thanks. This was the turn of the spellstaff, breaking all five of them; 16 units are besieging Beauxbatons, but 6 fireballs together with last turn's barrage got them down to a point where I think we can hold it, with some 6 meaty defenders (swords/uberbear), a few more weaker ones, and 2 hosts Patroni. Up north at Durmstrang we took out an advancing hunter (needing a second fireball courtesy of Hermione's spellstaff after the first one made no dent) with an adept at 84(?)%, who got to 9 XP... hopefully gets the missing one next turn, preferably passively
I was also asking myself when the treants will disappear. This turn (78) it said will disappear in 3 turns. Meaning that they will appear next turn and the one after, and then on t80 they will be gone? (since I assume the timer goes down at the beginning of coldrain's turn). I wanted to check with the saves from last game when we were fighting stupid trees, but the mod has changed.
mack yeah, of course it's bad for his game, although the dents in hammers and food are minor tbh. I just feel stupid for falling for the same trap twice, and not having realized the danger in time, and how it could have been avoided by casting the worldspell.
As compensation for no pictures report, have this clip that Ginger sent me (found no better way of posting it sorry).

I was also asking myself when the treants will disappear. This turn (78) it said will disappear in 3 turns. Meaning that they will appear next turn and the one after, and then on t80 they will be gone? (since I assume the timer goes down at the beginning of coldrain's turn). I wanted to check with the saves from last game when we were fighting stupid trees, but the mod has changed.
mack yeah, of course it's bad for his game, although the dents in hammers and food are minor tbh. I just feel stupid for falling for the same trap twice, and not having realized the danger in time, and how it could have been avoided by casting the worldspell.
As compensation for no pictures report, have this clip that Ginger sent me (found no better way of posting it sorry).