Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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XCOM 2 - Ironman Again

Mission 13: Operation Steel Stank (Part 2)

Continuation from Part 1.

Guess we're not leaving  yikes

Meeting one of the Rulers on a timed mission where anyone who doesn't make it to the evac zone in time gets captured? Sweet.
On the bright side, we killed all the enemies and still have 6 turns, so maybe it'll all be okay.
I started by throwing a flash bang at it, a trick we picked up from the Viper fights.

Disorientation worked, it only moved a little bit towards us. Btw the voice-over told us that it's a Berserker variant, a Berserker Queen.
If you haven't played played XCOM before and are only reading along, you might be wondering what exactly a Berserker is. We haven't even met one yet.
I'll leave the introductions for when they appear, but as for the boss, well you're about to find out what it does.

Adrien shredded some of its armor with her last frag grenade. We're out of ways to shred armor now. That's the negative side of running only one Grenadier.

The Berserker Queen walked up to Dp, smashed him right in the head, and knocked him unconscious with the strike. Well then, 1 damage done and we're 1 man down.

To make matters worse and absolutely ridiculously un-fucking-fair, enemy reinforcements will drop right on top of us next turn.

Every man for themselves. If we stay and fight we are all dead. Sorry buds, Old Harry is outta here!

The Berserker Queen tried to attack Brick, but missed.

Adrien was the next most important person to rescue so she got to make a run for it next.
Sorry newbies, you did great, now go be fodder please.

I've forgotten what the boss did next, but apparently nothing bad because Bob got a chance to run too! Bad news was that he was 1 tile off from the Evac Zone.

In a twist of karmic justice, the Berserker went all T-Rex on us and chased down Adrien instead of continually pummeling the frozen in place Brick.

The training manual mentioned nothing about a "Berserker Queen", but it did say that the mission always comes first. Brick the newbie picked up the unconscious VIP and made a run for it.

Adrien wasn't as lucky the second time around. She looks more dead than she is, though she is still pretty dead. She got hit for 7 and stunned for 4 turns!  cry

Reinforcements are here. Dp was left behind and Adrien is stunned, but if we can dodge the boss hits we can rescue the other two..

Brick runs for it first since she has the VIP. The boss attacks Bob, but misses! Brick and the VIP are safely evacuated.

Bob could go for the evac.. But he can also reach Adrien with a blue move, so he could pick her up and carry her to the evac zone before the reinforcements get to act.
That does mean the boss gets to attack him twice, once on a blue move, then a second time on the orange move. What to do, what to do?
I say we bring her back!!

Well, shit. Not only did he get hit and stunned, but you can't actually carry a stunned soldier, so it was all for nothing. alright

He was marked, but no-one took a shot at him. They all overwatched. You've got one more chance Bob. Run like the fucking wind!

First one missed!

Second one missed!

He actually made it!! Now all he has to do is dodge the boss and he's free to evac.

It only hurts more to fall right before the finish line.

And the mission didn't end there.. They forced me to watch as they executed Adrien who was STILL stunned.

Hey guys we won! Yay!  nope

There might yet be hope for Dp101 who was captured alive. I'm sad about losing Adrien though, she was the heart and soul of our squad. We'll be forced back to running double Grenadier now.
Old Harry did get a Captain promotion, which means we can purchase Squad Size II to enable the sixth slot next mission. I forgot to level him up here, I was tilted after what went down.

At least we got the rewards. The text confirms my earlier suspicions about the nature of the mission.

Went to level up Old Harry next. He picked up Kill Zone, which should prove to be extremely useful against enemies that like to charge us.
Chrysalids (which we haven't met yet in XCOM 2, but they are too iconic to be left out) or Berserkers (who are scary in their own right, nevermind the megazerker) might both be chargers that'll make their first appearance soon.

Our roster is starting to thin out. We'll have to pick up some rookies and keep the class training up at all times.


Oh wow, that thing is horrible on a whole new level! yikes

I'm up for another death if you cycle back through the list.

Well, at least I got captured rather than killed. Starting to appreciate the fact that you couldn't get the DLC for xcom 2 on sale if you bought separately, I think getting the rulers would be a bad idea.
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

I hope you'll avenge me by killing that giant ugly thing at some point !

Wow, that's brutal. At this rate only 89 more missions with that Ruler before it's dead...
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Good read this.

With squad size 6 and 3 job opportunities opening up, maybe there is room for Molach the cannon fodder too? :hopeful:
Played: FFH PBEM XXVI (Rhoanna) FFH PBEM XXV (Shekinah) FFH PBEM XXX (Flauros) Pitboss 11 (Kublai Rome)
Playing:Pitboss 18 (Ghengis Portugal) PBEM 60 - AI start (Napoleon Inca)

wow I survived!

Alien facilities never appear in regions you've already contacted, sadly. Getting to them is the hard part, but once you've unlocked the region the mission itself is relatively easy (or at least, there is high potential for an easy mission).

One other thing I should mention is that if a facility is destroyed, it'll reset all progress the aliens have on their latest facility construction. I'm not sure if you can reach one before the next facility goes up, but if you can do it.

alright RIP Adrien and Bob - we'll avenge you scarper and save our own skins.

Name waiting list as of this post:

David Corperial

To make life easier for me.

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