Alright, I have a version I'm happy with! Always looking for feedback and tweaks though. With this version we get 5th city out T60, 6th worker T62, and copper connected T61, with a couple warriors that upgrade to spears in queue. Also first 3 cities all have granaries (and grow 50%+ after to not waste any), and there are 3 chariots and 6 warriors across the empire on T61. T62 also has 4th city whip its granary, and growing onto flood-cottages. This version is super growth heavy, with little commerce or military priority. But with our pick and green-ness, I feel we need to take some risks early to stay in the game. Let me know what you think!!!
The main thing this doesn't account for is barbs, and we have to play a little risky in the first 40-60 turns, so it might slow down some, but it's a little RNG dependent.
T39: Ramsey start chop.
T40: Bourdain finish chop.
T41: Found Tea (monument). Bourdain road 1NW Water. Ramsey finish chop. Lopez move to forest hill. Water start warrior.
T42: Ramsey road 1W Tea. Lopez road forest hill. Tea take cap sheep.
T43: Bourdain chop 1NW Water. Ramsey pasture horse.
T44: Lopez road 1W Tea. Bourdain road 1W. Coffee start worker. Water start warrior.
T45: Ramsey/Lopez finish horse. Coffee 2-whip worker.
T46: Finish Pottery. Ramsey/Lopez road horse. Bourdain chop 1NW Water. Nat chop 1NW Coffee. Coffee/Tea start granary. Coffee take cap sheep, Water work ivory.
T47: Bourdain finish chop. Lopez/Ramsey chop forest 2W Tea. Water 4, start settler, take cap sheep.
T48: Bourdain road 3W Water. Nat finish chop. Ramsey finish chop. Lopez camp ivory. Water 2-whip settler. Coffee steal cap sheep.
T49: Nat move to wheat. Ramsey/Nat move to hill forest (Tea takes). Water start granary. Tea take cap sheep, switches to chariot. Settler move to 4.
T50: Bourdain start pigs. Ramsey chop forest. Nat move to Ramsey. Tea 1-whip chariot. Coffee take cap sheep, tea switch to horse. Red Wine (4) settled; start granary.
T51: Ramsey/Nat finish chop. Lopez finish camp.
T52: Nat move to wheat. Lopez move to wheat. Ramsey chop forest 1W Water. Water works ivory. Tea border pop, finish granary, start chariot.
T53: Bourdain finish pig. Nat/Lopez start wheat. Coffee size 4, start worker. Water take cap sheep.
T54: Bourdain cottage 1W Red Wine. Ramsey chop forest 1SW Water. Coffee 2-whip worker (Oliver, 5th).
T55: Bourdain finish chop 1W of Water. Oliver move to cow. Lopez move to hill. Nat finish wheat. Tea finish chariot, start chariot, swap to wheat. Water start settler. Coffee steal cap sheep, back to granary.
T56: Oliver road hill 1NW cow. Nat cottage 1W Tea. Lopez/Ramsey finish chop 1SW Water. Coffee finish granary, start warrior (will upgrade to spear in queue). Water take cap sheep, Coffee take cap deer.
T57: Lopez/Ramsey move 2N Water. Nat cottage 2W Tea. Oliver road 1W cow. Coffee take cap sheep, Water take cap deer.
T58: Ramsey/Lopez road 2N Water. Bourdain finish cottage 1W Red Wine (switch to work). Oliver finish road 1W cow. Settler (5) move 1NW cow. Water back to granary.
T59: Lopez finish road 1NW cow. Oliver road copper. Ramsey move to copper. Bourdain cottage 1S Red Wine. Settler move to yellow dot. Water finish granary, 1-turn chariot.
T60: White Wine (5) founded, start monument. Oliver finish copper road. Ramsey/Lopez mine copper. Nat finish cottage 2E Tea (can be shared by Tea/Water). Coffee grow to size 4, start worker. Tea steal cap sheep. Water finish chariot, start warrior (upgrades to axe next turn).
T61: Coffee 2-whip worker (6th). Copper finish, warrior in queue at becomes spear. Tea grows to size 3, works cottage.
T62: Coffee finishes 6th worker.
Pictured: State of the Empire on T61. 0% into MC after Pottery on T46 (checked now), because ktb is a lot now. Only thing wrong in this pic is the spear has no hammers in Coffee, because I forgot to switch it in this run earlier.