Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Epic Two - Eastern Gem Dealers - Info Thread

Finally finished this beast. Dare not look at the time played.

Fun game. I was expecting a boring end game but there was a bit of a twist.

This report is going to be neither short nor painless *frowns*.

Blake Wrote:This report is going to be neither short nor painless *frowns*.
Aye! It feels like finals time in college again ~ always wait until the last minute. This time, though, i've been trying to keep a log/report going all through the game. I've found it easier to sort out my thoughts and spot mistakes in my thinking/strat.

Our reports, though, aren't due until 05/15, eh?

April 15, ten more days. lol I've only played a few turns.
C4P Ladder Player

Knupp715 Wrote:April 15, ten more days. lol I've only played a few turns.
APRIL?!?! that must be a heckuva timezone difference lol

pholkhero Wrote:APRIL?!?! that must be a heckuva timezone difference lol

lol Yeah um, you know what I meant. tongue Time goes by so fast I still think it is april. lol

btw, Happy cinco de mayo! toast
C4P Ladder Player

Damn me and my foreshadowing. Not painless? *slaps forehead*

I've just finished the report (112 jpgs... faaaark), and am putting on the finishing touches... when NVu crashes and nukes half of the report. Well, 3/8th of the report. But farrrrrrk, it's like I'd be seething angry except I just died inside.
At least I have the carefully numbered images to rebuild the nuked bits from.

Game done, islands and gems and precious metals inventoried. And now for the story.....tune in in 9 days


Blake Wrote:I've just finished the report (112 jpgs... faaaark),
That sounds great! Hope you can recover most of the report.

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

Yup. It's redone. Even increased in size by 2 more JPG's.

I optimistically start with a epic2-xx.jpg naming scheme, and tried to keep the number under 99, mainly as a matter of principle. But this game was just too long.

It's just dawned on me that I'm not sure what *exactly* an island is, for the purposes of counting score. I'd like clarification on three points:

* If a landmass consists of two tiles connected only diagonally (or any number of tiles connected in such a manner), is the whole thing a single island? Almost certainly yes, but it never hurts to ask. smile

* If there is an impassible tile of ice floating in the ocean, does it count as an island? Most likely no, I'd think, but it never hurts to ask. Besides, you can indeed control those icebergs culturally. tongue

* If there is a passable tile of ordinary snow surrounded by eight impassible tiles of ice, does THAT count as an island? This, I have no idea what Sirian would say. You might argue that the tile cannot be reached and would produce nothing if actually worked, but you can exert cultural control over these and it's even possible to start a game ih such a location. Someone once posted a start where the settler was surrounded by 8 mountain tiles. eek

-- Dark Savant

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