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EitB PBEM LII Organizing & Tech Thread

Also, I have picks from everyone but no player order. If Bob goes in my slot, that would be Auro->superjm->Bob->Cairo, I think.

800 seems reasonable.

800 is ok with me. We really need a new forum, I posted in Thread Moving Requests, but perhaps a thread should be started in Civ General that can be the tech thread?

I'll move this thread over once there's a new subforum, no reason we can't re-purpose it.

(September 30th, 2018, 15:51)Bobchillingworth Wrote: The Luchuirp actually had neither wine nor gems when I rolled the map; it was the only start I edited significantly, since it looked much worse than the others.  

I'm interested in playing, although I'm happy to give the seat to anyone else who wants in.  Fair warning that my work schedule means I doubt I can do better than a turn a day most of the time, and there may be rare occasions where I miss a day.  I won't take offense if you want to drop me for that reason.  

I believe Brian Shanahan had expressed some interest in joining a game as well.

I'd love to be able to play, but I just don't have the time currently.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

I sent out a save to superjm on Sunday; final map size was ~890 tiles, so slightly larger than requested. Final roster:

superjm: Volanna of Svartalfar
Bobchillingworth: Garrim Gyr of Luchuirp
Mr. Cairo: Flauros of Calabim
Aurorarcher: Auric Ulvin of Illians

After some test games, I set the difficulty to Immortal and size to Standard. At lower difficulties the tech rate was, IMHO, too fast.

Edit: I generated the map with different civs and edited in the ones for the game, so players should check starting techs, promotions, special units, etc. I think everything is right, but it's easy to make mistakes.

Got the save, everything seems to be in order for me, so I guess we're off smile

EDIT - Annnd I just realized I don't have Bob's email address lol

Thanks, Dave!

@ Superjim: It's my username, @ gmail.

If everyone could post their emails here, I'll update the first post with all of the relevant game details.

Turn sent, game has officially begun.

Thanks, Dave!

rbaurorarcher at the usual is mine.

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