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[SPOILERS] Serdoa, Ichabod and Ex-Girlfriends - co-starring NH,Bigger and Lewwyn

Well, I did hope for seafood, but

none to be found. And the land in the north looks atrocious. Behind the desert is again ocean. Only thing that I see right now what this start would have been great for is TGLighthouse. But that was banned. Other than that in theory Colossus still would be nice, though that leads back to my earlier issue of 3 wonders early on not being good in most circumstances. Also we probably will need Astronomy sooner than we would like with Colossus. So I'd rather not go that route if we can help it.

Pyramids btw is obviously always a topic with Stone nearby, but I don't think this land supports enough specialists. And just for the happy might in theory be better (250 hammers for Pyramids instead of 450 for 18 Archers + saved Maintenance on them) but it just delays you sooo much. Well, lets hope we find some better land because otherwise this might be yet again the worst start in the PB (though this time at least not also coupled with one of the arguably worst leaders).

And before I forget:

slowcheetah has still not settled. We played 2 turns already, so he seems to have moved quite a bit.

Well he is a _slow_ cheetah. lol

so you'll have to plan on the grassland hill to claim the fish, no?
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

So...are we going to be able to scout the area west of the ivory for seafood?

Most likely yes, even before the worker finishes.

T3 scouting reveals:

Fish. Maybe for a city on the desert? Won't have much production - but that seems to be the theme of this start - which certainly has to do with it just being 3-5 tiles wide. Anyhow, I made a stab of how our 3 first cities could be planted and which tile every city would work

I hope you like my painting with the ingame-tools wink Anyhow, this is an idea for a 6-happy-cap (7 for capital), gaining 15 fh/turn for the cap and the stone-city while the third city is just pure commerce. Unfortunately those cities all don't have really any good tiles to grow into afterwards, but that's at least partly an issue with base BTS. Besides cottages and mines (and the occasional farm) there simply is no tile-improvement really worth putting down till after half of the game is done, which means that all non-riverside and especially all non-riverside plains tiles are just bad.

On the other hand, that commerce city should be able to grow to size 12 onto coast-tiles and with Library and University get ~90 beakers / turn on its own.

Well, it seems that we'll have a reasonable amount of backfill land, no matter where it conects to the mainland. By the way, is that really tundra south?

I know we are preparing for it, but better to say it now: considering our current land, do you think Stonehenge is worth it? I can see a perfectly good dot map only using the initial tiles of our next cities, so those initial monuments won't have much value. And later, popping borders become easier.

Not sure what that means, though. Maybe going for Pyramids is better (we could settle on the plains hill near pigs instead of the stone in that case)? Maybe we forgo wonders? Maybe we keep going with the SH plan? I don't know.

That's a good hint Ichabod. I didn't realize it when doing my paintings that indeed the first 3 cities don't need their culture-expansion if we settle 1N of stone, 3N of the capital and 1S of the fish. And also you are right that in the south is no tundra, I have misread the grassland hill for it when it was still fogged.

The question about SH though also needs to be answered long-term. Which possibilities do we have to pop borders?

- artists: only with caste system a viable option and I'm not sure that we would want to use that over slavery
- religion: I'm not sure on that one. I sure would like to grab one, but I doubt it will be easy. I wouldn't be surprised if both Hindu and Budd fall within the first 15-20 turns of this game with the players we have
- culture-buildings: well, yeah, in that case investing in SH is long-term better
- ?

That's why I tend to go very often for SH in my games, I just don't see a good way to pop borders otherwise. The added GP that we most likely get from it is just icing on the cake. And of course the denial-value from no one else having it, which is not to be forgotten either, especially in a 10-player game.

This start sucks.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

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