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RBP2 Lurker Discussion Thread - No Players!

Selrahc Wrote:I don't think its fair to say that the only reason the coalition of the willing is formed is out of fear.

Indeed alot has to do with the bad diplo-work from India. (not making close friends; sounding calculating and cold instead of friendly; pushing Jowy to send Iron to Byzantines which annoyed both Jowy and Kathlete. etc etc)

The stuck too much to certain false assumptions of the game:

-Economic aggression will be seen as peaceful.
-Jowy would see the Byzantine in the same way they would(he clearly didn't).
-People rather play catchup than take down the leader.

I was almost going to suggest to Whosit to 'sell' some of his boat to his neighbours since he wants longbow/cat and they need galley for the inside sea. and he probably don't need more than 1-2 (except if he optimistically expect to have to ferry 8 preat back soon smile )

While this was a accceptable (lurker) suggestion at the beginning of the game, I am afraid the 'lurkers' rules are far too strict (at least in most people eyes) to suggest that now.

I don't like this attitude from speaker at all. It is ok for them to hold the turn when they thought Jowy will be attacking them and they wanted to go second. But it is not ok, if Jowy asks for the turn to run for 24 hours so that he can play at a fixed time everyday huh.

Speaker Wrote:No, it wasn't accidentally. The 24 hour timer is the maximum. But I'm not going to let the game sit there idling for no reason. There are other players in this game besides you, Jowy, and you need to be considerate of them when you play. Letting the timer run for 9 hours just because it might be inconvenient for you to play is not something the rest of the game should have to put up with.

There seems to a "do as I say, not as I do" attitude from certain people.

If you've been a member for over 7 years does that give you more rights than if you've only just joined?

As per the rules, you have a right to do certain things even if it is not your part of the turn. For example you want to whip a city based on other CIV's response then you would want to see what they have done in second part. If you end your turn and then other CIV also ends it, then it’s a new turn. Basically you are forfeiting your right to whip or whatever is allowed. I see nothing wrong in not ending the turn.

Also, I think Krill imagined this scenario and that’s why post in thread rule.

Morgan Wrote:If you've been a member for over 7 years does that give you more rights than if you've only just joined?

If you've been in a fox hole with someone for seven years do you trust them more than someone who just jumped in? It doesn't mean the new guy is bad, it just means there is an established level of trust with the familiar guy.

Which makes his ban of Kylearan all the more inexcusable rolleye.


MWIN Wrote:As per the rules, you have a right to do certain things even if it is not your part of the turn. For example you want to whip a city based on other CIV's response then you would want to see what they have done in second part. If you end your turn and then other CIV also ends it, then it’s a new turn. Basically you are forfeiting your right to whip or whatever is allowed. I see nothing wrong in not ending the turn.

It may be legal, but in my book thats a double move.

Start Turn > civ1 moves > civ2 moves > civ1 moves > End Turn


darrelljs Wrote:Which makes his ban of Kylearan all the more inexcusable rolleye.
I don't consider it a ban, but a wish. This is a public forum, so he cannot prevent me from posting in his thread. In fact, I would do so again if I feel he's crossing the line by attacking other people or this community and nobody else voices his/her concerns.

But apart from that, I respect his wish - no need to pour more oil into the fire. Not everyone has to like everybody else, but should still respect them. smile

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

Kylearan Wrote:But apart from that, I respect his wish - no need to pour more oil into the fire. Not everyone has to like everybody else, but should still respect them.

That's the attitude! If only everyone had this sentiment the world would be a more peaceful place!

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