really sure of anything, even their own roles. That's why the game is fun. I know what I am and that means Cyne is lying. Bacchus seems sure that everyone is evil except for him, which means he's probably evil. He's also "voting" for Ryan, which doesn't make sense to me. Rowain, understandably, has no idea what he is because Meiz changed his story 6 ways to Sunday and Ryan is seemingly beating himself up over a verdict that hasn't happened yet?
It's like playing minesweeper only the flags you put up lie.
I'm the troublemaker and I switched Rowain and Ryan. So we probably shouldn't lynch Ryan if everyone thinks Rowain was the tanner.
Honestly I'm not sure who to vote for either. Luckily we still have almost 24 hours left in the day, right?
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