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[SPOILERS] Serdoa, Ichabod and Ex-Girlfriends - co-starring NH,Bigger and Lewwyn

Started GA, swapped as by your last post. Please go over the cities and check what can be done better. I certainly screwed up some of them I'd bet. I've set everyone that could not have a Engineer to a Scientist but that is still not enough for Astro this turn. Unfortunately we need it (and a navy-buildup) because of WK.

We also want Drama (Globe...) and DR (Spiral Minarett). And Chemistry (+1h workshop). And then SM -> Physics -> Communism or whatever. Btw: Will our Monasteries still produce beakers and gold due to UoS and Spiral after we get SM?

Re:BaII: He moved his stack into his capital. I pillaged the mine with the chariot and moved it back so we still have eyes on it. We should move a Knight on the Chariot, just so he doesn't snipe it with the LB he stationed 1NW of his capital if he gets Engineering. Forget that but maybe you remember it when you log in.

Monasteries will lose their monk bonuses unfortunately. We'll want to stop building them soon, possibly like last turn, lol but I'm not sure when exactly we want to research SM. I don't think we can get Communism soon enough to swap into SP before the GA ends...

If we really want Astronomy this turn we could run research builds. But I don't think there's a need for that, and we'll actually get a bonus next turn once WK finishes the tech. So we should dial research down to 0% if we are not pushing to complete it this turn. I'll swap the specialists back over to merchants which are better since we aren't going to complete the tech this turn anyway.

(November 20th, 2013, 16:41)Serdoa Wrote: We should move a Knight on the Chariot, just so he doesn't snipe it with the LB he stationed 1NW of his capital if he gets Engineering. Forget that but maybe you remember it when you log in.

The knights can't reach that tile, except the GG which I don't think is worth risking. I don't think there's a particular reason for the knights to be on their current tile...

All right I went through all the cities and set everyone to an engineer or merchant, except artists in a couple places and a priest at Martina (I think we want every possible hammer there). Birgit is still running mostly scientists but I switched Verena over to merchants. We're expecting a scientist from Physics so I don't think we want more than one natural scientist, and Birgit has no chance of merchant.

I swapped Katharina over to a galley to become a galleon. We actually should have done a missionary there instead of the barracks, but when I realized it last turn it was already too late and the barracks was basically done. 4t is too slow for a missionary right now though as I've given the mine over to Heidi to complete the market sooner.

I see you've planned a new wonder, which in retrospect we probably should have half done by now instead of a few extra rifles. lol Oh well, I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get it though.

Also, Sian's city of C++ held for this turn with one longbow, the sentry Numidian and the warrior remaining. I guess that means cheetah killed 10 and lost 7 hitters? Which is ridiculously bad. Either that or I miscounted. lol He also lost 7 catapults.

Edit: actually it looks like cheetah messed up and moved two of the forest knights onto the hill instead of attacking with them. So at most 5 hitters lost.

About tech. I don't know about Drama and Globe - do we really want to be in Nationhood long-term? Infantry are actually not that far away and 2-pop drafts are expensive. Plus with the advent of factories building stuff becomes better. Oh and Kremlin and USuff! So yeah, I'd rather be in Free Speech if we can get away with it. Or the game can end. lol

We obviously want Chemistry ASAP but we also want the Minaret ASAP. Not sure which we should get first, but maybe we should get Chemistry first if we think we might possibly be able to get Communism and still get into SP before finishing the GA. We could theoretically skip Chemistry and go straight for Communism after Astronomy, but SM gets a discount from Chem obviously so I'm loathe to skip it. But I could run the numbers after we get Astronomy. Also, remember that we're the only people with Liberalism.

Alternatively after DR/Chem we can actually go for Steam Power, which unlocks the situationally awesome levees that can transform commerce cities into production sites. Plus our low worker count working 50% faster would definitely help us. lol After Steam Power we are only three techs away from infantry and factories, so that is also a consideration. Steel and Railroad are also tempting. Basically I'm saying that there are a lot of options besides SM if we aren't going to make the end-of-GA cutoff for swapping into State Property. SM also requires PP which only Gavagai has for some reason, so yeah, I don't think there's a big hurry there.

I agree on Drama, it's most likely to late now for it. I think going DR first might be the better option. We should have around 20-25 Temples I guess, so that would be 50 gold additional, which is still like 4-5% of our commerce rate right now. And when we lose the Colossus-bonus we will want something to make back up for it.

Communism I don't think we can get till the end of the GA. We probably have around 1200 bpt with pre-req-bonus-beakers at breakeven and that's not enough for SM and Communism. So yeah Astro -> DR -> Chem is most likely the best path for now and after that we have to see how the tech-situation is globally. Getting 15 Galleons and invading WK or yuri with 45 Infantry seems like a good plan to end this game wink

I'm on chat for a bit if there are any specifics you want to talk about.

Have to run for work (actually I'm again to late...). Anyhow, I ended turn and moved the Knights a little bit. They are now 1NW of Billie. That way they can move to threaten his capital (don't think we will ever do that but who knows what he does) and can hit most tiles he could moves his units to with Engineering. As of now even with Engineering he couldn't directly attack into Billie so I didn't see a reason to move them in there (which would make Kristen more vulnerable). Feel free to let me know if you think another position would be better.

Yeah that's a fine spot for the knights.

There is a missionary unmoved as I don't know for which city you intended him. Tech at 90% should finish Astro this turn. Did put in a few galley builds because we'll want Galleons anyway. Else nothing special happened, BaII seems content to sit in his capital and let us move Rifles closer to him.

Fernanda's missionary should probably be going to Amy but we should check if any other city needs it more.

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