There's an ancient Chinese punishment for the most severe crimes where everyone within two generations (and sometimes more) of the perpetrator were executed.
NobleHelium Wrote:There's an ancient Chinese punishment for the most severe crimes where everyone within two generations (and sometimes more) of the perpetrator were executed.
Well the seven times seven thing was a Bible shoutout. I didn't know quite the exact phraseology but it sounded good. Lemme see if I can find what I was thinking of (or at least something I can PRETEND was what I was thinking about :D)
Shoot - despite the aptly named (of course there is!), couldn't get one. There was some GARBAGE about FORGIVING seventy times seven but who wants to do that?
Little bit of some action going on in Apathy Island
Blue is the garrison of New Folsom aka Tiny Elvis.
Yellow is the remnants of the force that captured Lazy Sunday this turn, which then moved along the road. Hopefully and I mean I PRAY FOR THIS WITH THE UTMOST FAITH, we will be able to disrupt the Dutch worker who is roading the crucial tundra watermill tile. (hopefully)
I loaded up 4 more knights out of the port of Father Guido Sarducci, and they are in red. Next turn red and yellow will combine south of New Folsom, and hopefully they should be able to attack and clear out Apathy Island in 2t (T203).
Apologies for cluttering up the pic with the green info - I moved a trireme to get a peek at the garrison in Sigma Quadrant and was just very amused at the contents. I definitely had a doubletake before realizing that the Turd Ferguson that's there is the original garrison of Hans and Franz that we gifted Yuri as an olive-branch!!!
We'll also unload 4 knights and 2 catapults on the hill 1N of Deadman's Port (top of the picture) next turn, so depending on the garrison, we may be able to capture that on T203 as well. We do have 3 more cats in Sweet River Baines which can be used on Inferno Island over the course of the next few turns.
Pindicator Wrote:Initial Take on our 7 cities for Oxford:
More Cowbell
Nat X
Church Lady
Matt Foley
I queued up Universities after our current builds in More Cowbell, Coneheads, OTOF and Church Lady.
Matt Foley does need a university but it needs some more hammers too. Superfans needs a library still, which I queued up after its current granary. Nat X also needs a library which I queued up.
If you want to do any MM on when we can get Oxford, go for it. I think we might be able to speed it up by building a university somewhere else faster than some of those Yuri cities (Blues Brothers? Deep Thoughts?)
Good turn! I guess it shows my low expectations of the RNG that i'm ecstatic that we won 2 out of 3the battles at 67% odds. Nice meetup of the knights from Guido and the knights on Yellow. Do we even need to garrison Apathy Island right now? I would take every healthy knight and bring in oromos for garriaon later (ideally before scooter lands astronomy). Wounded knights can stay back and heal up.
Agree about the university trade off for a faster Oxford. If i can tonight i will just figure out the fastest 7 cities period, regaedless of their bpt potential
pindicator Wrote:Good turn! I guess it shows my low expectations of the RNG that i'm ecstatic that we won 2 out of 3the battles at 67% odds.
- QoTM anyone?
Quote:Nice meetup of the knights from Guido and the knights on Yellow. Do we even need to garrison Apathy Island right now? I would take every healthy knight and bring in oromos for garriaon later (ideally before scooter lands astronomy). Wounded knights can stay back and heal up.
Agree about the university trade off for a faster Oxford. If i can tonight i will just figure out the fastest 7 cities period, regaedless of their bpt potential
Yeah - cities like Matt Foley and Superfans need a university of course, but they don't have to be one of the 7 necessarily.
We're not really garrisoning Apathy Island - they've just got the knights that are healing. I think there's 1 in I'm on a boat and 1 or 2 in Lazy Sunday - that's it. My plan was to send them over towards Inferno Island once the last city on AI went down